Chapter VI: Enemies

A/N: Ok, so they finally land on Vegetasei! This will kind of be the ending of act I and beginning of act II. I had to give Nappa some time, but don't worry it will pay off later. Enjoy! :}

Nappa cast a long shadow as he stood on one of the sidewalks of Vegetasei's capitol city, Saiya-jin. Towering over him, the buildings branded the night sky with their stature and neon lights. Like angry bees, hovercraft zipped around the streets chauffeuring their patrons. The saiyan elite inhaled, he savored the scent of his home planet—it smelled alive.It's been a long while. Nappa thought and he stepped out into the forest of civilization.

It was customary for the elites from any ship that took harborage in Saiya-jin to make use of the luxuries afforded them. One said luxury was being toted around the city by a personal chauffeur who would pick up the high ranking officer from the port and contract their service to that individual until the officer was due to embark their ship again. Nappa had waved off all those who'd tried to gain his business; he was tired of being cooped up and preferred to hoof it.

Once in the heart of the city, Nappa scanned his surroundings and narrowed in on a restaurant. Above the building stood a 3D sign, on it was a golden oozaru reclining and patting it's belly. Oh, I've missed this place. Nappa smiled and entered 'The Happy Oozaru'.

"What'll the master have?" asked the barkeep with his back to his customer. He was a surly looking fellow. Sea-foam green was his gritty skin; he was noseless and hairless—except for the semi-translucent fin atop his head.

"To start, I'll have a Trovish Moonbeam and a four-pound Loraxian Stack—grilled." Nappa pulled up to the bar and glanced around. "Yer place is lookin' good, Pheros." The restaurant was packed as usual; a throng of people were dancing in front of the stage where live music was being played.

Pheros turned to his patron. "You never give any o' me other menu items a chance, Nappa. You ain't old enough to be stuck in your ways." The barkeep slid the elite his drink. "But thanks, I've been doin' pretty well me-self; converted the top floor to a sky dome... that attracted the 'couple crowds' like ants, I tell ya."

"Heh, well, as the only supplier of Loraxian in the city" Nappa took a swig of his frothy, glowing libation. "I'll be visiting 'Oozaru' til my death day."

"Now, if ya could get the prince in here, I'll see some real growth." Pheros nodded a greeting to a tall hooded man that had just entered. "Even if he just walked past or talked to the other captains."

"Na, the prince is too classy for this—no offense. But that's what I like about this place. Reminds me of my younger days... just a low level grunt looking for a fight." Nappa's sandwich was brought out on a large plate. He grabbed it with one hand and chomped off a hearty portion.

I dunno what he marinates these in but—Nappa swallowed and threw back the rest of his drink—it's too damn good.

Pheros was pulled away from the bar and the elite was left alone. Nappa finished his snack with a couple more bites; he pulled out a coin and tossed it onto the counter top. Before he could get up to leave the bar, another person entered.

"Nappa, you dirty bum of a saiyan!"

A wicked smile drew up on Nappa's face. "Jora! Bastard, what the hell are you doin' here?" The elite stood up and slapped the newcomer on the shoulder with a force that would make an elephant keel over. "I didn't think ya'd show your face in a place like this now that you've been promoted to an elite."

"Hey!" Pheros shot from behind the bar.

Jora chuckled. He was a head shorter than Nappa, but was just as barrel-chested. Jora donned a bushy sprout of brown hair. He liked to claim that—by some odd, disjointed ramification from the royal family tree—he was related to King Vegeta; thus Nappa cleverly bestowed his friend with the title of 'bastard'. "Well, as soon as I saw the SSJ land I figured I'd find you here, but I have come to enjoy tossin' spirits up in the Jade Eye."

"Is that what they're calling the new place now? Since that place ain't filled with nothin' but the Overlord's cronies, I thought they'd call it 'Lord Frieza's Left Ba—"

"Bartender, gimme a Naked Asha, hold the ice!" Jora shouted over Nappa then said in a lower voice. "You've got to keep that mouth of yours shut."

"Relax Jora, I ain't sayin' anything you didn't hear before." Nappa signaled to the barkeep for another round of drink. He settled back into his seat as his friend leaned close.

