Disclaimer: If I owned Mai Hime I'd be rich... And unfortunately for me I am NOT rich. So I obviously Don't own it.

Brought Back Together By You

Story By: NH1021

Season 1 Theme:

Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart

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Season 1: Episode 1


Shizuru's Penthouse

5:30 PM

"Ara~ It seems she's going to be late again..." Voiced the Crimson eyed brunette as she glanced over to her wrist watch; Speaking to no one in particular. "I told her it was important. Where in the world could she be?"

It was already 5:30 PM and she had a very important meeting to attend in about an hour. A meeting she could not be late for nor miss.

...I'm going to have to ask Mai-han to watch her until Natsuki can pick her up... Shizuru sighed, picking up her cell phone in the process. ...I hope she's available... Long fingers instantly dialing Mai's number, ...I can't call Nina-han with such short notice. She might still be in class... She heard the phone ring about four times and then heard Mai's cheery hello.

"Hello, Mai-han" Greeted the brunette in return, "It's Shizuru" Picking up the scattered documents that lay on the table and neatly inserting them into her navy blue leather briefcase as she spoke.

"Oh! Hi, Shizuru!" Replied the Orange haired Hime with much, much enthusiasm. "How's it going?"

"Very well, thanks for asking" Shizuru inspected the table once again, "I was actually calling to ask a favor of you..." Making sure she wasn't forgetting anything important.

"Sure, what can I do for you, Shizuru?" The Orange haired girl asked once more.

"Ara, it seems I cannot reach Natsuki for whatever reason..." Shizuru let the girl on the other side know, "All of my calls are being directed to her voicemail" Now making her way over to little Shiaki's room, stopping right at the door. "I was wondering if you could please watch Shiaki-chan for a few moments, until Natsuki can pick her up?" Reaching out her right hand, motioning little Shiaki to come over to her side.

"Ra?" Shiaki looked up once she heard Kyoto-ben being spoken, "Mamamamamama!" And instantly stopped playing with the scattered toys on the floor to walk directly towards Shizuru; directly towards her Crimson eyed mommy. "Mamamamama!" Walking slowly at first, trying not to tip over. Then, as she was closer to Shizuru, she walked faster and faster, softly giggling while trying to find her balance.

"Ha ha, it's not a problem at all, Shizuru. Please come over, I can certainly watch her!" Replied a very happy Mai once again, meaning every single word she had just said.

"Ookini, Mai-han..." Shizuru slightly bent to carry Shiaki who was holding onto her right leg, "I will let Natsuki know that this little one is with you, ne? I will be there shortly" Softly smiling at the playful little girl that was now in her arms.

"Okay, see you soon, Shizuru" Mai quickly replied, "Bye!" And seconds after the line went flat.

Shizuru couldn't help and let out another sigh, slightly irritated. ...I should have known she was going to be late. Why do I even bother relying on her!...

Natsuki has been late to pick up the little girl before, and the brunette would usually wait, but this meeting was far too important and it required her presence so she couldn't wait any longer. She really needed to go, to be on her way.

Shizuru made her way to the living room with Shiaki on her right side. Picking up her work bag with her left hand; Placing said object over her shoulder. ...Thank goodness I'm already all packed... Then walked over to baby Shiaki's room to pick up the bag she had prepared about an hour earlier with the baby's change of clothes, food, snacks and toys. While doing so, she smiled at the staring little girl in her arms and sweetly voiced:

"Ara~ Shiaki-chan" Shizuru lovingly tapped on the little girls round nose, "You don't mind staying with auntie Mai for a little while, do you?" Playfully asking the little girl in her arms.

The girl, being the 1 year old that she is, did not reply to her mommy. She was too preoccupied, giggling and very happily playing with her mommy's long Chestnut tresses and very soft face.

"Alright, I think we have everything we need" The brunette said to the baby once again, "We should get going or I'm going to be late for my meeting... And we definitely don't want that, right puppy?" Shizuru voiced in her sweetest, softest Kyoto-ben. "We don't want grandpapa to be all grumpy and upset"

"Papapapapapapa..." The baby repeated her mommy's words. Tiny fingertips reaching upwards to touch Shizurus smiling lips.

"Hai puppy, that's right" Shizuru reacted to the touch by kissing her baby girls tiny fingertips, "Grandpapa" She smiled to her daughter who once again was preoccupied playing with her hair and face.

...Hm... Then Shizuru picked up her cell phone and dialed Natsuki's number one more time. ...Maybe she will pick up this time... But the phone did not ring, not even once. It went straight to voicemail again.

Another sigh escaped her lips. ...I guess leaving her another message wouldn't hurt... Shizuru thought as she heard Natsuki's husky voice. And then, when she heard the BEEP, she voiced: "Natsuki, please go straight to Mai's house for I am leaving Shiaki in her care. We will talk later. Please call me or text me once you receive this message" Then slid her cell phone closed, immediately ending the call.

"Alright..." Shizuru made sure she had her house and car keys in her possession, "Time to go, Shiaki-chan" Then slowly, with the toddler in her arms, headed out the door.


Somewhere In The Streets Of Tokyo

...Ah, shit! Shit shit shit!... Natsuki was impatiently fidgeting in her car's black leather seat. ...Shizuru is going to kill me!... She thought as she glanced at her cars clock. It was already 5:45 PM, ...I'm going to be so late!...

She had been stopped by the police for speeding, and this guy was taking way too long writing the ticket and it was making her furious. ...Gah!... Extremely Furious. ...Hurry up already! Just give me the damn ticket you-... But her thoughts were interrupted by the officers scolding voice:

"Please try to follow the road rules next time, wouldn't want you to cause an accident" The officer voiced, handing the Emerald eyed girl the ticket. "Drive carefully, hm?" And headed back to his patrol car.

