A/N: Another older word. It'll take a while to get caught up. Word: Tender. Spoilers up to "It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester."
Disclaimer: Don't own them. Never will. Unless....Wonder if Cas would hook a girl up?
Uriel was pissed. So many humans allowed to keep living. They were a nuisance. In one instance very dangerous. Dean harbored a demon. More dangerous was his effect on the angels. Castiel empathized with him, even bent rules so the mud monkey could protect his demon-infested brother.
When confronted, Castiel asked, "Don't you feel Sam's conflict? The tender soul in constant battle to survive the evil within? That he hasn't succumbed shows he's worth the faith his brother still has in him."
Uriel realized when the time came to eliminate the Winchesters, Castiel would be another casualty of war.