Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Harry's face reddened, as he tried to remove himself from the room. "No. Sirius. Just no."

"Come'on Harry. Its my duty as godfather to tell you the facts of life." Sirius said, puffing out his chest.

Harry turned around. "Its not you duty to tell me the facts of life. I know them. I learned them in school."

"Hogwarts has a sex class? Wow, glad I missed that one." Sirius said. He started grinning imagining McGonagall teaching a sex class.

"No Muggle school." Harry opened the library door.

"Come back here now. Harry James Potter!" Sirius shouted. Seeing the shocked expression on Harry's face, he grinned. "I'm telling you about sex. Sit down"

Harry sat down; he looked expectantly at Sirius. "Are you going to talk?"

Sirius reddened, "Well, I never imagined I'd get this far." He hummed for a few seconds, obviously thinking. "Okay, well there are the birds and the bees. And they uh… Like each other -"

"Why in the name of Merlin, would a bee want to get it on with a bird? It's not right; I mean that bee can't possibly pleasure the bird. He's too small. Now if it was the bird and I. Then that bird would be immensely pleasured. I mean I know all the moves. Remus taught me." Harry looked into the startled face of Sirius.

He'd bet Fred 20 galleons that he could get Sirius to leave, and forget his 'talk'. Harry continued, happy with his progress. "I bet the bees could do it for each other though. I mean it would be a personal choice, one that I'm okay with. But I'd have to give it a try first. Wouldn't want to walk in blind, would we?" Harry looked around expecting to see his godfather. "Sirius!?" Sirius had fled the room that much was obvious. But why?

Harry left the room grinning.

Please R&R, constructive criticism is love.
