Disclaimer: I do NOT own Bleach in anyway.
Warning: Lemons, yaoi, and abnormal character traits contained in this (some character traits are not normal for some of the characters). x] Oh and first ever story, be kind! ^_^"
Toshiro was sitting in his office when he sensed a familiar, but unwanted spiritual pressure nearby. Standing, he placed his hand on Hyorinmaru, his zanpakuto, ready to fight the unwanted visitor.
"Where the hell are you Ichimaru, I know you're here!" The captain of the 10th division snarled. He wasn't amused with Gin's hiding games.
"Oh my my my, you're temper is no better then last time I came to visit. Tisk tisk." A figure steps out of the shadows, with his usual fox smile plastered on his face. "Oh well, I'll just have to break you of that wont I?" Gin's smile widened at the look on Toshiro's face.
Ichimaru flash steps and appears behind captain Hitsugaya hitting him, with force, at the base of his neck knocking him unconscious. Just as his sight starts to fade Toshiro sees Gin smile and pick him up, loosing consciousness just as Gin transports them to Hueco Mundo.
Toshiro sits up screaming, wide eyed, covered in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. 'A dream... a horrible, sickly nightmare...' Toshiro pulls his knees to his chest shaking violently.
Rangiku looks over at her captain worried, this has never happened before. Seeing her captain so mortified she goes over and lifts him up, and to her surprise, he doesn't try to force her away. Still shaking Toshiro keeps curled up in Rangiku's arms, as she rocks him like a small child, humming a lullaby. Rangiku hold's her captain close to her sighing. 'What caused you to react like that captain? This isn't like you...' She hears a muffled muttering sound and looks down at her captain, who is flailing wildly. Pulling his head back gasping for air Toshiro yells angrily "Gah! What the hell Matsumoto?! Why where you suffocating me with those double Y boobs of yours?!" Toshiro takes a few more gasps of air before squirming out of his vice-captain grip.
"Tch... I'm sorry captain, I just thought you needed some comforting... you seemed... terrified of something..." Rangiku crosses her arms. 'Sheesh, all I did was try to help.'
Toshiro sighs some. "Sorry Matsumoto... I... the dream I had seemed so real..." He sits on the floor looking down.
"Well, what was it about? If you don't mind my asking.." Rangiku looks worriedly down at her captain.
"It had to do with that basterd, Ichimaru." Toshiro says through gritted teeth.
Ranguku continues looking at her captain worriedly. "Oh... that may explain why you where shaking so violently.."
"...I was what?!" Toshiro says angrily but confused.
"Yes, you where shaking like a sakura blossom in gale force winds" Rangiku says sympathetically. "Well, a nights rest should help. I'll see you in the morning captain Hitsugaya" She gets up and walks to the door bowing to Toshiro, who is still on the floor, and exits for the evening.
Toshiro nods as Rangiku departs, the puts his head in his hands shaking his head. 'It was a dream... just a horrible dream..' He gets up to leave also making sure he has Hyorinmaru before he departs for the night.
Walking down the hall Toshiro notices that the corridors are empty. 'Hmmm... it must be later then I thought..' As he exits the Sereitei a soft breeze blows past.
A shadow watches from a distance, keeping his spiritual pressure hidden so that his prey wont sense him. 'Soon Shiro, that nightmare of your will become reality.' His smile widens as he fades to the shadows to think of a way to capture his prize.
Okay, short I know, but (i hope) it will get better! ^u^ Hoped you liked it, please review. Lemons, to come next chapter! x]