To the few people who have PM'd me asking if I'll still be continuing UBLM when the show ends, the answer is yes. I quit watching the show over 10 years ago, during early S5, but I still try to update this story at least twice a year if I can, since it's my favourite to write, so I'm definitely planning to finish it.

The morning of Dean's 4th day at Disney world.

It was early the next morning when big Dean woke up on his stomach, and felt a light weight laying on his back, and something hanging loosely around his neck. With his eyes barely open, Dean placed his hand under his pillow and felt for the knife he usually kept there.

Feeling nothing but the sheet, Dean frowned in confusion, and opened his eyes. As his eyes darted around the room, and he saw the familiar hotel room, Dean relaxed slightly as he remembered that he was sleeping at the bottom of the huge bed his brother and younger self were sleeping in.

As Dean slowly moved his head, he felt something resting against his cheek and when he lowered his eyes and got a good look at the little freckled face against his own, Dean relaxed further with a small smile on his face.

Little Dean was laying on his front, fast asleep on big Dean's back, his little arms relaxed as they hung around big Dean's neck. Even though he was asleep, the little boy had a tiny smile on his face, as he rested peacefully.

"Little dude," Big Dean whispered quietly.

"Nuh. Not h'rt big duuuude," little Dean mumbled with a scowl, as he tightened his arms slightly, but remained asleep.

As Dean tried to wake the little boy up, a fluffy head lifted from big Dean's shoulder and peered at him. It seemed as though Zeppelin was also using big Dean as a pillow, which made him shake his head fondly. "Hey Zep."

Wiggling in his excitement, Zeppelin moved forward and proceeded to greet big Dean in his usual loving and happy way by licking his entire face, as he gave his special kisses to his other favourite human in the world.

Dean laughed and closed his eyes so he didn't get Zeppelin's tongue in his eye, and reached his hand out to stroke his fingers through Zeppelin's soft black and golden fur. "It's good to see you too, Zep."

All the excitement woke little Dean up, and he raised his head, his eyelids fluttering several times before two slits of green peeked through the long eyelashes, his bottom lip protruding from his face, his blond hair sticking up in every direction. He looked adorable. "Hiya unca big dude. Hiya Zeppin."

"Hey little dude," greeted big Dean, while Zeppelin pounced on the little boy and greeted him the same way he greeted big Dean. He grinned when little Dean started giggling and wrapped his little arms around Zeppelin in a 'good morning' hug.

After a few minutes, the two finished with their morning routine and turned to look at big Dean in unison.

"Hey guys. Er... What were you doing sleeping on my back?"

Little Dean lowered his head shyly. "Um... I's be asweeps and den I waked up and go wee-wee. And when I's comed back, I's see'd you asweeps and gotted on back and gived hug... and den I felled asweeps."

Big Dean smiled. "You fell asleep giving me a hug?"

Little Dean nodded, his head still lowered as fearful green eyes peered up at big Dean. "Is you mad at me?"

"Of course not. Why the hell would I be mad at you?" A confused big Dean asked little Dean, who just shrugged. "I'll never get mad at you, especially for just giving me a hug. Can I get one now I'm awake?"

Little Dean grinned and climbed off big Dean's back, and waited until he turned around before leaping on him, and throwing his arms around his neck.

Big Dean laughed and wrapped his own arms around the enthusiastic little boy.

Zeppelin joined in and excitedly licked and nuzzled big Dean's entire face, sometimes resting his face against Dean's neck and placing his front paws on him like he was giving Dean his own version of a hug.

"Me and Zeppin woves you, big dude."

"I love you guys too," whispered big Dean, closing his eyes, as a soft smile crossed his face. He held the little boy tightly with one arm as he moved the other to ruffle Zeppelin's soft fur.

To fill the silence, big Dean began to sing softly.

"As the dew turns into frost, There is something that I hope will not be lost. The leaves will change, they'll start to fall, I still wonder if it mattered much at all. When my world starts to fade, I can only hope that every choice I made. Will endure, and carry on... into the coming dawn. The breezes blow, soft clouds drift by, Like some artists' canvas captured in my eye. I am sure, I'm holding fast, I am dying for a lifetime that will last. But when my world, starts to fade, I'm still hoping this foundation that I laid. Will endure, and carry on... into the coming dawn..."

