Summer camp Romance Chapter one

"Come on Len we're going to be late!" Rin said as she put on her huge white ribbion.
"Jeez rin it's only 7:00 the bus comes in at 8:30."len mumbled as he truned around in his bed. Rin sighed and shook Len. "you know whos going to be at lake side camp?"

"I'll spell out her name, M-i-k-u." rin smirked as she saw her brother's face turn to diffrent a red shade. 'I Love messing with his feelings.' Rin thought.
"who else going to be there?"
"um...Meiko,kaito,teto,ted,haku,hmmm,akita and miku~." "That's all?" len asked "well there are going to be more kids that we don't know and counslers. I also think that Gackupo is going to be there, so if you don't go Kaito and Gackupo might take miku away~." Rin smiled and laughed. "Ok ok I'll go to the dumb camp." len got up and throw a pillow at rins face. Now get out so i could get dressed!" Rin blushed and closed the door behind her. Len slowly got up and changed into a white shirt with black shorts that reached his knees. 'I better go make breakfeast. Or else Rin might burn down the house.' Len chuckled at his joke, and climbed down the stairs to the kicthen. Rin jumped in exicment!
"About time you came! I was about to cook." Len sighed and asked,"what do you want to eat?" "mmm....I want...eggs no wait...broiled/grilled fish, tamagoyaki and miso soup." Len sighed. "Why must you make things more harder for me?" "Oh that's easy! I'm your younger sister so it's my job. I'll be wacthing t.v call me when it's done 'kay?" Len got out the fraying pan,tea pot and a pot.
(19 minutes later)(A/N i don't want to go into details on how to cook lol)

"Rin breakfeast is done now!!!" Len said as he put a plate full of food down on the table. Rin came skiping in. "Smell so good~!" the two ate in slince. "oh yeah before we we have water bottles?" Rin sweatdrop. "uh onee-chan.." "oh no.." "I drank all of the water last week." "BAKA!!!"
Rin flinched."You drink all of it!?" Rin the smiled and said, "kidding. Kya-ha-ha-ha! You were freking out for nothing your face was priceless." Len sighed.
"let's get our bags, we're going to be there for the whole summer, so don't forget the money." "Hey Len?" "Yeah?" "Maybe if you're lucky enough you'll share the same room as Miku!" Len throw a towel at Rin's face. "less talking more getting ready...baka." Rin giggled and ran upstairs. Len sighed and cleaned up the kicthen. "LEEEEEENNNN!!!!!!" Rin ran down the stairs. "I'M DONE WITH PACKING!!!!" Rin yelled in Len's room. Len covered his ears. "Alright no need to yell jesus!" Len picked up his bags and went to the front door. "10 minutes left before the whole summer with miku..*gulp*" Len slightly blushed at the thought of spending the whole summer with his long time crush. "Lennie I'm ready let's go to the bus stop." Len flushed in anger. "You better not call me that at camp, I'll kill you if you do." "No Promises!" Len growled and said, "Let's go we have 9 minutes left to go to the bus stop." Len open the door. "hmmp I don't get it... we can't we just drive the roadroller!" Rin sighed. "Uhh well let's see...we only use that at NIGHT when nobody could see us, we're only 16 and we can't drive until 18." Rin just sighed. "Ahh look it's Akita!!!" Akita looked up from her phone, Len thought that he saw a blush from her but shook his head. 'Must be the heat.' Len thought. "yo..." Akita texted something fast and shut the phone. "Did you guys here that the cabins are......coed?." Len blushed,'what if I have the same cabin as Miku.' Len shook his head. 'No god isn't that kind to me, if he was Rin wouldn't exist.' Len mentally laughed. "Hey idoit are you going to stand there like a fool, or get on the bus?" Len glared at Akita and went on the bus. "Hey Len! Sit here next to me!" Miku said as soon as len went on the bus. Len was about to sit next to her but Akita but him to her. Miku was surprised for a minute but talk to Akita happily. So len went to sit next to Teto."Hey Teto." "Hey Len! I can't belive this is our last year at camp. Teto is so happy but sad at the same time." Teto took a quick galance at Ted and looked back at Len. "Teto thinks that Rin likes someone. Look." Teto pointed to the dirction where Rin was sitting. She was laughing and smiling with Kaito. 'Blue is the enemy....' Len thought. The bus stoped and the doors opened. The intercom came on,"Well kids here we are at Camp Vocialoid."
the doors opened and a thousand kids rushed out. "Len! Over here!" Miku called, Akita glared at Len and went back to texting. "coming! come on Teto let's go!" The teens ran to the bored were the cabin assiments were. "Look Look! Len you're in the same cabin as me and Akita." Miku said, Akita looked atthe charts and blushed. "Oh Teto is in the same cabin as Rin and Kaito." Teto looked at the last list. "Haku,Meiko and ted are in the same cabin." teto muttered "lucky." The head consualar went up on the stage with a megapohone. "OK YOU MAGGOTS!!! MY NAME IS BOB AND IM YOUR ONE OF YOUR CONSULAR FOR EVERY SHUT UP!!!!!" Slince was hread around camp, execpt for the beeps thta Akita's phone made. Bob spotted Akita and clicked on his megaphone on.
"HEY YOU BLONDE ONE!! NO CELLPHONE ALLOWED!! HAND IT EVER HERE NOW!!" Akita igonerd him and countined texting. "HEY LISTEN TO ME!!" Bob jumped off the stage.
"HAND IT OVER!!" bob yelled. Akita glared up at Bob. "And what if I don't?" "THEN... YOU HAVE TO RAN ALL OVER THE CAMP 4 TIMES AND SLEEP IN DEAD MAN'S CAVE!"
Everyone gasped but Akita, she just kept texting. so Bob took it away. "hey!" Akita glared at the men. "Look one. takes. my. CELLPHONE!" Akita took Bob's arm and fliped his body. She then grabed her cellphone and started textin again. 'Note to self.. never take Akita's phone.' Everyone inculding Bob thought.

"Hey Miku I call top bunk." "ok then I guess I'll have bottem." Miku was about to put her bag down on the bed but Akita beat her to it. Miku sweatdroped. "Er I was about to have that bed." Akita looked up at her. "there are plently more beds go take one." Miku looked down at the floor. "ok.."
Len couldn't stand for miku to be all upset. "Miku you can have my bed." Miku smiled. "thank you Len!" Len jumped off the bed. "no problem." Miku give him a heartwarming smile before climbing on the bed. Len walked to the left side and sat on the low bunk. The three teens unpacked and put their clothes away in the drawers. "YOU MAGGOTS GET OUT HERE NOW!!!!!!!!" The kids sighed and went outside. Bob and some conuslers were outside waiting on the stage. "Ok today you have opitions three to be exacat. One,play soccer with me and Alex, Two take a walk through the woods with Allie and three play football with Nate." "Bye I'm going to soccer." Akita said. Haku and Meiko also went. Kaito,Ted,Rin, and Teto went to football. "So you're going to walk." Miku asked, Len nodded. "Great I Have something to tell you." the group for walking went ahead Miku and len trailed off into the creak. "Er.. i don't know how to say this but."
'Eh? A love confussion.' Len blushed and his heart begain to beat faster.
"I-I think I'm in love with someone."
"w-who?" Len said his voice sounded shaky "Kaito."