Author's Note: Finally, it is finished!I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. I have started my second year of college and…oi. But anyway, here it is, and as I promised, this chapter is complete with many more beloved characters than just our Pevensies. I am sorry to say that this will be the last chapter. These are simply getting too hard to write.

Disclaimer: I need to think up some more witty responses.

201. Endeavor

Eustace tried so hard to follow the straight and narrow after being undragoned, honest he did. "Eustace! You drop Reepicheep right now! Drop him, I say!" But some opportunities proved too strong to resist.

202. Enlistee

The only time Peter ever had to wonder if his brother would enlist in the army rather than attend University with him was when he caught Edmund looking at a recruiting office longingly. As soon as he had done so, however, a young man walked out of the building donning a look of pride. Edmund immediately stiffened, and Peter knew he would never have to worry again.

203. Masochism

Peter analyzed his brother's face as Edmund got his stitches. The healer had insisted he not watch, but Edmund, forever stubborn, had refused the suggestion and watched almost eagerly as the needle wove in and out of his skin. As Peter looked on, he couldn't help but remember a small boy crying at the idea of a finger prick and wonder what had changed his brother so much.

204. Refocus

Jill hated her Literature class. It was so dull, and she would often find herself dreaming away the class without any recollection of what had been said. That all changed, however, when seating arrangements were altered and she was placed next to one of Them. Suddenly, her bouts of daydreaming vanished and were rapidly replaced with crushing blows to her self esteem, and the only way to hide from them was to try paying attention.

205. Trees (1)

Phillip didn't mind all of the looks he got from the other Horses. They had all wanted the same thing, of course. Freedom, equality, fairness. Just because Phillip's wants were fulfilled in a different package didn't mean he wasn't getting exactly what every Animal wanted, though that the package was the Just King of Narnia made it easier to accept the fact.

206. Impetuous

Caspian had never been one for plans. He had spent his days learning history, rhetoric, and maths, never battle strategies. But when he suddenly chose to blatantly ignore direct orders and go to his uncle's chambers rather than head for the gate house, even he knew it was a stupid mistake.

207. Jailed

Of course she knew what she was giving up. She was a Tarkheena for crying out loud. But even paradise would be nothing more than a jail once she married that man.

208. Skinnier

When Susan saw just how tiny Cor was under all of those baggy clothes, she had to admit that she was wrong. It really was possible to be skinnier than Edmund and still function.

209. Sham

At first, Cor didn't know what to make of the idea of having a twin brother. On the one hand, it was wonderful that he had a sibling to bond and play with and teach him the ways of the world. On the other, the pranks were all too easy, and with the way his Calormene father had reared him, they made him feel utterly disgraceful and guilty.

210. Jesting

It was remarkable just how similar the Archenlander twins were to Edmund and Peter. Peter was a solid, steady man who kept his priorities and guiding light straight. Cor was exactly the same way. Edmund, though wise and thoughtful, never fully gave up his inner child and was always ready to pounce on a good joke. Corin, much to the dismay of everyone around him, was exactly the same way.

211. Venerable

Edmund smiled proudly as he watched the Calormene noble quiver before the High King. It was clear that his reputation had preceded him.

212. Understudy (2)

"What would I do without you, Ed?"

"Just think of me as your backup plan." Edmund accepted the brotherly kiss firmly planted on his forehead.

213. Hiss

"Edmund…are you okay…?" Peter had to hold back a jump when he heard his brother literally hiss at the corpse that, moments ago, had tried to run the High King through with a spear.

214. Blab

Edmund walked down the hall, sure that he hadn't been caught this time. As soon as he turned the corner, however, he spotted Corin standing next to a dripping wet Peter.

"He did it!"


Corin could only smile.

215. Safe

Afterward, he realized just how silly the notion was, but when Aslan freed Tumnus from the stone, the moment he set eyes on Lucy, he knew he was safe.

216. Inevitable

Every Animal knew it was only a matter of time before the prophecy was fulfilled and the White Witch was destroyed, but did such responsibility really have to fall to children?

217. Swim

Back in England, Edmund had never been a very good swimmer. When he came to Narnia, he had hoped that would change.

