A/n: Oh my gosh guys!! I am so, so, so, so, so sorry!! I can't believe how longs it's been. I really am sorry for keeping you waiting. I've been so busy lately with homework, friends and family, but the main reason is that I just lost motivation to keep writing this story. But, never fear, here is the next and final chapter of All Just A Lie....
This chapter is dedicated to all off you...every single one! Every person who read my story, who favourited my story, who alerted my story, and of course those of you who reviewed! Also, a special thanks to live-in-dreamland1 who gave me the kick in the butt that I needed...thanks for not giving up on me. :)
Ok...without further delay, here is the eighteenth and final chapter of All Just A Lie...Please enjoy. :)
All Just A Lie.
Chapter Eighteen: Familiar.
Shane ground his teeth against his lip as his eyes grazed over the frail girl in front of him. Her face so pale, her body so brittle and bruised. He felt so helpless as he squeezed her cold hand, praying that the little life he had left in him would transfer to her.
She was hooked up to numerous machines, her arms mere entrances for needles and medical apparatus. Shane felt physically sick as he looked down at her, she was yet to awake since she had been shot. Since that horrific moment she had been through surgery and a blood transfusion, she was blissfully unaware of the horrendous actions that her body had been put through.
In some ways Shane wanted her to remain unaware of what she had gone through, in her dreams the pain could not hurt her, the memories could not sadden her. Nothing could get her whilst she was sleeping. And Shane wished she could stay that way forever.
But what life was that?
Mitchie needed to live, to brighten the world with her shining personality. Mitchie needed to live, for Shane.
He could not go on without her, it would be no life at all.
But what could he do to make sure she survived?
Prayer was the only thing that remained.
He felt useless as he watched her, his eyes fixated on the slow rise and fall of her chest, letting him know that she was still alive.
The doctors had told him that there was a low risk of her actually passing away, but there was that small voice in the back of his mind. A small voice that pictured the worse, that continued to harass his mind with haunting images of a life without his Mitchie.
Shane shook the thoughts away, his heart thumping erratically as he clutched onto Mitchie's hand, perhaps a little tighter than he should have. His free hand rubbed furiously across his sleep deprived eyes.
But then he froze.
His hand dropping from his face as he felt a slight pressure upon his own hand. His eyes flittered to Mitchie's fingers, his grip loosening as he questioned his senses. His gaze switched to her face, begging for her to awake.
Her eyelids began to flicker.
It was an unmistakable movement.
Shane rose from his chair, towering over her, his hand attaching to her cheek as he willed her eyes to open.
"Mitchie." Shane whispered, shocked by how lifeless and desperate his voice sounded. "Mitchie, it's me…Shane." Shane added, feeling slightly ridiculous, yet still frantic for her to hear him. "Mitchie…come on baby, please wake up." He begged, watching her gravely as she stirred a little, the one tiny movement filling his heart with hope.
And then it happened.
She began to open her eyes, slowly but surely. She squinted, the light clearing impairing her vision as she blinked it away, allowing her eyes to adjust to the hospital room lighting.
Shane watched wordlessly, his entire body still, his hands in his lap as he waited for her to realise his existence, awaited her response. He studied her frail form as fear and confusion took over her features, his heart lurching at the pain and horror in her eyes as they darted around the room, before, finally they fell upon Shane's face.
He swallowed as he looked at her quivering lip.
"Shane." She whispered, her voice cracking as his name fell from her lips, tears welling in her eyes. She pushed herself upright, wincing as she did, Shane pushed back his anger as he noticed this. "You're okay." She croaked breathlessly before she brought her hands to her face, allowing the relief to course through her.
The relief lasted a mere second before her hands dropped like weights, her brow furrowed as she thought intently. Shane presumed she was attempting to remember all that had happened before she fainted.
"Caitlyn? Nate?" She blurted out hurriedly, her face contorted with desperation. Shane exhaled swiftly with a small snort, only Mitchie would lay in a hospital bed with a bullet wound and still have time to fear for others.
"Their fine." Shane replied softly, wanting to stare into her eyes but couldn't. "Nate's in the room next door and Caitlyn's with him." He informed her mechanically, a sad smile appearing before it faded away just as quickly.