Little Dean listened to the song, and smiled at hearing big Dean's beautiful singing again. His eyes began to tear up, even though he didn't understand what the song meant, he thought some of the words were sad, and his bottom lip began to tremble as the tears flowed.

"...We're so close, yet never touch, Can there be a love that changes me this much. I can't see, eyes open wide, Yet I'll never doubt you're standing by my side. When my world, starts to fade, I can only hope that every choice I made. Will endure, and carry on... into the coming dawn. To the coming daaaawn."

"Dat weally pwetty song, big dude," whispered little Dean with a sniffle as he wiped his cheeks with his left hand. "Who singed it?"

"It's called The coming dawn by a band called Kansas. Kansas is also the name of the place that we're from."

"Weally? But I's fwom Amewica."

Big Dean laughed and gently squeezed the little boy. "Kansas is a place in America. Me, you, Sammy and Samuel come from there. Bobby and DJ come from a place called South Dakota. America is a huge place, it's one of the biggest countries in the world, it consists of 50 states, like Alaska and Florida, which is where we are now. There's Kansas, New York, North and South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin. There's lots of places, some I've been to because of my job, but some of them I've never been before, but I'd love to go."

"Wow. I's want go see Santa and Woodowf. Where Undaker fwom, Dean Knight?"

"Well... The character of the Undertaker is from Death Valley... obviously he's the Deadman, where else is he gonna be from?" Dean asked the little boy, who giggled. "But in real life, he's from Texas."

"I's want go Tekshush awell."

"It's Texas."


"It's Texas, not Tex-ass," big Dean corrected with a fond smile.

"Oops. I's mean Texus."

Big Dean shrugged. "Close enough."

"You's sing song again pwease?"

"Er... Okay. But only one more. I'll sing another Kansas one, okay?"

"Yes pwease."

"Okay, this is called Can't cry anymore.
1.000 years could come and go, and we would never change, It doesn't matter how we try, our hearts remain the same. You see how quickly distance grows, close your eyes and it appears, And we've pretended long enough, no more time, no more tears. I just can't cry, I can't cry anymore, While you throw our lives away..."

Little Dean loved that song almost as much as the first, and asked big Dean to sing some more, complete with his big puppy dog eyes out in full force, so big Dean had no choice. He sang several of his favourites, including, Back door, Dust in the wind, Lonely wind, Nobody's home, Angels have fallen, Ghosts, and a softer, slower version of Carry on wayward son. The last two songs reduced the little boy to tears once again.

"...Carry on, You will always remember. Carry on, Nothing equals the splendour. Now your life's no longer empty, Surely heaven waits for yoooouuuuu. Carry on my wayward son, There'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest, Don't you cry. Don't you cry nooo-oooo moooooore."

When the little concert came to an end, the three separated and little Dean pulled away, grinning down at big Dean, his big green eyes shining tearfully. "Fank you. We's do sumfing? 'Cos my Sammy asweeps and unca Bee-bee asweeps and unca Davey asweeps awell."

"Sure. What do you want to do?"

"Um... I's not know, but I go wee-wee first," said little Dean, sitting up, and bouncing slightly, before he climbed off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

When little Dean came back from the bathroom, he grabbed his 3DS, and walked over to big Dean, who was making himself a coffee and some hot chocolate for little Dean. "Big dude?" he asked, tugging on the bottom of big Dean's t-shirt.

"You okay?" asked big Dean, looking down at him, while spooning some sugar into his cup.

"Yeah. You's pway dis wiv me, pwease?"

Big Dean smiled, as he put away the 'sugar' canister, and started to fill the cups with water. "Sure. Go sit down, and I'll be there in a sec."

"Yaaay," said the little boy quietly as he walked over to the big armchair in the corner of the room, Zeppelin following behind him.

When big Dean finished making the drinks, he carried them over to where little Dean was sitting. "There we go," he said quietly, and put them down on the little table.

"Fank you."

"Welcome." Big Dean lifted little Dean as he sat down, so the little boy was sitting on his lap, Zeppelin sniffed around, and decided to lay on the floor, on big Dean's feet to keep them warm.

"Okay, what are we playing?"

