volleygal905- Emma saying their not together, was pretty much the break up :P Jay didn't know they had broken up either ahha. just shows you how bad she's turning. Enjoy the next chapter!

badxinfluence- awe thankyou for reading my stories! It's been a up/down year, I haven't been able to update most of them so now that I have more time, I'll start finishing them. Enjoy the new chapt!


That whole summer, Emma has been out of sight and out of mind.

Now that Emma wasn't carrying Jay's child anymore, Snake didn't see why Jay had to be in her life, so refused to let Jay call or come over anymore. Making it hard for Jay to get hold of Emma.

Emma, well, she was just having the time of her life. People have heard rumors, but haven't seen the real thing since she was so hard to find.

It made Jay think about where the hell she was, who she was with. He even knocked down Chester's door when the guy tried slamming it in his face when he came looking for Emma.

The last time he tried looking for her, it was successful... and he found her in the mall with some loser named Lucas Vaughn... a kid even worse then him from Lakehurst. That's when Jay gave up... she was so into Lucas she didn't even see Jay watching them.

But it was back to school when September rolled up...

"Welcome back Hogart." Mrs Kwan greeted, walking by him in the parking lot.

Jay got back into smoking, and it was a bad habit. He ignored her and narrowed his eyes, watching students walk by. The new niners scanning over their new school... your innocent now niners... it'll change. It always does.

"Hey man." came a voice and Jay turned to see Spinner coming over.

Jay looked down but decided to turn to his friend, throwing his cigerette away and nodding in greetment.

"Your smoking that shit again?" Spinner asked, but decided not to push, "How was your summer?"

"Awesome." Jay's voice wreeked of sarcasm, "How was California?"

Spinner shrugged and replied, "Alright." they both noticed people passing, eyeing them... eyeing Jay.

"He was the one with the baby."

"Can't believe it died..."

The two girls pouted with another and kept of walking.

"Dude..." drifted Spinner looking to Jay sympthatically.

Jay was clenching his teeth and shaking his head, "It's fine." he barked, walking off.

It was time to come to terms with it. Sophia was gone....and now, so was Emma. Speaking of, Manny Santo's came right over to him as he sat down in the English class.

"Have you seen Em at all this summer?" she asked him.

Jay glared, he never liked Manny.

Manny got the hint when he gave her the cold shoulder and whistled, "Fine, whatever." she turned and then frowned. This guy's been through a lot. She turned back around and Jay let a breath out.

"What?" he asked.

Manny replied, "You know she's in this class right?"

Jay bit the end of his tounge. Great. Course he was beating doors down weeks ago to see her, but now that he gave up... he wasn't ready to see her.

Manny was about to leave when he called her back. "Yeah?" she asked.

"Emma..." he drifts sadly, "I haven't seen her in two months. Last time she was in a mall with some moron."

She nodded and gave a small smile before leaving.

Jay sat back in his chair and let his mind wonder to Emma again. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't hear whispered get louder and some whistles heard by guys around him.

Not til someone actually declared, "Damn!"

Jay's eyes slowly moved up from the back of the room and a figure came in, wearing a light blue jean skirt and a tight revealing white tank top... long, tan legs. Emma. Jay stared with his pierced grey eyes. Her hair was still blonde, with some black peek-a-boo streaks. She still had the same smile on, though this one was different from the pure one, this one was kind of... seductive, because of her eyes. They were soft anymore, like chocolate, they had fire and secrets.

She sat near the front row with some stupid boys and girls Jay didn't know. But when she sat down and leaned forward on her desk, Jay noticed she had a tattoo on her lower back. Too far to see though.

"Your fucking kidding me." he said out loud and blinked as some people turned to him.

Even Emma did.

He inhaled deeply as they connected eyes. But she didn't hold her look for long, she swung her body back foward and faced the front.

Emma stared forward the rest of class.


She forgot he failed a class.

I know it was short. I'm working on ideas. I don't want to leave you guys hanging :P Got any ideas?