Chapter 1 – Butterflies

Ricky's POV

I was in the hall at my locker when Adrian came behind me.

"Hey, stranger." She said in her sexy voice.

"Hey, sexy." I said as I turned around.

"Do you want to come over tonight?" She said looking up at me with puppy dog eyes and hugging me.

"Oh, I can't. I have to go over Amy's tonight and help with John." I said hoping she wouldn't freak out. But boy, was I wrong.

"Amy's?! What the hell are you going over her house for? She can take care of him by herself. She doesn't need to go whining and calling you every time the kid freaking cries. Gosh, she is so needy and clingy." She said making a scene causing people to stare.

"Adrian, I'm just gonna help Amy with John. What do you think I'm going to do? Have sex with her?" I said staring her down. "Plus, even if I did, what the hell do you care. It's my life. And we're just friends…friends with benefits. Come on Adrian. You can't quit me." I said putting the hair in her face behind her ear. "You're mine. Trust me."

"Yours? I'm not anyone's especially yours." She said with rage in her eyes. "Don't every say that to me again."

"Please. I can say whatever I want to you. You will still call me. You will still want to have sex with me. You will still want me." I said looking at her red face.

"Think again. I don't need you." She said walking away. I just smirked. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. I went to my place above the butcher shop and took a shower. Then I went over to Amy's house. I went in to find Amy and John. They weren't downstairs so I went up to Amy's room to find them both sleeping. Amy looked tired. I went up to her feeling I needed to do this. I lightly placed my lips on hers. Then, I went downstairs to get something to eat. When I was finished, I went back upstairs to see Amy awoke and holding John in her arms. She was beautiful. She saw me and put John back in his crib.

"I didn't notice you come in." She said sweetly.

"Yeah, I came in a while ago. I saw you sleeping, so I went downstairs to get something to eat." I said.

"Look, Ricky. I'm sorry about how I've been treating you lately. I've just been really stressed, and I've been a little…or a lot tired." She said looking down.

"You just had our son. Of course you're gonna be tired and stressed." I said kneeling down to her. "With everything going wrong in our lives, at least we got him." I said standing up and looking at John. "Look Amy, you are the first girl to ever have my child. Hopefully you are the last." I said.

"What?" She asked surprised. "What about Adrian?"

"I don't think I really want a kid with Adrian. John's the best son in the world. Besides, if I had a kid with Adrian, it could turn out pretty messed up." I said laughing.

"But it would have a great father." She said smiling.

"You think I'm a great father?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think you're a great father." She replied.

"Thanks, Amy. That means a lot coming from you." I said smirking.

"Don't mention it. So do you want to go downstairs and watch some TV?" She said. "I could take John's playpen down so he can be near us."

"Ok." I said smirking. I feel kind of weird. My stomach is feeling weird. I don't think it's nausea or anything. Ugh, I wish I knew what it was. I like this feeling. We walked downstairs to the couch. I don't know why, but I put my arm around her. I guess it made her uncomfortable because she moved it away.

"Ben." She said. That was all she had to say.

"Sorry." I said turning red. She giggled. We were sitting there for hours just talking and watching TV. We talked about Ben's jealousy, Adrian's jealousy, school, but most important, we talked about John, and how it was to be parents. Then, the phone rang. Amy went to go answer it. I looked at the clock and it was 9 o' clock.

"Sorry. Hold on." She said as she got up. There it goes again. The thing with my stomach. It was feeling weird again. The thing I liked. I had to figure out what it was. Just when I thought I knew what it was, Amy came back. It was still there, but it increased. "Sorry, that was my mom. She's staying over at David's tonight, so I'm going to have the house to myself. It's gonna be fun having the house to myself though. Whenever John cries, I will be hear all by myself to help. If you don't see me in school tomorrow, you'll know where I'll be. In bed." She said getting frustrated.

"How about I stay the night then?" I said knowing that she needed help.

"I couldn't ask you to do that." She said looking pitiful.

"Yes you can. You can ask me anything you want." I said taking her hand in mine. This time she didn't say "Ben", but instead…

"Ok. You can stay. But you can just sleep in the chair in my room." She said smiling.