"Dis. It Weegee," said the little boy, opening his DS, and showing big Dean the menu screen for Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. "You's hewp me, 'cos you fight ghosties awell, wike Weegee do."

"Okay, but just so you know... I fight the ghosts in a different way. I don't walk around with a vacuum cleaner attached to my back to suck up the ghosts. It might look a little odd."

Little Dean was silent for several seconds while he thought about what big Dean said, and then burst into giggles at the image. "Dat be weally funny, big dude."

Big Dean laughed with him. "Can you imagine the home owners faces if I turn up to their houses armed with nothing but a vacuum? They'd think I was there to clean their house."

Little Dean dropped his DS to his lap, and covered his mouth with both hands, and giggled into his palms.

Big Dean hugged the little boy closer to him, and muffled his laughter in the messy blond hair, so he didn't wake his sleeping family.

As they continued laughing, Zeppelin sat up, and jumped up so his paws were on big Dean's knees, and he nudged the two of them with his nose.

The two straightened up, still laughing, and reached out to stroke the dog's fur. "It's okay, Zep. We're just laughing."

"We's finked sumfing weally funny, Zeppin. In't we, Dean Knight?"

"Yeah. Don't worry, Zep. We're fine." After giving the German shepherd some more attention, Zeppelin finally settled back down, and big Dean picked the 3DS back up. "Come on then, let's play for awhile, before the others get up." He started a new game and handed the console back to the little boy, who was taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Fank you, big dude," little Dean said, giving his cup to big Dean, to put it on the table. "You's hewp me." He settled back against big Dean's chest, and concentrated on the game. When he saw the friendly ghosts at the beginning, Dean pointed at them. "Wook. Dey's ghosties dere."

Big Dean smiled fondly. "I can see them too."

Little Dean smiled back, and turned back to the game. As soon as he saw Luigi asleep in his chair, he bounced on big Dean's knee and pointed at the DS again. "Dat Weegee dere, wook."

"I know who Luigi is, mini-me. Samuel and I used to play Mario and Luigi when we were kids."

"Weally? I's wike Weegee bestest."

"Me too."

Little Dean continued watching and asked big Dean to read the writing on the screen to him when the Professor appeared on the TV and asked Luigi for help.

Big Dean continued reading the words onscreen to him until the game properly started, then little Dean took a deep breath and took control of Luigi. "You's hewp me, big dude."

"Of course, little dude. That's what I'm here for," said big Dean, grabbing his coffee, and wrapping one arm around the tiny boy, and placing his chin on the little shoulder.

"Fank you." Little Dean's smile fell when he saw Luigi was shaking with fear. "Oh no. Weegee scared, Dean knight. If you's dere, and wook after him, he not be scareded."

"I bet he wouldn't be scared if you were there either. My awesome, brave and tough little dude would take care of Luigi and make sure none of the ghosts would hurt him. He'd kick their ghostly asses... especially if we armed him."

Little Dean giggled. "And I gived Weegee hug awell," he said as he started to look for the key to get into the mansion. "Oh no. Mousie gotted key, big dude."

"Well... get your little ass after him then, little dude. We got work to do."

With another giggle, little Dean started after the mouse and spent the next couple of minutes chasing after him to grab the key. "I GOTTED IT!"

"Sssshhhh. Be quiet, mini-me. You're gonna wake everyone in the hotel up."

"Oops. I gotted it," little Dean whispered, going over to unlock the door.

For the next half hour, the only sounds in the room was little Dean giggling, making comments, asking questions, and squealing in excitement when he saw the ghostly dog for the first time, and big Dean quietly cheering him on, and reading what Professor Gadd was saying to Luigi. When it came to catching the first ghost, little Dean got nervous and passed the console to big Dean.

"You's do it, 'cos you getted ghosties," said little Dean, holding the 3DS out, and settling back to watch.

"Leave it to me, little dude. I'm on it," said big Dean, taking control and making sure the 3DS stayed in-front of little Dean, so he could watch everything he was doing. "I'm perfectly qualified to kick ghostly ass. It is my job after all."

Little Dean giggled as he watched Luigi pull back the shower curtain to reveal the ghost taking a shower, before escaping through the wall. "Get him, unca big dude," he said, clapping and bouncing.