"What do you think you were doing? You could have drowned!"

But since when did he ever get what he wanted?

218. Militarize

Even with the War pressing on them in England, Peter had never been able to picture Edmund as a soldier, a warrior. Upon entering Narnia, however, he found out why. Edmund had not been built to fight in our world. He had been built to fight the old way, the right way. And as the ten year old strode up to his brother, doused in armor and carrying a shield and sword, Peter knew he was looking at the Real Edmund, the one that he was meant to see, and the elder brother couldn't have been more proud.

219. Befoul

It didn't matter where they fought. It didn't matter who the enemy was. It didn't matter what the weather was like. There were some things about battle that were simply fact. Just because they were fact, however, didn't mean they had to make sense.

"It's the middle of a drought! How on earth could we get muddy on the battlefield?"

220. Expectation

At first, Corin had been excited about his first battle, permission given to enter or not. Then he witnessed the death of a soldier, a soldier he knew, and suddenly he wasn't so excited anymore.

221. Maul

Mr. Beaver had come to terms with the fact that, when he returned home, the Wolves would have inflicted some damage to his beautiful dam. What he hadn't braced himself for however, was the utter mauling his years of hard work had endured. His Mate put her hand on his arm comfortingly, but, too proud to admit defeat, he pecked her on the cheek and smiled softly. "Still loads to do, not quite finished yet." He whispered, and set off to rebuild his home.

222. Train

For years, she had watched them practice every day so that they would be able to best any enemy. But there was one that they faced in the end that no amount of effort could have saved them from, and suddenly all of that hard work and all of those splendid days seemed utterly wasted.

223. Conspiracy

"It's a conspiracy, I tell you! The government is trying to poison children, force us to eat what obviously must be very bad for us in an attempt to make us obey any order given to us. It's all a trap. We have to resist!"

"Edmund, shut up and eat your peas."

224. Naughty

"Edmund, do you really think we should do this? What if they get upset?"

"Lucy, we are going to be stuck with them every day for the rest of our lives. Not only that, we're going to be royalty all the while. They're going to forget how to relax and have fun. It is our job to remind them how to do it properly. If they get upset with us, it's their own fault."

225. Romance

Edmund watched as his brother kissed a suitor lightly on the lips. His face contorted into one of absolute horror and disgust. Peter had told him that one day he would understand and feel the same, but Edmund was dead set on never falling in love, no matter what.

226. Bite

"You know better than to sneak up on me!"

"I still can't believe you bit me!"

"Well you were asking for it."

"Tapping you on the shoulder is not an invitation to be bitten, thank you very much."

227. Tale

Eustace had a habit of telling tall tales in order to get sympathy or respect, but even he couldn't find a way to exaggerate the story of his undragoning, not that he would want to any longer.

228. Branding

Though the wand had felt like ice rather than fire when it entered his body, Edmund couldn't help but think that, when the White Witch had stabbed him, she had permanently branded him as her own.

229. Cough

"Oh Edmund…"

"Peter, you know he doesn't like it when you worry out loud…"

As another coughing fit conquered his body, Edmund shot Lucy an incredibly grateful glance for saying what she knew he wanted to and couldn't.

230. Herd

It didn't matter how old they got, both in our world and in Narnia. Whenever it was time for bed, it always seemed as though Peter had to herd Edmund and Lucy into their rooms like a flock of silly, misbehaving sheep, and one would always try to stray from the group.

231. Hole

"Oh come now, Ed, don't whine so much. There is no shame in getting wounded on the battlefield."

"There is when the wound is a sprained ankle that resulted in stepping into a hole!"

"Okay, maybe there is a little shame in it."

232. Re

Lucy was always the type to try again. No matter what mistake had been made, she made it her sworn mission in life to immediately go back and redo it until she got it right. She had always known, of course, that one day she would come across something that couldn't be redone. She just had never guessed that it would be at the most dire moment, when her brother's life rested in her hands.

233. Vacancy

"If Cair Paravel had been in our world," Edmund mused one soft summer day. "And we had abandoned it, someone probably would have turned it into a hotel by now."

