DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT. If I did.....Jake would be dying in a small hole in Eclipse. :D


It's Jessica!! So first off I would like to thank all of you that helped make this transition hopefully a success!!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate it!!!! Thanks to all of you that subscribed to author alert or story alert or anything!!!! and thanks to the people that reviewed my other stories! :D :D you know who you are!!! i am also thanking the ever amazing jaimelotr4ever!!!!! you put other betas to shame!!!!!! you not only rock my sox....but also my shoes. :D

Okay, so this is the sequel to Forks High Talent show I promised!! I will try to update every week on a specific day....oh let's see...how about Fridays :D Excluding this friday...sorry....but I don't think i could write that fast :D haha. I know this chapter is kinda on the short side...but i really wanted to get it up ASAP!! lemme know if you guys like long or short chapters!!!! i'm always taking requests :D hehe.

Well with out further ado......CHAPTER ONE!!!!! (who's excited?!?! it you are excited raise your hand.....now tell me if you raised your hand in a review :D)

Song for this Chapter: Pain by Three Days Grace

Pain; without love

Pain; can't get enough

Pain; I like it rough, 'cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all



This part of my life is called fame. Or more accurately unhappiness, solitude, and extreme depression. I had learned over the past six years to hate this life, and each endless day seemed to last longer than the one before. Each pointless second seemed to drone on and on as the world moved at high speed around me. And I was dead. Well, mentally and emotionally I was. I was just a shell.

After my brothers and I had won the talent show seven years ago, we had been awarded a demo in a recording studio. A few months later, we were a signed band. The first year had been the experience of a life time. Going places I hadn't even gone in my dreams. But the years since then, I found myself wishing almost constantly that I was back in my small home town of Forks, Washington. I found myself wondering what would've happened in my life if we hadn't won the talent show. And most of all, I found myself desperately wanting to be by her side again. I could bear to think her name again. It only reminded me of what I gave up in order for me to have this life. This horrible wretched life.

I glanced over to the other side of my bed watching the blond haired girl sleep soundlessly as I got out of bed and dressed myself. I wished it was mahogany hair that I saw rather than strawberry blonde before me. I walked lazily to the bathroom and peered into the mirror and barely recognized the man I saw there. His hair was just as wild and unruly as it always was, possibly more after the previous night's activities. His once vivid green eyes were dull and lifeless. His body was much the same, but his skin had lost its healthy glow of the previous years. I hated looking at him. I hated it almost as much as the life I led.

"Edward?" I heard a groggy voice call from the bedroom.

I meandered back to the bed and whispered, my own voice heavy with sleep. "Good morning, Tanya."

She smiled up at me and I smiled half-heartedly back at her. Tanya had been my girlfriend for the past few years, but she didn't seem interested in me. Only what I had to offer. Money. Fame. Popularity. Sex. But I couldn't object to her or deny her. I felt useless anyway. And I wouldn't get rid of her as much as I hated every ounce of her being. It's not like anyone would ever love me again. I sighed inwardly. Again. Someone had loved me. But she had moved on. I would never see her again. And it was useless to dwell on that fact.

"Good morning, Edward." She said as she stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Why did you get dressed?" She asked, running her fingers along the waist band of my pajama pants, my chest still bare. "You know I like you better without these," She attempted to purr sexily as she slipped a finger into my pants.

"Not now Tanya." I said as I pulled away from her touch.

She pouted and huffed. "Edward," she whined. "You aren't fun anymore! You're twenty-two for Christ's sake! You should be horny as hell with a naked girl like me in your room! What the hell is your problem?"

I rolled my eyes at her and turned to walk towards my too-big closet as I ignored her.

"Edward Anthony Cullen! Don't you walk away from me!" She yelled as I continued to walk into my closet, quickly choosing a simple black t-shirt before I turned to exit the room and go to the kitchen.

"Edward! Look at me! You better not walk out that door or…or…WE'RE THROUGH! You take one more step and I'll leave! And you'll have nothing! You'll be miserable without me!" I turned and laughed cynically at her, my expression dark and loathsome.

"You want me to let you in on a little secret, Tanya?" I sneered her name. "I am already so fucking miserable! And every single fucking moment I spend with you just makes me that much more miserable! I fucking HATE you, Tanya! And I don't give a damn if you leave. It'll be just one more thing that could make my life a little brighter. So you know what?" I seethed through a clenched jaw as I dramatically took a step out of the room. "I did what you want. Now leave."

She stared at me incredulously, her jaw gaping open. "UGH!" She shrieked as she shot out of my bed. Consuming hatred and anger overwhelmed me as she threw her clothes on and stormed passed me, shoving me into the door.

"You'll regret ever breaking up with me! You hear me Cullen?! I never want to see you again!!" She yelled. She ran down the stairs and stormed out the front door of my colossal house, slamming the door behind her.

"Good riddance." I muttered to myself as I went down to the stairs turning down the long corridor. When I entered the professional grade kitchen through the door at the end of the hall, I saw Jasper and Emmett stuffing their faces with the food on the counter. When they saw me, they nodded, acknowledging my presence. We all lived in the same house, just different wings. Our house was big enough to allow privacy if we were our own sections of the house. However, each section was like it's own house, containing it's own set of bedrooms, bathrooms and of course its own kitchen, so it surprised me to see them here.

"Don't you two have your own kitchens?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow up. Jasper took time to swallow before speaking.

"We both heard Tanya yelling so—"

Emmett interrupted his mouth still full. "Dude, so did you break up with her or not?"