Natsuki watched as the officer drove away. Sighing, she placed the ticket on the glove compartment and fished her pockets for her cellphone.

...Great... Once she had flipped it open she noticed that it was dead, that it didn't have any power at all. ...Just great. I hope she hasn't been calling me...

Natsuki headed for Shizurus Penthouse which was about 20 minutes away. Once she arrived there, she repeatedly knocked on the door. "I guess I missed her" And since no one answered it she figured Shizuru must have already left.

"I wonder were she left Shiaki" Natsuki thought out loud, sighing, "I need to find a convenience store asap" Then proceeded for the elevator; Heading straight for her car once she had reached the garage. ...Hm... Let's see... Hurriedly turning her GPS on as she buckled her seat belt; Trying to find the nearest convenience store to be able to use their pay phone.


Mai's House

"Ah, I'm sorry Mai. I was going to leave the office earlier but we had an emergency meeting so it all went to hell" Natsuki arrived at Mai's house about 30 minutes later after she heard Shizurus message.

"It's alright Natsuki, I love to baby-sit Shiaki-chan. She is so adorable, and so much fun!" Replied Mai, who gently poked The toddler's cheeks as she said this. "I want to have one of my own someday..." She had such a dreamy face, "Then Shiaki-chan would have someone to play with whenever she comes over"

"Ha! Don't you have to get Tate to propose to you first?" Stated Natsuki with a toothy grin.

Mai and Tate have been together as a couple ever since the Carnival ended and he has yet to propose. How long has it been since then? 9? 10 years? What was taking this guy so long to propose? Was he not in love with the busty girl?

"Oh don't you worry Natsuki, I have a plan" Voiced Mai, "A very good plan" Suddenly smiling devilishly.

...Oh god... "Don't bother telling me, I really don't want to know" Natsuki scoffed. She got up from the couch and sat on the floor next to were little Shiaki was playing. Emerald eyes watched the baby intently, ...She looks like Shizuru more and more each day... A soft smile appearing on her lips. ...She is just simply beautiful. Just like her mommy... Then caressed the baby's cheek lovingly, ...Just like Shizuru... And then, without looking up: "Oi Mai, did Shizuru say anything when she dropped Shiaki here?"

"Um, just that she would be picking her up at your place at around 9:30" Mai replied, getting up from the couch and heading for the kitchen to heat up the baby food Shizuru had left behind.

"Oh, Okay... Did, uh, she tell you where she was going tonight?" The bluenette interestedly asked, ...Do I even want to find out?... Then thought.

"No. And it's not my place to ask..." Mai shouted back, raising an eyebrow. "Why do you want to know anyway?" Curious as to why Natsuki was asking so many questions regarding Shizurus whereabouts.

"I was just wondering" Natsuki lowly voiced, still watching her Crimson eyed daughter playing with her toys. "She just never goes out this late, that's all" She let out a long exhale, ...She probably went out on a date or something... The bluenette thought, handing her baby girl another toy. ...Baka! She has every right to do whatever she wants, it's not like we're together anymore...

"Natsuki?" Asked Mai, a hint of worry written all over her face. "Hey, Natsuki?" She had been talking to the bluenette but she wasn't getting a response from her. "You okay?"

"Uh? Oh" Natsuki was snapped from her thoughts, "Did you say something?"

"Is everything alright?" Mai repeated as she walked closer to her friend, placing the baby food on the side table so it could cool down. "You seem a little... Out of it today" Then pressed on.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just got lost in thought" Natsuki looked Mai in the eyes, "So... What were you saying?" Then queried.

...Natsuki... Mai could sense sadness in Emeralds and sat down on the floor next to her friend. Trying to comfort her. "You know, Natsuki, it's been a little over two years since you and Shizuru separated..." She paused to look at her friend again, "Don't- Don't you think" Not sure if she wanted to finish the sentence she had started. She wasn't sure how Natsuki would react. "Don't you think it's time to, I don't know, move on?" There. She finally said it. She had been wanting to say this for so long now.

Violets remained locked on her friend; Her friend who suddenly unlocked from Violets gaze and decided to stare at little Shiaki instead. "Natsuki, after what happened, it was hell. Not just for you, but for all of us" Mai paused again, thinking back on the first months after Natsuki and Shizuru had separated.

The brunette had given Natsuki the silent treatment. She would not want to be in the same room, same house, same building Natsuki was. Shizuru was completely devastated. And Natsuki had become a solemn, empty soul. It was just complete hell. Unbearable to bare, to experience, to feel, to watch.

But about a month before little Shiaki's birth, the separated couple had reached an agreement to try and keep all differences aside; To place all differences aside and leave the past behind for the sake of their little girl.

"All I'm saying is, it took a long time to be were we are now, Natsuki" Mai placed a hand on Natsukis shoulder for reassurance, "Just, be content with the way things are..." Violets paused and glanced at little Shiaki as she said this: "For the baby's sake," Then held Natsuki's hand and gave it a little tug, "And for yours, Natsuki"

...Yea, Mai's right... Natsuki slightly nodded in agreement, braking free from the gaze Emerald eyes held on her baby girl. "You're right" And sadly repeated her thoughts out loud to the busty girl.

Natsuki didn't want to pry on Shizuru too much, she didn't have the right. And what Shizuru did or stopped doing was none of her concern. Not anymore at least. Not after what she had done to the woman anyway. Not after all that had happened between them. Not after how she broke, hurt the girl.

"You're completely right" Natsuki whispered once more, closing Emerald eyes as she thought of happier days she had spent with the brunette. With the person she still loved and so much adored.

Thanks for reading!

Please let me know what you guys think about the chapter