"Another reason to favor Narnia. They know how to treat someone else's property, even when it's temporarily vacant." Peter agreed.

234. Might

Caspian knew that standing in the icy circle was a bad idea, but try as he might, he simply couldn't muster the strength to move his legs and flee.

235. Tire

Peter and Edmund panted heavily as they battled, the swords in their hands getting heavier and heavier. When it became too much, both boys dropped their weapons at nearly the same second. For a moment, Oreius thought that they had had enough. Before he could take a step toward them, however, he watched with slight pride as the boys tackled each other and began a mock hand-to-hand combat, pushing through their exhaustion as any great warrior should.

236. Course

"What's our course of action?" The Centaur waited none-too-patiently for his monarch to give him an order. "Sire?"

Edmund groaned in frustration, struggling to study the map and think of a logical way to attack the enemy. "There is a reason why Peter was always in charge of battle plans." And how desperately Edmund wished his brother was with him to help.

237. Counting

Peter groaned weakly, placing a hand on his forehead in a vain attempt to keep the oncoming headache at bay.

"Peter…?" A soft voice whispered.

"Ed…wh…what happened…?" Peter opened his eyes just enough to see his brother smirk sadly.

"You hit your head. For awhile, though, we couldn't tell if you were counting sheep or seeing stars. I guess it was the latter, huh?"

"Or maybe I was counting stars…"

"As long as you weren't seeing sheep. Then I would be worried." Peter chuckled thickly at Edmund's dry humor.

238. Creature

"What is that thing?"

"A thing of nightmares." Peter mimicked his brother's look of terror as they watched the horrifying beast devour a still-moving deer that, moments ago, Edmund had been about to fire an arrow at.

"We're screwed."

239. Repertoire (3)

"Hey Peter, what is this?"

"Put that down! Edmund, you drop it this instant or I'll make you drop it!"

"Is this a diary?"

"I said put it down!"

"It's…" Edmund's eyes widened. "It's a book of poems. Pete, I didn't know you wrote poetry!"


240. Ringing

Caspian had never had a concussion before, though he had heard a bit about them. Therefore, when the Dwarf hit him across the head, he wasn't much surprised by the extreme pain, dizziness, and nausea. What he hadn't expected, however, was the relentless ringing in his ears which, he decided, was much more annoying than all of the other symptoms combined.

241. Handicap

"Perhaps we should instigate a handicap, since he's so much taller?" Edmund asked.

"Don't you think that would insult Reepicheep?" Drinian replied, looking thoughtful.

"Perhaps a little, but it still seems quite unfair for such an honest duel…" Edmund watched on with great amusement as Eustace's face went from indignant and offended to outright petrified when he realized that they were quite serious.

242. Prize

"And what exactly is my prize for besting the High King in swordplay?" Edmund smirked.

"Payback." No sooner had Peter spoken than Edmund found himself splayed flat on his back, his feet taken out from under him while he wasn't paying attention.

"Traitor." Edmund growled good-naturedly at the smiling Faun.

243. Screaming

As Edmund's blood-curtling screams erupted from the medical tent, Peter was forced to learn that there were some things he just couldn't fix, and that killed him.

244. Steady

"Easy now. Nice and easy. There you go." The Cherry Driad's haunting-yet-strangely-soothing voice steadied the feverish King almost as much as her supportive grip on his shoulders did as she carefully lowered him into the hammock.

245. Acceptance

Caspian had known that it would take a long time, years even, for the Narnians to fully accept his presence. What he had not prepared for, however, was the immediate acceptance he gained from Aslan, and thus, his subjects.

246. Take

Susan knew – no matter how strongly she denied the fact that she still believed – that He had every right to do as he pleased with his sons and daughters. But did He really have to take everyone she loved most dear at the same time and leave her behind?

247. Give

Though it took several long, pain-staking years, Susan finally realized why He had allowed her to continue on, and she was almost ashamed of herself for doubting His plans for her.

248. Disabled

"Edmund, what have we told you about sliding down the rail on the stairs?"

"Not to because I would get hurt?"

Peter sighed and Edmund grinned as the older boy patched up his brother's sprained ankle.