I nodded, still seething from the morning's angry start. They both stopped immediately and Emmett dropped down to his knees in front of me.

"Dude! You are a god!" Emmett said as he bowed. "You broke up with Tanya Denali! She's like a fucking sex goddess!"

I rolled my eyes and walked away, ignoring his comments. "You have a fiancé, Emmett." Jasper said.

He got up and shrugged. "That still doesn't change the fact that she's smokin'. Rose doesn't care. In the end, she knows that she's the one that I'm with."

I went back to concocting my breakfast. "So what made you break up with her?" Jasper asked.

I laughed without humor. "The question that should be asked is 'Why did I stay with her?'."

"So, you two are really over?" Emmett pressed, beginning to shovel food into his mouth.

I simply nodded. "The press is going to have a field day with this." I muttered to myself.

Jasper nodded thoughtfully. "Are you seriously okay with this? This isn't just an argument is it?"

I shook my head without hesitation. "No, it isn't. I hate her, Jasper. This is the first thing I've been sure about in a long time."

He shook his head. "Well, more power to you, man. You've got a hell of a ride ahead of you."

"Don't I know it." I replied. "But she was draining me of my freedom, my life, my soul," I started again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Emmett said in between bites. "Cool it, Shakespeare."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm being serious."

"Okay, whatever. You're being serious. But remember. We have a tour we're starting tomorrow, Edward. You just need to get a grip on yourself. Forget about Tanya and get back to doing what you love!" He said. I contained a scoff as he uttered the words. Love. Ha. Did he truly think that I loved this life? Were they both so naïve? I hated it. I hated the fame and the money and the world tours. I wanted more than anything to rewind time and never place myself in this situation. Had I know that I would be so lonely and miserable, I know I would've never given it a second thought. I loved my music, but I hated my life. I chuckled inwardly at the irony. Music was my life. Music was the only thing that couldn't turn its back on me.

Jasper patted his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, man. You'll be able to just chill out for a few months while we tour the country. And then we can go home at Christmas. See Mom and Dad. Just relax for a little while. Okay?"

I smiled and nodded at him even though on the inside, I was screaming for freedom. Screaming to do what I wanted, be who I wanted to be, be with who I wanted. But there was always something deep inside that overshadowed everything that I wanted and told me the reality of what was really going to happen.

I would always be miserable. I would never be happy. I would never had what I wanted. Because I was living in a part of my life called fame. Fame, unhappiness, extreme depression, solitude. That summed up my life pretty well, I'd say.


The part of my life is called Dartmouth. Or more accurately hectic, maddening, and hell on Earth. The first day of my of Senior year was upon me and never had I been so happy to be closer to graduation. Don't get me wrong, I loved Dartmouth and everything around me, but I if I had learned one thing in my four years here, it was that first semester of Senior year was the most vigorous of any semester anywhere. I groaned inwardly. I was really not looking forward to it. The one bright spot in my schedule was English eighty-five; my creative writing class. I was absolutely thrilled about that class. I was an English Major and a Journalism Minor and I couldn't wait to begin my new life wherever it may take me. I just wanted to get out of school and leave my shit-hole of a life behind me and start anew. Nothing had been quite the same since he left, even with my boyfriend of two years, Jacob Black, always encouraging me and always by my side. I loved Jacob; truly I did. But was I in love with him? I had no idea. I felt horrible for being so uncertain, but I guess I always had that hope in the back of my mind that we would meet again. I sighed. Like that would happen. He was starting another world tour tomorrow. Just another few months of reading about him in the papers and fantasizing about him one day coming back for me.

I shouldn't be thinking this way, I know. With a boyfriend that is madly in love with me and a bright future ahead, I should be completely and blissfully happy. But I'm not. I'm the farthest thing from happy. I'm miserable. Completely and blissfully miserable. But it's not like I could do anything about it. I would continue to get up with the alarm clock everyday, continue living my life as a shell of a person, looking at what it could be through rose colored glasses. Always wishing, wondering, hoping that one day it could change. But always knowing that it wouldn't.

"Hey, Bells!" Jacob shouted from behind me. I spun around to see a wide grin on his face as he ran toward me. I couldn't help but smile at him, he always made me feel better when I was down with just his smile.

"Hey, Jake." I said when he reached me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. I sighed happily at the warmth. "Mmmm…I love you, Edward." I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes.

Almost as fast as I closed them I reopened them at the realization of what I had just said. I had just called Jacob….Edward. I had just said 'I love you, Edward.' Shit! Did he hear me?!

"What did you say, Bells?" he murmured, a smile in his voice. I sighed with relief. He didn't hear me.

"I said, um, 'you're warm, Jake.'" I quickly said, internally smacking myself in the forehead.

He chuckled heartily. "Um, thanks?"

I laughed softly with him, but on the inside I was screaming. Edward. I still loved him. I still wanted him. I still had feelings for him. I had tried for so long to repress my feelings, but saying that I loved him just seconds before had brought me back to reality. I still loved him. I was still insanely and passionately in love with him.

God, I sounded like a teenager with a crush on a rock star. I would've laughed had it not been so horrifying. I couldn't hide it any longer. I couldn't deny loving him any more. And it was a constant pang of pain every time I realized that he couldn't return my feelings. My world was crumbling around me. This part of my life was called pain. Or more accurately unrelenting, maddening, and hell on Earth.

TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!! hopefully that wasn't TOO terrible awful.....i'm really excited as to where this is going to go and really really hope that you guys are too!!!!!!! thanks a million!!!! REVIEW!!!!!!!!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Twilighter,

Jessica :D