"Listen, they're getting real strict around here for us saiyans. Even the elite." Jora chugged down his drink. "I been back on Vegetasei for a few months and can tell ya that somethin' is up. They've kept every saiyan-run ship harbored here within the past year. No one's getting' orders for their next tour and the last saiyan ship of our fleet was the SSJ... I'd be surprised if we don't get a visit from Frieza here real soon."

Nappa sloshed his glass around. He didn't particularly care for the taste of the cocktail he'd ordered, but he loved the way it glowed. "Well, Frieza wont be arrivin' for another month, but maybe he's come to his senses and realized that it's the saiyans who should be his first-in-command. Ya know, maybe we're all gettin' promoted."

The hooded man next to them snorted.

"I don't think you understand." Jora dropped his voice to a near inaudible whisper. "Among some of Frieza's men there have been rumor of insurgence. As if we are plannin' to knock-off Frieza and take over the galactic trade ourselves." The elite stood up from his stool and placed his payment on the counter. "I have a brief meeting with my captain, but I'm headin' up to the Fighting Rings afterward. You should check 'em out. They've got someone named, uh, Re-coome who's been there a few nights. He can put on a real show." Jora waved, "I'll see ya around" and he left the bar.

Nappa sighed and finished his drink. He'd worked with the prince since he was a kid. He was practically Vegeta's older brother, at least Nappa felt that way even though the prince outranked him in status and power. He believed that Vegeta could take the saiyans beyond there current state. He knew it. 'We will not be that lizard's footstool for the rest of our lives, I lay my life on that promise!' He needed to tell the prince what he heard. Even if it was just rumor and conjecture.

The throbbing music and pulse of the dancing crowd had begun to annoy Nappa. He put another coin next to his glass and headed for the exit. On the street again, Nappa turned back the way he'd come—toward the port. He glanced up at the evening sky and saw the spherical, floating bar above the buildings, the Jade Eye. It rotated and glimmered slowly. Nappa had never gone in it, but from his spot on the ground he could tell he wouldn't like it.

Music poured out onto the sidewalk as the door to The Happy Oozaru opened again. A tall, hooded figure spotted his target and followed suit. A single strand of dark green hair fell from his head.

*Prior to landing on Vegetasei.

Capsules were scattered about the tiny room; a few spilled from the mouth of the satchel that had been hurled against the wall. The makeshift bag of space-biscuits was stuffed into the waste basket. A cold, metallic pistol lay at the foot of the bed.

Bulma had her face crushed against her pillow; tears stained her cheeks. It was an hour before the SSJ would begin it's descent on the saiyan's home planet. An awful sickening feel had found its way to Bulma's stomach and spread throughout her being like cancer. Like tearing the wings from a dove, she saw her last hope of restitution for the life she once had seized and severed. She was never to see the beauty of Chikyuu, never to feel the caress of her boyfriend, never to breath as of free woman again. Bulma gazed over her pillow and thought of what went on in the hangar just hours ago.

The saiyan approached the blue haired woman. He was tall, tanned, and well groomed—by their standards. His hair was black and pulled back into a fairly long ponytail. He had an air of self-confidence and a smirk to punctuate it. "Next time you have the urge to run around late at night, try not to use an elites pass-code." Dothra closed in on the two. "I've noticed Nappa's late night galley raids, but once I saw him access the engineering bay a few nights and then the hangar today. Well, I kind of figured it out. That and he's supposed to be sitting in on the elite's meeting with Vegeta."

Bulma eyed Dothra's elite insignia and stood up in front of Gohan who was still seated on the floor. "What do you want? Aren't you supposed to be at the meeting as well?" She crossed her arms over her chest. Her feigned bravery was betrayed by her wavering voice.

"What do I want? Hm, I don't think you understand your situation." Dothra ignored her latter question and continued his approach; Bulma backed up until she was against the space-pod. The elite stopped a few inches from her. Heat radiated from his body and licked her skin like solar flares from the sun. Bulma was sure he was generating an aura of ki. Dothra smiled as he towered over her. "There are powers that exist in this universe that could decimate your planet and system with just a glance, girl. I happen to be employed by one of those powers. Do not think that there exists a place where you can escape wrath once its set it's sights on you. No depth or darkness in space... especially with this little secret you've been hiding... these 'dragon balls'." Dothra looked down at Gohan. "I will happily rip this child in two if you do not answer me."

