Here's a oneshot collection. Shenko.

The Normandy's decontamination scan took too long. Shepard's armor clung to her body more than it should have. After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened to reveal the mildly cool air of the ship. The normally inoffensive temperature did little to abate the heat that resided inside Shepard's poreless armor. She took an exhausted step forward, the red and black Colossus armor crawling further up her rear than was comfortable.

Kaidan watched Shepard from behind, his eyes following the way the armor wedged itself into the crack of her shapely bottom. He was already hot, and the damn armor clinging to both their bodies just made him hotter in more ways than one. The Lieutenant looked away, deciding that he didn't have enough energy to waste on ogling the Commander. He filed the incident under 'things to remember later on a lonely night'.

Shepard lethargically plodded her way down to her quarters, briefly stopping to mumble something to the newly joined Liara T'Soni and point to the med bay door. She quickly disarmed, put her weapons in her locker and continued on her way to the place where she could finally remove her second skin.

She was immediately irritated at having to pause for a half of a second in order for the door to open.

As soon as the door of her quarters closed behind the Commander, she flipped on her fan and began to remove the hard pieces of armor that covered the zipper. When the fastener was found, she clawed at it, pulling on where the material connected so the damned thing would be able to go down. After all the innovations from first contact, it figured that armor would have a difficult removal. One had to be careful in the process of unzipping to not snag anything. It made Shepard glad she was a female. There was no body hair or other things for the ruthless zipper to contend with.

Her hands separated the front part of the armor, slowly peeling it away from her moist skin. After a long struggle with unsticking her encased arms, the Commander finally freed her top half. She paused for a few seconds, relishing the feeling of the cool air ghosting across her bare chest and back.

The bliss didn't last long when Shepard was reminded of her feet throbbing from having been on them for too long. She mercilessly tore at the rest of her armor to shimmy it down to her hips. By pulling on the boots, she was able to make slight progress in removing it from her thighs. The next part was always the most difficult. The armor tended to stick to the Commander's bare legs. It was quite the catch 22; if she didn't shave her legs before she put the armor on, the hair became unbearably itchy and prickly. But, if she did shave, the armor was much harder to remove. She was damned either way.

Shepard opted to perform the 'angry armor' dance that alternated hopping and pulling. Grunts and curses generally played as the soundtrack to the rythmless dance. The particular 'Dance of the Removal of Armor Worn on Therum' selection included a strangled scream of rage. Finally, the armor gave way and mercifully came off. The Commander left the expensive suit of armor in a floppy pile on the floor as her tired feet led her to her bed. She violently threw the sheets off and flopped down on the bed, her nude body spread out like a star. Cool air enveloped her sore muscles as the Commander quickly fell into a blissful sleep.

Two hours passed and the battered Lieutenant made his way to Shepard's quarters to summon her for the meeting. The elevator moseyed its way up the shaft, heedless that the Lieutenant within ached all over; standing only exacerbated the problem. His listless eyes watched as the tiles on the side of the elevator crept by. They were proof that the elevator was indeed, extremely slow. One day he would have to hack it to see if it could go faster.

He sighed as the door opened. The Lieutenant would hack the elevator when he actually had the energy. He was lucky enough to be able to remove his sticky armor and take a shower, armor removal dance notwithstanding. Kaidan's boots noiselessly trekked to Shepard's door. The green light was lit; the door was unlocked and he could enter. He pressed the button and the doors opened.

A blast of cold air hit him in the face and his jaw dropped. There, in the middle of the bed, lay Shepard, completely nude and asleep. Her limbs were spread wide to invite the cold air to explore her warrior's body. The Lieutenant's uninvited eyes explored as well.

After a few blinks, Kaidan roused himself from his stunned stupor. Quickly, his hand reached to the right side of the door where the lock resided. He pressed it and withdrew from the closing portal. Turning, he walked to the cockpit to have Joker page Shepard over the intercom. To everyone else's' knowledge, the door had been locked since the shore party dispersed.

As he strode to the cockpit, his exhausted mind tried to add up what he had just seen. He shook his head, too tired to think on what happened further. Again, the hapless Lieutenant mentally filed the incident under 'things to remember later on a lonely night'.