Dear O'Chunks,

Hey, how's it going? So, how are you and Natashia?

From, Brandi

Ey, Lassie,

Now, dont ye be gittin the rong idea ye here? Me an Nassy... Were jist buds! Chums! Frends! Hahaha...whativer wud make ya theenk utherwise, ye silly gurl?

Err, anyway... We ahh... we be doin jus fine, thenk ye.


Dear Dimentio,

Hey, pleaser of crowds! So, on to the question. What do you think of Mimi? Is she someone who you can fight beside, or someone you can barely stand?

Just curious,


Dear lovedove830,

"Hey" back to you, ah ha ha ha. I must confess I am asked this sort of question quite frequently... It is rather puzzling, I must say. Well, I suppose it must be answered.

It is not that I hate Mimi...I hate very few people in actuality, but rather feel rather sorry for their stupidity. I wish I could see what is so hard for them to understand how beneficial a new world, ruled by myself, would be! Yes, it would require destroying their own, but isn't that a small price to pay for such perfection?

But I digress. I would gladly allow Mimikins to fight by my side if the girl so desired, as my minion, of course. She, however, seems... Less than interested, shall we say? Ah ha ha ha.



Dear Princess Peach,

Hello, your highness! I just wanted to say you are awesome, so the question...Is it hard to wear a dress when you're trying to save the world(s)? I mean, you never know when some goomba can be walking right under you when you're floating on that parasol and look up! Or do you wear shorts underneath?

Waiting a reply,


My dearest Brandi,

Why, thank you very much! I'm very flattered. You are awesome as well!

I must confess, it can be a bit difficult at times, but after wearing almost nothing other than dresses for so long, I have learned to get around quite efficiently, I think.

I do also wear bloomers underneath... Though that is just between us girls! Tee hee. They're quite comfortable and allow free movement.

Hugs & Kisses,

Princess Peach Toadstool of the Mushroom Kingdom

Dear Bowser,

Hey, how's my favorite mario villian doing? So, just wanted to ask a simple question. After countless times of Mario blowing your castle(s) to bits, how do you manage to build them so quick? Let's not forget your 8 koopa kids.

From a big fan,


Yo, lovedove830!

Graaaah hah hah hah! My many, many, loyal but stupid minions help me (and by help me I mean they do all the work)! A simple answer for a simple question, right?

And don't worry about the brats. They've all got their own castles and minions.

Stay awesome, big fan!

Your awesome royal king,

King Bowser

Dear Nastasia, if you had to choose between Dimentio and O'Chunks, which one would you pick and why, 'K thanks.



Um, ew. I'd think that's pretty obvious. Dimentio's, you know, a traitor and all, right? I mean, he's handsome I guess but I value loyalty above pretty much everything else. And the more you dislike someone, the less handsome they get, and since I hate Dimentio, he's not even handsome to me anymore, 'K?

And O'Chunks, well, he's not much to look at... And don't get any weird ideas, it's not like I like him or anything, 'K? Thanks... But he's definitely one of the most loyal people I know.

So yeah.