Gohan stared up at the elite and got to his feet. "Leave my friend alone!"

Bulma let her eyes fall to the boy. "Gohan it's ok. You-uh- we are going to be ok."

Dothra smiled and placed a gloved hand to the side of Bulma's cheek. He traced her jawline and stopped just under her chin. "Yes, you'll be ok." He leaned down and brought his face to hers. "Tell me! What are these dragon balls?"

Bulma swallowed and tried to bring some amount of composure together. "Th-they are golden balls we collect on Chikyuu. They're hidden all over the planet and you have to collect all" She looked Dothra in the eyes. "five. Each of them have a number of stars on them, the number of stars is irrelevant, but once the five are gathered a dragon, Shenron, is summoned."

Dothra raised a brow.

"He will grant you one wish—anything you want. After that, the balls disperse again and cannot be used for another year." Bulma closed her eyes in pain. The dragon balls were her trump card; the fragments of hope she'd been clinging to were shattered to dust and blown away by that despotic prince. "What would Vegeta wish for?" She blurted.

Dothra cocked his head and chuckled heartily. "Oh, I'm sure he'd wish for a few more inches in height, but how would I know. He is no threat. The one whom I was referring to is Lord Frieza. If you're going to choose a side never choose the winner's opposition.. you'd be guaranteed a fast trip to the next dimension. But back to dragon balls; I'm not done with you yet." The smirk on Dothra's face became menacing. "How has a planet of such unremarkable beings come to own the powerful gift of 'dragon balls'?"

Bulma hesitated. Images of Kami and The Lookout popped into her mind. It was a long, convoluted, and, if one wasn't aware of Chikyuu's history, highly unbelievable story that had more than a few inconsistencies.

Dothra narrowed his eyes. "Do not attempt to lie to me, girl!" He spat. His large hand dropped from her chin and closed around her neck. "Tell me where they come from!"

"Stop." She breathed. Dothra's grip tightened, he had a twinkle of amusement in his eye. Bulma grasped at his hand and failed to pull it away. She opened her mouth for air and to answer the saiyan brute but could do neither as asphyxiation's heavy hand clutched her. So weak, she thought. "St... sto..."

"Buma!" Gohan shouted and punched Dothra's leg, causing him to buckle. The saiyan let go of the woman and kicked the boy across the room. Gohan slid a few yards, sprung to his feet, and faced Dothra in a fighting stance.

"Stop!" Bulma choked out. Her chest heaved from fear and the reintroduction of oxygen to her lungs. "I'm not trying to lie to you!" Tears had filled her eyes. She looked up at Dothra. "They come from our planet's guardian. He creates the dragon balls and allows us to use them once a year."

The saiyan turned from Gohan."Well, where was the guardian when we took the planet?"

She wiped her face. "I don't know."

Dothra considered her for a moment. "Lets hope he wasn't among the rest of humanity during its culling."

Bulma's eyes widened. "What?! I thought you just killed those who opposed you! Those who fought back... I thought everyone else was going to be enslaved like me!"

"Hah, no, you and the boy are the last of your race. Besides, what good would we be if we only did a half-assed job?" He pointed across the hangar where two empty landing pads sat. "We left a couple of low class warriors to finish the job."

Bulma sobbed. My parents! She shook as this realization settled on her. How can anyone do that!

Dothra bent down, picked Bulma up by the collar, and pushed her against the space-pod. "You did good. I think Lord Frieza will find this information invaluable. If these dragon balls do exist, it's only a matter of time before he's granted immortality." Dothra sighed and looked up and down Bulma's body. "If you make it to the end..." He placed a hand on her waist and squeezed. A sudden look of disgust fell over his face. "And if the prince hasn't claimed you for his own, I think I'll take you for a mate." The saiyan released Bulma and turned on his heel. "You two should head back to your rooms. And don't worry, I won't be telling the prince, but" He looked back at her. "be prepared to talk before Frieza."

The alarm rattled off in the compartment announcing their descent on Vegetasei. Bulma rolled over to her side. She couldn't take it.

Reality marches on mercilessly

to the cadence of time,

without an ounce of regard

for those who fall behind.