249. Bruised (4)

"Edmund, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Those boys, they just…it all happened so fast…"

"Go ahead and tell yourself that, Peter."

Peter flinched, biting his lip in shame at the anger in his brother's voice. Edmund's rage stung Peter's mind, pride, and soul far more than any physical injury could.

250. Squirm

Corin struggled against the hold his captor had on him, but somehow he knew that he was never going to get away. Once Edmund's mind was made up, there was no escaping the tickling.

251. Cleanse (5)

Cor's lips trembled as he struggled to keep from crying once again. He plunged his dirty, tear-stained face into the basin of water, scrubbing at the caked-on shame furiously. He cared little about the fact that he was getting his clothes soaked, or that he wasn't being exactly quiet about his bath. Pulling his head out, the young boy looked down at his hands. His shaking, bruised, horrible hands. He thought of the blood that, only minutes ago, had coated the atrocities, and his resolve broke. Once again he sobbed and went back to scrubbing his body clean, even if it meant ripping off every layer of skin in the process.

"It won't do any good." A soft, deep voice behind him made Cor jump.

"Sir…?" The prince wiped at his eyes, hoping his father hadn't seen his tears.

"You can't wash away the guilt and fear as easily as you can wash away the blood," King Lune rested a gentle hand on his son's shoulder. "In fact, you can't wash it away at all. My son, you must let Aslan wash away your guilt, for it is unfounded and will do you no good. You were protecting yourself, nothing more. Killing, even in war, is never easy, and I hope it stays this difficult for you. But you must remember that, once all is said and done, Aslan forgives you for your necessary actions, and so you must forgive yourself. Do you understand?"

"I think so…" But Cor didn't understand. How could a Lion – powerful, sacrificial, awesome, perfect, certainly, but a Lion nonetheless – wash away what soap, scrubbing, and regret could not?

"You will understand fully one day, but for now, simply trust and forgive."

Cor nodded softly, sniffling when his father planted a loving kiss on his forehead and walked away, leaving his son to contemplate the lecture in silence.

252. Sin

"There is a difference between murdering and killing, my son," King Lune told Corin quietly. "And no matter how much it seems like it, killing is not a sin. Killing in self defense, as you did, is not wrong. Murdering outright without true purpose is when you have wronged Aslan and yourself, and only then should you weep so bitterly as this."

253. Fortify (6)

"Cor, love? What are you doing?" Aravis looked over at him sleepily, barely conscious.

"Nightmares won't get through these walls, I promise." Cor smiled softly as he wrapped his arms tightly around his wife's waist.

Aravis returned the smile, kissed him softly on the forehead, and encased her king's shoulders in a soft embrace.

"Nor these walls, my Lord."

254. Contort

"Peter, I didn't know you could bend that way!"

"I can't…"


255. Elucidate (7)

"Um, Ed, something tells me that that is not the proper way to use Susan's arrows."

"Well, what else am I supposed to use? Unless you can find something else this long and sharp, I suggest you keep quiet about proper ways to use Susan's arrows and instead give me a hand." Edmund's tone was angry, but Peter knew he wasn't angry at him. He was angry at the fact that, no matter how hard he tried, he simply could not get his shirt down from the rafters of the small storage room.

"How did your shirt even get up there?"

256. Posture

"Sit up straight. Both feet on the floor. Forearms on the table. Not your elbows, never put your elbows on the table! Forearms only! Now, take the salt. No! Do not lean forward to grab something. If it is out of your reach, ask for someone to pass it or do without. Now…"

And as the old Dwarf dame continued to scream mannerisms, Edmund knew he had fallen into his own personal Hell.

257. Awaken

The old man slowly opened his eyes, wondering, for a moment, if he was still dreaming. Why else would he be so dirty, sticky, and downright in shambles? Upon laying his eyes on the vast herd of animals (or, as those without hardened hearts knew them by, Animals), he knew without a doubt that he was dreaming. But dream or no dream, when the creatures began to make all sorts of terrifying noises, Andrew Ketterley could only think one thing: Run!