"And Alex?" She asked hesitantly, her whole face washing of any colour that had remained. Shane bit his tongue wondering how one name could cause him such dangerous levels of anger. "He's in here too….but he's surrounded by police." Shane quickly added as Mitchie gasped. "They've arrested the other two, they're waiting for A-Alex to wake up before they arrest him as well." Shane continued, choking on the vile name.
Mitchie pursed her lips, her eye unfocused as she absorbed the information, churned every word over in her mind. Before finally a sigh escaped her lips, and her gaze fell upon Shane, whose eyes were fierce with intensity and passion, yet they did not connect with hers.
"I'm so glad you're okay." Shane whispered taking her hand, and looking to the floor, blinking back the tears that pushed their way into view. Mitchie smiled softly, not sure of what to say.
But there was no time for her to say anything as Shane lifted his head once more, but now, the relief was gone, the happiness a mere memory as anger took over his darkening eyes.
"How could you do that?" He questioned, a hint of disgust in his tone as he snapped his hands away from hers as if she had scolded him.
"What?" Mitchie questioned, slightly shocked by this sudden change of attitude. She jumped a little as Shane leapt to his feet, running his hands anxiously through his un-styled hair.
"How could you do that? How could you just…" Shane stopped speaking, struggling to express what he needed to. Mitchie's eyes widened, as she quickly understood what he was asking her about.
"I think it's pretty obvious." Mitchie replied, Shane's fidgeting behaviour quickly halting as he looked at her, she couldn't help but shrink under his burning gaze. It melted away quickly as he noticed her recoil, his features now graced with a dumb-founded look. "I love you…that's why I did it." Shane sighed closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
"Do you?" He said deeply, eyes remaining shut as he awaited her answer as if awaiting for someone to attack him.
"Of course I do." She replied sincerely, yet Shane remained still, his jaw twitching slightly. "What I said was true Shane, I never wanted to break up with you….I would never want that….you mean everything to me." Mitchie choked out as he turned his back on her. "Why don't you believe me?" She whispered, shell shocked.
"I want to…" He began, taking a breath before he continued. "But I saw the pictures."
"What pictures?" Mitchie questioned instantly, hoping Shane would turn around so she could see his facial expressions.
"Pictures of you kissing some guy." Shane told her darkly, crossing his arms tightly over his chest as he tried to stop his heart from shattering once again. Mitchie narrowed her eyes, gasping slightly as the memory of Pete crashed into her mind.
"Oh my gosh." Mitchie whispered. "Shane, it's not what you think. He was just some guy, I didn't even know him, he walked me home and then he kissed me. I pushed him off, I swear I did…but the paparazzi already had what they needed." Mitchie blurted out, desperate for Shane to believe her…to forgive her. "Shane, please believe me."
"Okay." Shane finally muttered after a few moments of excruciating silence. Mitchie sighed, biting her lip as tears swamped her eyes and Shane turned back to her, an unreadable expression on his face. "Why would you break up with me, Mitchie?" Shane questioned as he settled himself down upon the seat some what rigidly.
"You know why…" Mitchie started but Shane silenced her with a look.
"I mean, why would you do it…I would never choose Connect Three over you, Mitchie." Shane confided, leaning closer to her but still avoiding eye contact.
"B-But I wouldn't want to be the one who ruined your career." Mitchie whispered back to him.
"It wouldn't have hurt as much." Shane swallowed, the memory itself painful.
"It hurt me too….I just thought I was doing the right thing." Mitchie whispered, Shane silenced as he digested her words, his hand reaching for hers again. But this time, he let his finger dance over her wrist before he turned it over, exposing the two scars that Mitchie's had inflicted upon herself. He closed his eyes again waiting for the nausea to pass.
"Shane…I.." Mitchie started suddenly incredibly ashamed of herself as she froze. She didn't know what to say, there were no words to justify such an action, so she said nothing, just awaited him to speak.
"Why are you so intent on dying?" Shane questioned solemnly with a hint of anger, Mitchie shook her head timidly, not sure of what he was asking. "I mean you were self-harming, you told Alex you were Caitlyn, and then you jumped in front of a bullet…" Shane listed, his voice breaking and his hands shaking. "Did you really want to die…do you?"
"You want the truth?" Mitchie whispered after a few moments thought, Shane nodded, clearly scared of the answer she would give him. "Yes…I did." Shane rubbed a hand over his lips as this answer, perhaps preventing the urge to be sick. "I was miserable without you, and that may seem melodramatic but that's the reason I did what I did. I told Alex I was Caitlyn for the same reason, and of course to help Caitlyn." She paused, wrapping her fingers around his trembling hand. "But I didn't want to die when I took the bullet, I just wanted you to live…and I didn't care of the consequences." Mitchie stopped, licking her lips nervously as she watched him soak in everything she had said.