The throne sat in the center of the Obsidian Hall like a fang in a big, black maw. Translucent, vaulted ceilings capped the room and tree-trunk thick columns lined the walls all the way to the large arching entry where Vegeta stood. He hadn't seen the throne since he was a child and even then, during his grandfather's rule, it wasn't as packed as it was now. Restoration of King Vegeta's castle had been underway for two months. The keep was nearly finished and the crew was moving on to the adjacent towers and the bailey. It'd been Vegeta's first day on his home planet, but he could feel the change in the air; it was electric.

"My prince, when will we see you seated up there?" a female voice spoke behind Vegeta. He turned and, to his pleasure, faced the beautiful saiyan captain of The Rapier, Xanda.

Vegeta smirked. "Once my father accepts my offer of early retirement." He walked down the hall; she followed.

Xanda laughed. "Well, I'd like to see his reaction when you extend that proposition to him. Where is he anyway?"

The prince shrugged, the two passed the throne and made their way down another passage. "He's been something of an adviser to Lord Frieza." Vegeta looked at her. "I am not quite sure what he does, but what I do know is that he is not here ruling as he should be."

Xanda was silent and nodded.

"It's been so long since we had our entire fleet on Vegetasei. I was surprised to see the harbor as full as it was, but..." The prince stopped in the middle of the hall with a pensive look on his face. "I will ask Lord Frieza and my father if I can be relieved of my post as captain of the SSJ and—as his heir to the throne—be made ruler over our people."

The female saiyan smiled and said in a quieter tone. "You don't need their permission, my prince. We'll follow you through the endless sea of this black universe and back again if you willed it. The men on my ship and on every other ship in our fleet is waiting for the King to return... Lead us." Xanda bowed and left Vegeta.

The saiyan prince headed down toward the dock; he had the SSJ moored at the castle. With the support of the other captains, I don't think Frieza will deny my request. Vegeta thought. He was down near the lowest level of the keep. I'll make Bardock captain and—Vegeta stopped in mid-thought. He had walked into something. The prince looked down and saw the blue haired woman; she'd fallen to the floor.

Vegeta opened his mouth, a wave of insults and expletives were caught in his throat. The girl trembled where she sat. Has that despicable hope of her's has finally been quelled? He took a step toward her. Bulma looked up and Vegeta froze.

The prince felt his chest rise, but somehow he'd forgotten how to exhale. The girl's skin was pallid, her cheeks and nose were pink, and wrapped around her neck like a choker was a purple bruise—a hand print. But what affected Vegeta above everything else were her eyes. Those eyes that shimmered like starlight, that held all the depth of an ocean, the clarity of the sky, and the ferocity of a summer storm were now abandoned to an ordinary, dull blue. A tear fell from one of them and Vegeta's own eyes followed its trail down to her chin. He clenched his fist. "I warned you not cross my path again, woman."

Bulma slowly nodded and stared at his boots. "Sorry." She managed to mumble.

An alien pain had settled in the prince's stomach; it seemed to want to pull him apart. Vegeta set his jaw and knelt down. He quickly glanced over the rest of her body. She doesn't appear to have any other wounds. Oddly enough, he felt some relief. Vegeta placed his hands gently around her shoulders. She flinched, but didn't dare try to fight him off. The prince lifted her to her feet. Was it wrong of me to bring this frail girl with me?

Bulma looked up at Vegeta. Despite the fact that he was shorter than most saiyans, he was still several inches taller than her.

"I've treated you like an enemy..."he spoke. His hands were still placed on her shoulders. "but you are not my enemy." Shock quickly spread over the girl's face. Vegeta dropped his hands and turned from her.

"Then who is?" Bulma called out after him.

Vegeta looked back at the girl. The life in her eyes flickered briefly. He opened his mouth to answer.

"Prince Vegeta!" A voice shouted from the end of the hall. Bardock came running toward them. "It's Lord Frieza. He's changed course for Vegetasei; he'll be here within a week!"

A/N: Ok, guys. I am going off to basic training for 8 weeks so it will be a while before the next update. I'm sorry, but I hope you've enjoyed it so far! I promise I will complete this story! Have a great summer! (or w/e, depending on where you are) :]


Please Review, thanks! :]