258. Equalize

At first, Fledge had regarded the Human with suspicion and something close to loathing. The Man had used him as a cart pony, forcing him into a hard life without so much as asking the creature if it was alright with him. But as time dragged on and Aslan seemed to accept the man, so the Winged Horse learned to forgive and forget, and the two became the best of friends and equals, just as the Winged Horse knew it had once been in the Other World, long before the cobbled streets and black buggies.

259. Rebuilding

Caspian knew, as he looked upon the ruins of the once great Cair Paravel, that his job wasn't to restore the past, but to build a better future.

260. Unprofessional

Edmund scowled as he regained his footing, having been tickled into submission by his brother and left to collapse in his only possibility of escape.

"Yeah, real professional, Pete. I'm sure your enemies will give in without question if you use that tactic on them."

Peter grinned. "Well at least now I know another weakness of yours."

261. Catatonic

"Come on, Edmund, don't do this to me. Look at me. Blink. Say something. Please." But it was no use. Edmund was gone.

262. Paucity

"What are we going to do? No one is going to survive for long on such low rations. We need to call for help."

"Who is going to help us?" Peter sighed. "Archenland? They have their own famine to deal with. Calormen? Yes, I'm sure the country that most desperately wants us to fall would be happy to help us through this."

Edmund went back to brooding in silence, wishing that there were more countries with which Narnia was allies that were big enough to sustain them until the drought ended.

263. Opposition

"You're not going and that's final!"

"I had expected this from your mother," King Caspian said as he strapped his sword to his belt. "But Rilian, from you? You know full well that a proper King accompanies his men into every battle."

Caspian could only stare in surprise, and something akin to guilt, when his young son simply plastered himself to his father's side and cried.

264. Gray

"Hey Edmund, is that a gray hair?" Peter smirked, hoping his little fib would entice a not-so-little reaction out of his brother.

"If it is, that means I'm getting old. And if I'm getting old, Peter," Peter didn't like the mischievous grin on Edmund's face. "It means you're getting old too. Do you want me to check your head for gray hairs? You have three years on me, so I'm sure there are a ton."

"Oh shut up."

265. Light

"Happy birthday, Edmund," Edmund groaned and rolled over, rubbing his eyes weakly. He sat up on his bed and came face-to-face with a blushing little sister. "I got you something. I heard you telling Mother the other day that you needed one, and, well…here…" Smiling lightly, Lucy pressed a neatly wrapped present into Edmund's hands.

Slightly confused (it was, after all, only three minutes passed midnight), Edmund opened his present and smiled broadly when he came face-to-face with a beautiful silver torch.

"Lucy, it's perfect. Thank you so much." As he pulled his sister close in a hug, Edmund realized that there was something rather symbolic in the fact that his sister, whose name meant "Bringer of Light", was the one to give him a new torch, and he has a sneaking suspicion that she noticed the symbolism too.

266. Type (8)

"I swear, if I don't get some money soon, I'm going to need to sell a kidney." A teenage Edmund sighed as he sat in the diner with his mates.

Suddenly, a random voice behind the teen spoke up. "What's your blood type?"

For a moment, Edmund froze, completely baffled that someone would ask that and trying to figure out how on earth he would respond. When he slowly turned around to face the stranger, he sagged in relief. It was not a creeper like he had expected, but Peter, smirking playfully.

267. Yellow

Peter would never tell a soul just how happy he was when he saw that Caspian was a blond and that Edmund could never torment him again for being the only blond in Narnia's history.

268. Blue

"You know what I've realized, Peter?" Edmund asked with a terrifying smirk.

"Oh no. I know that look. You are not going to make fun of me. You can't."

"Oh, can't I? I think you have a certain special physical trait that says I can."

"Caspian is blond! You can't pick fun at me for being blond anymore!"

"True, but does Caspian, or anyone in our family for that matter, have blue eyes?"

"Damn it all, Edmund. I'll give you a black eye if you don't stop it!"

Edmund simply laughed.

269. Beating

"Why, Edmund? Why do you do this to yourself?"

"Because it's either this, or watching you beat yourself up because you couldn't protect me. It's easier on the both of us if I don't give you a chance."

