"All actors on set!" called Mike Dansworth, the director of Mackenzie Falls. Sonny sighed. This was her cue. For the past three days she had been shooting the next episode of Mackenzie Falls, in which she was a guest star. She had successfully been ignoring Chad Dylan Cooper, but she found the experience quite boring without anybody to talk to. There was always Portlyn, who was fine, but she had more fun bickering with Chad, and she couldn't deny that.

She took her spot on the set, directly across from Chad. This was the scene she had been dreading. "Aaaaand, ACTION!" Mike called from the director's chair.

Chad gazed at her. "Stella, I've been thinking…." He wrung his hands nervously.

"Yes, Mackenzie?"

"Well, it's just that…after our last talk, things have been weird between us," Chad explained, blue eyes sparkling.

Sonny sighed. "I know, I noticed it too. But what else can we do?"

"Listen, what I told you the other day wasn't the whole truth. You mean more to me than I told you," he looked down. Sonny's heart was beating faster. She forced herself to continue.

"What do you mean?" she said nervously.

He took her hand and looked at her straight in the eye. "I care. I care more than you think, more than I can believe, more than I can say in words."

Sonny looked at him, his face seemingly full of sincerity. Why did it feel like this wasn't Mackenzie talking? "Me too," she said sweetly, squeezing his hand and stepping closer, leaving only inches between their faces.

"Aaaand, CUT!"

Sonny quickly let go of his hands and turned away, trying to cool off the blush she knew was coming.

"Now, Sonny, a word?" Mike called from his seat at the far end of the set. She smoothed down her hair, took a deep breath, and walked over. "Listen, the next scene is going to be extremely dramatic, and since you So Random people don't typically….deal with this kind of acting, I told Chad to give you some pointers," he took a sip of his coffee. "So run along, go meet him over at the back room," he ushered her away.

Sonny wasn't ready for this. They were supposed to be ignoring each other! She sidled up to Chad, who was gathering some chocolate covered strawberries on his plate, trying to project nonchalant confidence. "Chad."

"Sonny." He didn't even look up.

"Can we just get this over with?" she sighed, like she had better things to do. Yeah right. Like talk to Portlyn about lip gloss or some other meaningless material.

He waved for her to follow him, then led her into the back room for actors. It was completely deserted. Great.

Chad wheeled around and looked Sonny directly in the eye. It was probably the only time they had openly looked at each other the last three days, other than their scenes. "Well, now you know the extent of how superb our acting is here on Mackenzie Falls," he gestured to the posters on the walls. "And I won't have some random come around and mess it all up."

"Oh, you call that acting?" Sonny looked mock surprised, as she put a hand over her mouth.

Chad glared at her with contempt. "I know you randoms wouldn't know what real acting looks like, I mean you guys aren't even worth showing," he said coldly.

"Ha! That wasn't even acting, Chad Dylan Cooper," Sonny shot back, without thinking.

"What are you talking about, Munroe?" He scoffed. "Of course I was acting."

Sonny crossed her arms over her chest. "No, you weren't."

"Yes, I was."




Chad paused, then sighed. "Where is this going, Munroe? I have to get back to acting," he sneered.

"I'm saying, that you meant every word of that scene and you're just too afraid to admit it," she pointed angrily out the door, towards the set.

This really enraged Chad. "Chad Dylan Cooper isn't afraid of anything, definitely not a random," he snapped.

"Yeah? Then just admit it!" She shouted.

"Fine! I wasn't acting!" He shouted back, before he could realize what he was saying.

"Well maybe I wasn't either!" She pushed him, angrily.

Chad's mouth opened in shock. Then he pushed her back. She shoved him, and they broke out into a shoving fight. She punched every inch of him she could, "Chad—Dylan--- Cooper! You---stupid little---LIAR!" she enunciated each word with a punch.

All of a sudden, they realized they were on a big pile of bean bags, Sonny straddling Chad. She froze, then flopped down next to him. "Maybe I did lie," he said quietly, after a moment of awkward silence.

"I hate liars," Sonny responded weakly. "I hate you."

"No you don't," Chad sighed. "You love me." Those words comforted him a little bit.

Sonny held up her hands. "Whoa, there. Not love," she glanced at him. "I wouldn't say love. But I wouldn't say just physical attraction, either," Sonny said quietly.

He grinned and popped his collar. "I knew it. I mean, who doesn't like Chad Dylan Cooper?"

She glared at him and ignored his cocky comment. "But what I hate most about Chad Dylan Cooper," she said, to his dismay. "Is that he's too scared to admit anything." Sonny's voice broke. "Right when he needs to speak up, he chickens out and lies."

Chad deliberated for a moment. "I'm not scared," he scoffed. "But I did lie," he admitted.

Sonny didn't say anything, simply waited.

He avoided her eyes, uncomfortably. "I lied," he said helplessly. "I'm not happy I did, but that's all I can say, I mean what else can I---how else can I---"

"That's all I needed to hear." When he heard that, Chad's heart fell. She was leaving.

Suddenly he felt her lips on his. He pulled her on top of him on the beanbags, and she smiled against his lips. He wrapped his hands around her waist and she held on so tightly to him, he wasn't sure she'd ever let him go.

But, for once, he didn't mind.

Well, that's it guys! I hope you liked it! I'm gonna write another one soon, so keep an eye out, keep me on alert or whatever its called ;) review and let me know if you have any suggestions for future stories etc!