"I don't know what to say." Shane whispered, Mitchie felt small under his glares, ashamed and embarrassed of her actions. Without a further thought she fought against the pain in her side and leant forward, pressing her lips against his.
She had missed his touch, as he had missed hers.
But everything had changed.
Shane put no effort into the kiss, but remained still.
Mitchie pulled away, humiliation coursing through her after the rejection. She touched her lower lip timidly as tears bubbled up her throat, she opened her mouth to question his behaviour but there was no time for speaking as the door burst open, revealing a flustered and furious blonde.
"Shane, what are you doing with her?" Ruby screamed as she took a look at the pair, faces so close.
"You." Mitchie spat through gritted teeth, her body beginning to tremble a little in fear and fury.
"Mitch?" Shane whispered confused as he noticed the affect Ruby's entrance had made on Mitchie.
"What are you doing with her!?" Ruby screamed again, causing Shane to roll his eyes.
"Ruby, we weren't really dating." Shane spat stonily, his conversation with Mitchie still plaguing his mind.
"How dare you come here!" Mitchie screamed, gaining the attention of the others. Shane stared baffled at Mitchie, utterly bewildered by her change in behaviour. "I know what you did." She added, disgust in her voice as Ruby narrowed her eyes, placing her hands upon her hips. Mitchie matched her scowl, fighting the slight ounce of fear as she curled her legs closer to her body, wanting to be far, far away from the blonde.
"Do you really?" Ruby taunted, studying Mitchie's behaviour. "Fine." She held her hands up in admittance, laughing a little. "I split you up…woop de doo. I paid the guy to kiss you and took pictures…well done Sherlock Holmes." Ruby teased with an additional cackle, blocking away the disappointment.
"You did what?" Shane boomed, rising from his seat. "You broke us up? You did this to us?" Shane shouted, shaking his head at the still smirking blonde.
"That's not what I'm talking about." Mitchie spat, her face plain but her eyes pouring with an uncontrollable hatred. "I know that you told Alex I was Caitlyn…you wanted me dead." Mitchie finally spat out, still unsure when her life had turned into a daytime drama.
"W-what?" Shane gasped, his mouth falling open as he turned to Mitchie, staring at her watery eyes and realising she was telling the truth. "How could you do that?" Shane shouted as he turned back to the blonde who eyes at widened, her façade wiping away as her plan had been exposed.
Shane stared at her, his chest heaving up and down as he looked at the thing in front of him, trying not to give into his violent urges. She wasn't a woman to him anymore, or even human, just an evil presence in his life.
A murderer.
"Shane, don't." Shane heard Mitchie mumble as he advanced slightly on the evidently scared Ruby, his fists clenched. Then suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder, a touch he recognised so well, one he had missed, ached for. He turned his head.
"Don't." Mitchie pleaded. Shane swallowed as he looked at her, his head aware of the probably needed equipment that she had pulled from her arms, but his heart just happy she was standing strong, her body so close.
"I…I…" Ruby stuttered as she tried and failed to think up an excuse.
"Don't bother, Ruby." Mitchie spat, taking her rightful place next to Shane and holding his hand tightly for support. "What you did…it wasn't just an evil, conniving scheme, you do realise that right?" Mitchie spoke confidently, watching as Ruby nodded timidly, the muscles in her jaw twitching. "What you did…was aid in an attempted murder. That's against the law Ruby." Mitchie continued as she took a step closer, never letting go of Shane's hand.
"You're not just looking at a failed career this time Ruby….you're looking at prison." Mitchie finished, her face close to Ruby, who sniffed loudly, attempting to rebuild her posture.
"That…that won't happen." Ruby choked out, her breaking voice dissolving her confident posture.
"If I know how protective Shane is there will be a few policemen in the hospital right now, perhaps even outside the door." Mitchie paused, turning to Shane who nodded with a faint smile. "You're in trouble Ruby." Mitchie finally concluded as the blonde wiped away a fallen tear.