"But that doesn't mean you have to push yourself to exhaustion."

"Doesn't it?"

270. Pursued

"From what I hear, she's a fine fisherman, and according to her, you're a fine catch."

"Yes, but it isn't customary for a fisherman to stalk his fish before throwing the bait!" Peter stifled a chuckle.

271. Nun

"If that's what we have to look forward to," Lucy watched the suitor storm away in fury after being rejected by Susan. "Then I think I would much rather become a nun."

272. Fault

"You really need to stop being all sentimental, Peter," Edmund groaned. "Your chain mail hurts me when you hug me so tightly."

"And whose fault is that? Maybe if you stopped getting hurt, I would stop feeling the need to be so sentimental." Peter, though his eyes were still wet with recent tears, was smiling.

273. Blind

"Peter, are you okay?" Edmund rushed over to his fallen brother.

"Yeah…just…watch where you're pointing that torch next time, huh? You're going to make someone go blind with that thing."

274. Charcoal

"I don't care how many pills I took," Edmund slurred, his head cloudy. "I am not going to ingest that stuff."

275. Dose

"Well maybe next time you should listen to the Healer and take the proper dosage of pain medication," Peter frowned. "Now sit still and for once in your life do as you're told."

276. Sheathed

Caspian breathed heavily as he sheathed his sword.

"Well, that was fun."

277. Comment

"If you say one word, I will sew your mouth shut."

Edmund promptly clamped his gaping jaw closed, knowing full well that the look on his face said all he wanted to about Peter's new monstrosity called an outfit.

278. Kid

Susan blinked at the young man decked in colorful feathers and currently bowing before her throne, asking in a quite spectacular fashion for her hand in marriage.

"You've got to be kidding me…"

279. Carpet

"I mean really! Does the ENTIRE CASTLE need to have marble floors? Can't we at least have RUGS or something?"

"Oh Edmund, would you shut up? If you would just stop wearing only socks and start wearing some shoes, or even go barefooted, you wouldn't fall down nearly as often as you do."

280. Rescue

"Well, looks like you finally get to return the favor for us saving you from drowning, Eustace."

The dragon donned a look of sarcastic pride as he carried Caspian and two crew members away from the crumbling cliff edge.

281. Prescribe

"I am not drinking carrot juice and that's final!"

282. Overwhelm

Susan looked around Peter's room quietly. Her brother was always complaining about how cluttered Edmund's room was and how their younger sibling was taking on far more work than he was capable of finishing. What Peter failed to mention, however, was just how horrible his room looked and how heavy his work load was. Susan was going to have to do something about those two before they ran themselves, and each other, into the ground.

283. Egregious

"You egregious little prat!" Eustace screamed at his older cousin.

"I bet you don't even know what that word means." Edmund simply rolled his eyes.

284. Tranquilizing

Edmund knew that he would never again be as relaxed as he was at that moment, with incense burning in the corner and a Naiad massaging his stiff neck.

285. Peep

Peter shouted in surprise when, out of nowhere, Edmund smacked his hand sharply.

"That present is not to be opened until Christmas and you know it, Peter Pevensie! So stop looking!"

286. Forfend

"I don't care what you say or do, Peter. Protecting you is, and always will be, my first priority."

287. Voyage

Edmund had been on many different voyages in his life, from moving to a new school to stumbling through the wardrobe to sailing on the Dawn Treader. None, however, had ever been so smooth, so terrifying, and so rewarding as the voyage of dying had been.

288. Foal

Edmund didn't quite understand why, but he always felt a little sentimental and rather special whenever Phillip described him as a "foal". It was certainly far less insulting than the word "child", at least.

289. Wrath

Common Sense had always rendered Edmund somewhat afraid of Aslan. After all, he was a very powerful Lion. He couldn't imagine how terrifying it must be to be someone who was on the wrong end of Aslan's fury.

290. Transformed

When Edmund turned from traitor to Just, he had always considered it a rather remarkable transformation. When Eustace turned from boy to dragon and back again (though quite a different boy from the first time), Edmund knew that his change was nothing by comparison.