"Don't worry, little dude. I've never let a ghost escape, I'm not gonna start now," said big Dean, jumping on the toilet, and going after the ghost.

"Huwwy up, Dean knight. Ghostie get away." Little Dean was wide-eyed as he watched Luigi stun the ghost with the flashlight, and struggled to capture it. "Yaaaaay. Get him," he cheered, bouncing on big Dean's knee. He squealed and clapped in delight when Luigi finally managed to vacuum the ghost and capture it. "Yaaaaay. Good boy, big dude. You do it. Yaaaaay."

Big Dean laughed, and ruffled the messy hair of his one kid cheerleading squad as he continued on to the Foyer to capture several more mischievous ghosts with little Dean enthusiastically cheering him on. When the level came to an end, and Luigi was transported back to the Bunker, big Dean gave the little boy a hug and a high-five. "Couldn't have done it without you, little dude."

All the noise woke Sam, who sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily. He finger-combed his hair, which was curled crazily around his head, before looking in the direction of the armchair. Sam smiled when he saw the two Dean's were snuggled up together, engrossed in playing a game on little Dean's DS. "Hey guys. What have you two been doing? How long have you been up?"

"Hiya Sammy. I woves you."

"Hey Sammy. We've been up awhile. I've been busy introducing mini-me to the awesomeness of Kansas and now we're busy kicking ghostly ass... armed with nothing but our trusty vacuum."

Sam blinked in surprise. "Er... Maybe it's a little too early in the morning... but... what?"

Dean laughed. "The band, Kansas. The little dude wanted me to sing to him this morning, and now we're playing Luigi's mansion: Dark moon. He needed my help and expertise, because I'm experienced in the fighting and capturing ghosts department."

"Yeah. Dean Knight de bestest, Sammy," said little Dean, climbing down from big Dean's lap to run over to climb onto the bed to give Sam his morning hug and kiss.

"Love you, kiddo," whispered Sam, wrapping the little boy in a big hug, and kissing his forehead, then his tiny nose.

As he shared a hug with his big brother, a scream suddenly pierced the silence of the room, making little Dean cry out and tighten his grip on Sam. "W-W-What dat? It ghostie?"

Sam tightened his grip on little Dean, and looked across the room to see big Dean's eyes were on the door and his lips were curled into a smirk. Seeing that smirk, that could only be described as evil, Sam immediately knew that big Dean had something to do with the scream, but didn't mention it just yet as he comforted his scared brother. "Shh. It's alright, baby. It's probably just someone having a nightmare."

"Oh, they're having a nightmare, alright," said big Dean, turning to look at Sam with a wink.

A shuffling noise at the other side of the room, made them look over to Dave's bed as a mop of messy brown hair and a pair of blue eyes appeared from under the covers. "Did somebody scream?"

Little Dean pulled away from Sam's chest and looked in his Uncle Dave's direction. "Peeples have nightmawys, unca Davey."

"Well, can't they have 'em quietly? People are trying to sleep," grumbled Bobby as he sat up and scowled around the room.

Little Dean's face lit up. "Hiya Unca Davey and hiya Unca Bee-bee," he said, waving happily with both hands.

The two men couldn't help smiling and waving back. "Hey, little man/Deanie," they said in unison.

"What time is it?" asked Dave, rubbing his face sleepily.

Big Dean checked his phone. "7.10. A bit late for you, DJ. You're usually awake before everyone else."

"I know, but I needed a bit of a lie-in after the past few days we've had. I need coffee," Dave said, throwing the covers back and getting out of bed with a stretch.

As little Dean was trying to decide what to wear for the day, big Dean riffled through his duffel and pulled out two matching cowboy outfits, a big one and a small one. "Here, little dude. I've brought a couple of outfits for you, so you can be a cowboy too."

Little Dean gasped and his face lit up with joy when he saw the navy western shirt, black waistcoat, brown cowboy hat, a little trench coat, and a little pair of brown cowboy boots. "WOOOOOOOW! Fank you, big dude," he said, running over to hug his older self. "Fank you vewy woads. Dey's awsum."

Sam raised his eyebrows, and grabbed a pair of little Dean's jeans from the drawer. "Have you only brought cowboy clothes? Why?"

