Hi there!

Well, it's been a while that I put a story on-line here. I'm working on a few projects... but this... well, this is what I love.

Having this flashes... just an image of something and then to wrap a whole small story around it. It's exciting and sometimes I don't know where the story goes first.

This here was given to me by my pumpkin (Soncnica) and it kinda flashed up while I read her newest chapter of "Back Roads running through the Forest" (check it out... it's awesome).

The boys... well, if you by accident read my story "Like a broken puppet"... the boys are in the same age.

I don't want to give away too much, because you'll eventually will see... so enjoy...



He ran, hurrying down the steep slope while hollering his sibling's name again.

Skidding to a stop where the hiking trail forked, looking down the left and then the right, his senses were on high alert, all alarm-bells going off, screaming at him that something wasn't right.

Behind him, he could hear his Dad puffing as the older hunter tried to catch up.

"Left!" he yelled, decision made, telling John the way he took, starting to run again.

No fucking time left. He forced himself to run faster.



It all happened so fast. It didn't even take a blink of an eye. He was confused, dizzy and an odd pressure started to grow on his feet, calves and thighs. As his eyes blinked to half-mast he found himself lying on his stomach on the dirt and needle covered ground. A small groan escaped him as the light pierced into his retinas, amplifying the headache he already suffered. He remembered hitting the cliffside hard and then... everything went hazy... when he tried to push himself onto his hands and knees, he let out a strangled cry as he was stopped by a cruel pain that ran up his legs, to his hip and nestled in the lower half of his back. A sucking noise made him collapse again as he felt himself being dragged backwards.

"Dean..." he wanted to scream, alert his brother but it was only a weak call that he managed. The pain came in waves now, up and down his legs and tears started to blur his vision as he clenched his teeth and tried to blink the weariness away. Another sucking noise and he felt himself being dragged backwards again, icy-cold fingers holding onto his hips, digging deep into his flesh and he swallowed, his heart suddenly racing in his chest. He needed to get away... needed to get away... away...

He started to wriggle and fight against the force that held him, ignoring the pain that started to lit up like fire in his legs, his hip, his belly. He managed to turn onto his back and stopped dead when he saw what was trying to drag him away. Terror made breathing difficult and he started to fight harder against the unnatural force trying to take him away, his breaths coming out in sharp little gasps.

Struggling proved to be futile, because he was still feeling himself being drawn in further and further, the stone already reaching to his ribcage, stopping it from expanding fully. His struggles slowly started to become weaker, the world growing dimmer… and then:

"SAM! NO!"


He knew it was the right way. Knew it. How he knew? He just knew.

There was no explanation. It was just there; the knowledge, the certainty that this was the right way. And why he stopped at that particular part of the trail? He didn't know. But his breath caught in his throat and the foreboding and anguish he could feel doubled, as his eyes settled for the first time on the huge rock that loomed there, overtowering the old trees.


Sam was there.

After Dean made sure his Dad would find the spot, he broke into the forest. He ran, his heart thudding hard in his chest, breathing becoming almost impossible as the fear grew bigger and bigger the more he neared his destination. The rock.

When he reached it, he stood there, only for a split of a second.

Staring. Not believing it.

"SAM! NO!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, rushing forward in a desperate sprint, pushing himself for even more speed. He dropped down, skidding on his knees, ignoring the fact that he ripped his jeans, small pebbles and branches on the wooden ground scratching his skin raw, embedding themselves in his flesh as he lunged, his arms wrapping themselves around his brother's chest, pulling him to him, stilling the backwards movement, stopping whatever it was that wanted his little brother, stopping whatever it was that was pulling Sam further in.

He panted. No air seemed to come past his throat as he held on, hard.

He could feel Sam's heart thump under his entwined fingers, felt the fast but shallow rise and fall of his brother's chest, the shudder and tenseness of his muscles.

"I gotcha!" He whispered in between harsh wheezes, trying to pull Sam further out, but stopped as his brother started to moan, his breath hitching for a moment then turning into choked sobs.

"Sorry! Shh! Sorry, just hold on, okay Sammy? Hold on."

Feeling Sam's arms wrap awkwardly around his neck, holding on he turned his head and yelled: "DAD! HURRY!"

He could feel it pull on Sam, trying to draw his brother further in and inch by inch Dean felt Sam being ripped from his arms.

"DAD!" he yelled again, voice desperate, his muscles strained from keeping Sam from slipping away.


Dean almost didn't hear the small hiccuped word.

"Sammy?" he whispered, feeling another tug as Sam was being pulled further away, feeling his brother's grip around his neck loosen.

"NO!" Back was the fierceness and determination in his voice. He won't let his brother give up. HE won't give up.

"Hold on Sam!" he commanded, keeping his grip vice-like, trying to find purchase with his feet to fight whatever it was that was trying to steal his brother away.

It didn't help.

Whatever force and strength he had, he won't be able to stop the rock pulling Sam in.

Sam's hands let go of him suddenly and he yelled in anger as his brother was pulled backwards another few inches, his own hold growing weaker and weaker. He could feel Sam's heart still racing under his hands, the stone now enwrapped him to the middle of his chest.