291. Empirical

Polly wasn't sure how she knew, but she knew without question that the moment Digory struck that bell, they were doomed.

292. Push

The much older, much taller boy pushed Edmund against the tree, glaring at him furiously. Edmund pushed him back, using all of the strength he could muster. The two broke out into a violent shoving match that ended only after several long minutes when Edmund finally punched the older boy in the face. He knew he would get in trouble for it later, but at the moment, it was completely worth it to watch the fifth grader cry as he clutched his broken nose.

293. Pointless

"Edmund, talk to me. What happened today?" Peter's soft, soothing voice very nearly coaxed Edmund out of his shell.

"There's no point, Peter." The young boy sighed.

"You've never punched someone before, Ed. I think that in itself attests to how much of a point there is."

"Drop it, Peter! Just drop it!"

Just as Edmund thought it was pointless to talk about what had happened, so Peter thought it was pointless to try and pry it out of him, and so the older brother left the younger brother to brood and suffer the tortures of his new school alone.

294. Bold

The Dawn Treader stood out against the sunrise, her bold colors glistening with a slightly orange hue. Though she was small, it was obvious to all who observed her that Narnia had not seen such a beauty since the Golden Age.

295. Condensed

"What's the point of reading Romeo and Juliet," Edmund sighed as he did his homework. "If we don't even get to read all of it?"

296. Newest

Jill shuffled into the room shyly, looking at all of the unfamiliar faces around her. One by one, Eustace introduced her to his cousins as the Newest Friend to Narnia. Though she thought this to be a rather silly title, each of the Pevensie children seemed to welcome her all the more readily for it, and so she kept her mouth shut.

297. Rend

There was only one thing Peter hated more than being apart from Edmund on the battlefield, and that was being physically ripped away from his brother by their opponent without the slightest ability to stop it.

298. Ashamed

When all was said and done, each of the Pevensie children knew that they should be utterly ashamed of themselves for how they behaved in our world and in Narnia. But, for reasons beyond their comprehension, when they finally entered Aslan's Country, none of them could think of a single reason as to why they felt like that, and so they left their negative feelings behind and were all the better for it.

299. Direct

"Further up and further in!" Was the cry that rang out, and not a single creature, even those who had so adamantly denied Aslan's guidance or even his very existence, disobeyed the order.

300. Changed

In the end, Susan knew, no matter how hard she had tried to deny it in her youth, that Narnia had changed her. It had taken her awhile to figure it out, but when she finally walked into Aslan's Country, young again and happier than she had ever felt, she knew the struggle for truth was well worth it.

1 – I know this seems to have nothing to do with trees. However, when I was a kid, one of my favorite books was about three trees. The first tree wanted to be cut down and made into a beautiful treasure box. The second tree wanted to be cut down and made into a grand ship that great kings would sail in. The third tree wanted to grow forever, so that when people looked at it, they would look straight to Heaven and think of God. The first tree was cut down and turned into a lowly manger. Later on, that manger held the baby Jesus. The second tree was cut down and turned into a tiny fishing boat. Later, that turned out to be the boat that Jesus was on when he calmed the stormy seas. The third tree was cut down, but was then turned into the Cross, the greatest symbol of Heaven and God there is. So each tree got exactly what they wanted, but in ways they never expected. That made me think of Phillip, who got everything he wanted in Edmund, something he never would have expected. Bible lesson for the day = done

2 – This is not slash/incest. Just making that clear.

3 – This was my version of Edmund's payback for Peter praising his drawing skills in the first chapter.

4 – A sneak peek into a oneshot I'm currently writing.

5 – Wow, a long one! Sorry about that, I didn't mean to get so carried away.

6 – I just had to get some sort of relationship fluff in here without going against the cannon, right?

7 – Yes, this is a continuation of Misappropriate from chapter 1

8 – I accidentally played Peter's role in this little snippet. I was looking at new deviations on DeviantArt, and on one, the artist said how she needed to get some money whether by doing commissions or selling a kidney. Never having met this poor girl in my life, I almost commented with "What's your blood type?" but stopped myself before I could hit "Comment", realizing just how creepy that would sound from a total stranger.