"I've always wanted to be a cowboy, and Disney World is a perfect place to dress up," said big Dean, kneeling down to help little Dean out of his pajamas, and into his jeans and western shirt. "And I would totally make an awesome cowboy, my nickname would be 'Dead-eye Dean,' because I never miss a shot, and my trusty horse would be named PhantomLord DoomSlayer."

Sam stared at him. "PhantomLord DoomSlayer? What kind of name is that?"

"An awesome name. His first name PhantomLord is of course after a Metallica song. And DoomSlayer because it just sounds cool."

"What my cowboy name and horsie name, big dude?" asked little Dean, shrugging into his waistcoat.

Big Dean thought for a few seconds as he carefully tied little Dean's bandanna loosely around his little neck. "Ooh. How about 'Little Bullseye,' because you'll be awesome and never miss a target with your trusty slingshot, and your horse can be ThunderStruck BoneDigger? After an AC/DC song?"

"Ooh-ooh. Dey's awsum name, Dean knight," said the little boy, sitting on the floor and putting his cowboy hat and boots on. He grinned up at big Dean, who had started buttoning up his own navy western shirt.

After big Dean finished getting his clothes on, he completed his outfit with his boots, trench coat and hat, his empty holster, his own bandanna and his Undertaker gloves. He grinned, and tipped his hat at the little cowboy. "Howdy partner. Ready, Little Bullseye?"

Little Dean giggled and finished pulling on his own little trench coat, before he tipped his hat like big Dean did. "How-Howdy. I weady, Du- erm... Dead-eye Dean Knight."

"Awesome." When the two cowboys saw Sam get the camera out, they stood side by side, and started posing for a few pictures. They took a few together, and then had Zeppelin join them for a few more, so little Dean could climb on his back like a horse.

As Dave and Bobby continued getting ready, big Dean turned to them and quoted, "Hurry it up. We're burnin' daylight."

"We're coming, keep your cowboy boots on," said Dave, pulling on his leather jacket.

As the little family were heading to breakfast, they saw the British family heading to the same place. Sam immediately stopped walking, and started to turn around. "We'll go somewhere else. I'm not having those two upsetting Dean again."

"No, wait," said big Dean, grabbing Sam's shoulder. "We have to have breakfast there."

"Why?" asked Sam, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Big Dean shrugged, and looked at Sam with his most innocent expression. "We just do," he said as he started walking again. "Come on."

Little Dean, who was walking between big Dean and Bobby, came to a stop, and pulled on their hands, his face becoming upset. "But what if dey's be nasty to wittle man again?"

"Don't worry, little cowboy dude. If they do, they'll have us to deal with. But I think they've got other things on their minds today, so you'll be alright."

Little Dean turned his big eyes on him, and searched his face. When he saw the smile on big Dean's face, the little boy relaxed and smiled back. "'Kay, big cowboy dude," he said, and they started walking again.

When they got to the cafe, big Dean led them to the table closest to the British family. He looked over and struggled not to laugh when he saw the woman wearing a large purple hat and the man wearing a black baseball cap, both of them were frantically scratching as if they had fleas.

"Why do we have to sit so close to those assholes?" Sam asked in a quiet voice. "I'm not gonna sit here and be quiet if they start talking about my brother like he's nothing and make him cry again."

"Don't worry, Sammy. They're not gonna be saying anything about my little dude. Something tells me they didn't have a great night last night," said Dean, nodding over to the couple.

Sam looked over and saw the couple kept yawning, and had dark circles under their eyes. They both looked exhausted, and a little freaked out as their eyes kept darting around as if expecting something to suddenly appear in the crowded cafe. "What have you done?"

Big Dean smirked, and winked at Sam, but remained silent.

After they had ordered their breakfasts, they started to hear the woman speaking to her husband, her voice and hands trembling. "I've never had a night so horrific as last night was. I didn't get a wink of sleep, I think our room might be haunted. I kept hearing creepy laughter and voices, and weird noises, and everything electrical kept turning on and off all through the night..."

Sam, knowing how good Dean was with electronics, looked over at his brother, to see the smile curl his lips as he lifted his cup to take a sip of his coffee. Sam also noticed how the couple kept scratching at their heads and bodies, and how the man was struggling to open his small bag, but the zip seemed stuck. Sam couldn't help but smile when he recognised two classic Dean pranks when he saw them.