"Rob." Shane suddenly called before a large suited man appeared in the doorway. "Take her to the police." Shane instructed no hint of regret or compassion in his tone. Ruby's mouth fell open slightly, her tough demeanour disappearing as the man roughly grabbed her arms, dragging her from the room.
"I'll be back, bitch." She declared suddenly, her smirk returning for a second before she was gone, the door shutting behind her.
Mitchie turned to Shane, the room suddenly deathly silent, he avoided her gaze as he looked down at his hands, his whole body inexplicably stiff.
"Get back into bed, Mitchie." Shane ordered. "God knows what you've pulled out." He muttered to himself as he wandered to the bed and pressed the assistance button. He hoped she would get back into bed with not arguments, without pressing the clear issues in their relationship.
"Why won't you look at me?" Mitchie's fragile voice chimed out as Shane sighed, his shoulders dropping as he turned to her, his eyes upon her green linen trousers. "Why won't you kiss me?" She added, her voice cracking.
Mitchie felt her heart weaken under the strain of Shane's silence as she took a cowardly step forward before standing directly in front of him.
"Do you- Do you not want to be with me?" Mitchie asked almost silently, her eyes brows knitted together with confusion.
"Of course I do." Shane replied instantly, his head snapping up and their eyes connecting for the first time, warmth and love passing through them. "Then what is it?"
"I…I…" Shane stuttered. Mitchie placed a hand on his cheek soothingly as she urged him to continue. "I saw you get shot, Mitch….I just can't get it out of my mind….there was so much blood." Shane finally admitted. "So much blood." He whispered through hollow sobs.
"So would you rather you never saw me?" Mitchie asked after a few moments of deep thought. Shane shook his head. "I'm fine, Shane, we're fine. Don't get caught up in the past….look at the future." Mitchie said wisely, waiting anxiously for Shane's response. "I love you." She whispered, exhaling as Shane gave her a small, loving smile.
"I love you, too." He finally replied, extending his arms and wrapping them around her waist, carefully pulling her into him. She sucked in a sharp breath but pushed herself further into Shane's grip, wrapping her arms ever so tightly around his neck.
And then their lips met in an explosion of familiarity and passion. Shane succumbed to the kiss, allowing his memories of blood and bullets to surpass him, all he needed was Mitchie. Their lips continued to work against each other before they pulled away, both a little breathless, but both displaying blissful smiles.
"I missed you so much." Shane whispered sincerely as she closed the space between their bodies, pressed her face into the crook of his neck. Shane closed his eyes as he reminded himself of how precious she was, burying his face within her hair and taking in her hypnotic, familiar scent.
"I missed you more." Mitchie said with a musical laugh that bounced around the room. It felt so good to hear her laugh, every cell in his body exploding with happiness at the joyful sound.
"What's wrong?" A shrill nurse cried as she leapt into the room, she took one look at the pair before she raised one eyebrow. "Miss Torres, get back into bed." Mitchie nodded as she turned a light pink colour, untangling herself from Shane, who merely laughed as she shuffled back into bed, her face contorting in pain as she slid under the covers.
"It's ok." She quickly reassured Shane as he appeared at her side, worry in his eyes. "I'm fine." Shane nodded, although he stayed by Mitchie side none-the-less, watching with gritted teeth as the nurse replaced the drip in Mitchie's arm, her lips pressed into a hard line as this happened.
"Sorry to split up your little reunion." The nurse finally mumbled as she picked up her clipboard and began to jot down a few things.
"That's fine." Shane replied, never taking his eyes off of Mitchie's as he grabbed her hand. "We have all the time in the world." He whispered with a twinkle in his eye, gaining another laugh from Mitchie.
And he knew then that this was it.
Him and Mitchie forever.
No interruptions, no obstacles.
After all, what else could possibly happen to the pair?
The End.
A/n: Okay, thats it. Bye bye All Just A Lie. I know the ending kind of sucked, but I did my best with severe writers block and lack of inspiration.
I want to finish this story with one last thankyou to you amazing readers and reviewers, especially you reviewers....you're passion for this story amazes me, and I will constantly come back to read your reviews again and again. Thankyou so much for giving this story a chance and sticking with it all the way through!
Now, I shall cease my rambeling and leave you to your day/night.
Please review and tell me what you thought.....especially you guys who just like to read...this is your chance to tell me if you loved it/loathed it.
Not sure when I'll be back in action, fingers crossed this awful writing blank will pass.
Thanks again.
-God Bless, Emma. x