"C-c-old..." he was told in a breathless whisper.

"C'mon Sammy! Hold on! Just a little longer... Dad'll stop this... or..." and suddenly he was yelling in uncontrollable anger on the top of his voice, „I'M. SO. GONNA. KICK. THIS. STUPID. ROCK'S. ASS!" his voice almost cracking on the last word.

"Hold on, Sammy! Sammy...?!"

"C-can't... breathe... t-too... c-c...."


He forgot all precaution and put his remaining strength to this pull.



It was cold. The fire in his body had turned into ice a long time ago, robbing him of any energy to fight. He could feel Dean's warm arms around him, feel his brother's muscles work as he held on, tried to pull him from the stone's deathly grip. But he was too exhausted. And it was cold. So cold.

"C-c-old…" he whispered, breathlessly as he felt the stone slowly starting to encase his ribcage, stopping him in drawing in a deep breath, robbing him of more energy and strength this way.

"C'mon Sammy!" his brother's voice was strained, worried… helpless.

"Hold on! Just a little longer… Dad'll stop this… or…" he felt his breath hitch, could feel the rage erupting a millisecond before it happened.


Dean's anger made him smile faintly but the smile turned into a choked breath, as the stone claimed another part of him, breathing becoming almost impossible now.

He could feel Dean's mood change again, heard him babbling softly without understanding the words.

"C-can't… breathe… t-too… c-c…"

A sharp pain ran through his chest and there was no air coming in, his ribcage unable to expand anymore and the world around him started to fade, more and more.

He tried to hold on, tried but couldn't. No air! No air! I can't…


He felt the moment Sam gave up and screamed at him not to do it. The body he held onto grew lax and Dean felt his brother's skin suddenly turn cold like... stone. There was no movement anymore and the thudding he had felt under his palms grew slower, weaker and shallower.

Everything around him grew silent, as if nature held its breath to wait for his little brother to die.

And then, suddenly a new sound disturbed the ominous silence. His father's voice.

Dean felt hypnotized as he listened to his Dad's chant; the words an odd, strange sing-song, rising and ebbing away, changing from a pleading quality to a demanding one. And then, slowly he could feel it let go; at exactly the same moment he thought he couldn't keep his hold any longer.

And this made hope arise in him, mobilizing the last of his energy and he started to pull again, trying to get his baby brother out of there, inch by agonizing inch.

It was exhausting, like pulling someone out of thick morass and he felt his muscles and joints scream at the abuse. But eventually Sam was out. He had his brother back.

In the background he could still hear John chant as he worked to put the rock back to sleep.

But he couldn't listen. He had to take care of Sam. Sam, who was lying there, skin so cold it almost hurt to touch. Sam, who was lying there and wasn't breathing.

Without wasting anymore time Dean tilted his little brother's head back, pinching Sam's nose close, took a breath, bent over and exhaled into his brother, watching Sam's chest rise as he forced his breath into his brother's lungs. After repeating his action for a third time he was rewarded with a small gasping breath of Sam on his own.

"That's it, dude!" he coaxed, swallowing against the lump that suddenly formed in his throat while he listened to his brother's choked and rapid breathing.

Pulling Sam gently into a semi-sitting position he almost laughed out in relieve as he heard his little brother's attempt to speak.

"C...c.... o...ddddd!" Sam almost didn't manage that word, because his teeth were chattering so hard.

"'s okay bro." Dean soothed at the same time as he pulled the smaller boy to him, wrapping his arms around him to share his body heat.

He could feel Sam melting into the embrace, his brother's small arms wrapping around his neck again, head coming to a rest on his shoulder.

He stood still like that, feeling the smaller chest move as Sam took in breath after breath, the air he exhaled tickling his neck, felt the shudders that still wracked his baby brother's body.

"You hurt?" he asked so quietly no one else heard, his hands gently moving down Sam's chest, along his sides and thighs to rest for a moment on his little brother's knees. Sam answered his question with a shake of his head so mere, no one else saw.

But it was enough. And Dean tightened his hold as he pushed to his feet, taking Sam with him. Feeling the weight of his brother in his arms, the skinny legs wrapped around his waist.

And he smiled. This felt alright. This was what kept him whole. Today he could have lost it... shuddering at that thought his arms tightened around his brother.

Taking the first step away from the rock his eyes came to rest on his father, who stood there, marvelling, just following their interaction, not daring to interrupt.

His yell-o like legs started to grow steady again as Dean walked up to meet him, grinning down at the mop of unruly hair.

"Sammy wanted to coddle!" he explained with a wink, telling John in his own way that everything was alright.

"Did n-not..." came the soft, but irritated answer from Sam, who never even raised his head.

"Y-you're a-a... big jerk."

John laughed softly, ruffling Sam's hair.

"Bitch..." Dean retorted running his hand lovingly up and down Sam's back.


And for all who want me to say the age. Sam'd be around 11/12 and Dean around 16/17.
Reviews are welcome! I hope you liked it! Let me know, okay?