"...The lightbulb exploded when I tried to turn it on, I heard voices when I was taking a bath. A-a-and then... And then..." The woman closed her eyes, and shook her head, the trembling in her voice becoming more pronounced. "I-I-I saw... there was... I saw..." She took a deep breath and started again. "I saw the figure of a man standing behind me, in the mirror. But when I turned around... he was gone. He had a head of messy dark hair, and blue eyes. He was... he was wearing a suit and trench coat, and he was glaring at me like he wanted to kill me."

Dean and his family started smiling in amusement as the husband swallowed nervously and told his wife something that had happened to him that terrible morning.

"I saw the same figure in one of the windows, but his eyes weren't just a normal blue... they were glowing." The man grimaced and took a sip of his coffee, trying to hide the trembling in his own hands. He was obviously just as rattled as his wife, but was trying to hide it. "I couldn't even finish my shower this morning, it suddenly broke as I was washing my hair, and instead of water, it was this red liquid. I think it was blood or something, I was covered in it. I had to finish getting washed in the sink. I don't wanna be dramatic, but I think it might have been a ghost."

"A-A-A ghost? Don't be so ridiculous. They don't... There's no such thing," The woman said, scratching at her neck, but her eyes started darting around nervously.

"After everything that happened last night and this morning, and seeing that strange man, he's got to be a ghost. We're being haunted."

"Yeah. By a hunter and his Angel," muttered big Dean under his breath, his smile never leaving his face as he enjoyed the show he had set up. He looked down when he felt a tug on his sleeve and saw little Dean smiling up at him. He wrapped his arm around the little boy, who snuggled against his side as he continued watching and listening to what pranks his Dean knight did to the nasty mister and lady for being mean to him and making him cry.

The husband grimaced again and took a bigger sip of his coffee. "Ugh. For some reason, I can't get the taste of salt out of my mouth. I've been tasting it all morning."

"Me too. I've been chewing gum all morning, trying to get rid of it," said the woman, getting her phone out to send a message to her sister, who was house-sitting. She unlocked her phone, and frowned down at the screen in confusion. "My phone's gone strange. It's in a weird language I've never seen before."

The man shrugged, and growled in frustration as he scratched at his back, which seemed to be on fire with all the itching. "We'll get it sorted out later. You probably changed the settings by mistake. You know you always have bad luck when it comes to phones."

The woman was about to say something back when she saw a familiar blue-eyed man staring at her through the window, and she gasped and shot to her feet in panic. "I need to... we need to go. Now. I-I-I have to call my sister," she said, shaking as she grabbed her things. "The man..." She shot her wide eyes back to the window, but this time, there was nobody there. She shook her head, and closed her eyes, trying to convince herself it was her imagination. "Come on."

As soon as the woman started standing, big Dean started smirking again, his intense green eyes staring at her. Sam noticed and leaned over to quietly ask him why he was staring and smirking at her like that.

"Wait for it," Dean whispered back, not taking his eyes off her.

Out of nowhere, a sudden gust of wind blew the woman's hat off, revealing another classic Dean prank. When the little family saw her bright pink hair, Big Dean's smirk widened, Little Dean covered his mouth with his hands and giggled hysterically into his palms, Sam, Dave, and Bobby burst out laughing, but tried to cover it up by pretending to suddenly be overcome by coughing fits.

When the man got to his feet, he looked over at his wife, and his mouth dropped open when he saw her hat had blown off and her disastrous hair was revealed. "Um... Your hair, love."

The woman raised her hand, and felt her head. Her face reddened when she noticed she was no longer wearing her purple hat she had bought that morning just to cover up her hideous hair. She saw a tiny smile tugging at the corners of her husband's lips and lost her temper. She reached over and grabbed his hat, revealing his hair was covered with bald patches, and started speaking angrily through clenched teeth. "This is your bloody fault," she said, and started beating him up with his hat. "I told you not to buy that cheap shampoo and shower gel from that shop. And now look, we're both scratching like we have fleas, you're almost bald, and I look like bloody candy floss."

Dave, who was taking a sip of his coffee, burst out laughing and started having a coughing fit, as he spat his mouthful of coffee across the table and over Sam, who was too amused to glare at him.

