TItle: A Startling Reminder
Written For: mythnlynx
Published: December 22, 2008
Pairings: Haruhi/Hunny
Genre: Waff/darkish?
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 464

Prompt/Summary: Hunny reminds Haruhi that he IS an adult male, with adult desires, after all.

They had assured her that Tamaki's greenhouse was now safe, and promised her that they would not allow her to be separated from the group again, and yet when she paused to admire a particularly lovely flower, they had walked on ahead and lost her.

In hindsight she really ought to have stayed put, but she thought she could hear their voices up ahead. Then she somehow ended up where all sorts of vicious, thorny, Haruhi-eating plants were kept—not dangerous my ass, she thought lividly—and now she was covered in scratches and abrasions and her dress was torn from her daring escape.

She was standing still in what she presumed was a safe path for a few minutes, hoping someone would find her and anxiously shifting from foot to foot, when suddenly a yellow blur knocked the wind out of her and sent her toppling onto her back. Haruhi grunted when she hit the ground, dust from the path blinding her for a moment. She gripped the thing that had knocked her over and tugged and struggled futilely as she coughed and her eyes watered, but it wasn't budging.

So this is it then, Haruhi thought with a sigh, resigning herself to her apparently fate of becoming plant fertilizer. But then the dust cleared and she realized that it was Hunny who had bowled her over, Hunny whose shirt she was fisting with a white-knuckled grip, Hunny who was holding her shoulders down with massive strength…

Hunny who was gazing at her with an expression not at all suitable for a boy.

His eyes were almost primal, filled with need and want and completely transforming his normally boyish face into something much more mature, and as he leaned in towards Haruhi she only had time to think that he wasn't a boy at all before his mouth was on hers.

The kiss was rough and she gasped at the contact, allowing his tongue to sweep against hers. But it was over quickly and he sat up again, wiping a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth where it had rubbed off from a scratch on her face.

And as suddenly as he appeared, Hunny was gone again, running down the path and sounding as much of a child as he always did. "Mori! Mori!" he shouted, and Haruhi saw that Mori was indeed on his way to the scene. "I found Haruhi! She had a boo-boo, but I kissed it all better!"

"Did you, now?" Mori said obligingly, patting Hunny on the head.

Dazed, Haruhi let Mori and a beaming Hunny pull her too her feet, and tried not to think about the warmth in the pit of her stomach that had replaced the aches and pains of her injuries.