Big Dean quickly reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone, never taking his eyes off the couple. After pressing a couple of buttons, he put his phone away, and settled back to watch.

'Barbie Girl' suddenly started to play at full volume from the British woman's purse, making her scream in shock, and reach for her bag to see who was calling her. Everyone in the cafe stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the pair. Some of the customers started whispering amongst themselves, but most of them started to laugh and point at them in amusement.

The woman's face flushed bright red in embarrassment and humiliation and she quickly put her hat back on, and ran out of the cafe to the sound of laughter, her husband and kids quickly following behind her.

Dave was wiping the coffee from his face, his t-shirt and the table, still laughing. "Well, that was probably one of the most entertaining things I've seen since we've been here."

"How many did you pull?" asked an amused Sam, his face lit up with delight. He'd definitely enjoyed his big brother's version of payback and revenge for everything they had said and done to his little brother, who was currently still giggling uncontrollably.

Dean smirked again. "Hair removal cream in his shampoo, pink hair dye in hers, itching powder in both shampoo bottles, and their body wash, super glue on their zips, messed with their appliances and devices, so they kept coming on at all hours of the night, and changed the languages on their phones and laptops to Enochian. I left one of my own creations, which kept playing eerie laughter, and random EVPs we got on cases on a loop..." There was a sudden high-pitched scream outside, making Dean's smirk grow. "Giant fake spider in her purse, I put salt on their toothbrushes and in their toothpaste, I put a blood cube in the shower head so it rained 'blood' when they turned it on, and a couple of others. Originally, I was just going to do the shampoo and body wash pranks, but after they made my little dude cry, and after hearing everything they'd said about him, I decided to screw with them a bit more."

"Well, I nearly choked to death on my coffee, but it was worth it," said Dave, his blue eyes twinkling as he grinned at big Dean. "I think I love you, right now."

Big Dean grinned happily. "Everybody loves me." He shrugged. "I'm adorable."

"That guy they described, the one they saw with the hair and the blue eyes. That was Castiel, wasn't it?" asked Bobby, his eyes shining with amusement.

"Yep. Cas was the 'ghost,' and he was also the one behind that freak gust of wind, that blew the bitches hat off. I called him last night, at first he was reluctant to help out, since he didn't like to play tricks on people, until I told him everything they'd done and said to and about our little dude, then suddenly he was in-front of me with his 'I'm going to smite something' face on. He got me into the room without me having to break in, and so no-one saw me. He kept them asleep until I finished, and he made sure the kids stayed asleep all night, and slept through it all."

Little Dean had finally recovered from his giggling fit, and stood on the seat, before throwing his arms around big Dean's neck. "Fank you, unca big cowboy dude. I woves you, fank you's maked pwank on nasty wady and mister. Dey's weally funny, wike Beetwejuice. Fank you."

Big Dean smiled and wrapped his own arms around the little boy. "You're very welcome, little Bullseye. I was just teaching them the lesson of what happens when you mess with the little dude."

Little Dean pulled away slightly to grin widely at him. "You's getted de big dude."

"Damn straight you do," big Dean said, straightening little Dean's cowboy hat, which was sitting crookedly on his head. "I don't think it's a lesson they'll ever forget, do you?"

Little Dean giggled again, and threw his arms back around his hero. "No."

While the two Dean's were hugging, Sam got everybody's attention. "Just in-case, if anybody asks, big Dean was in our room all night, alright?" he asked everyone, who nodded in agreement.

"Sam, it's not necessary, they thought it was a ghost, and the cheap shampoo and body wash they bought. And even if they did find out, I wore gloves, so I left no trace, and Cas got me in and out without been seen. He got me back in this morning while you were getting ready, so I could remove all the stuff, change the lights and fix the shower."

Little Dean pulled away again. "Unca Casel here awell? He come see me?"

"Er... I'm not sure, little dude. He might be busy, but you never know, he could come and see you at some point. I'm sure he'll love to visit his favourite little guy." Dean nodded at their uneaten food. "How about we eat our breakfasts, then we can get our day started, and have fun, okay?"

The little boy grinned and nodded. "Kay." He sat down, grabbed his fork and started eating his pancakes, bouncing in his seat in delight and excitement.