Author's Note:
To our dear reviews,
Yes, we apologize; this is not a chapter (sorry guys)
We just want to let you guys know that we are SO SO SORRY that we haven't been updating lately and we are NOT going to abandon this story. We've just got our exams (in one week YIKES) so we've pretty much been spending all free time studying. Yes, it's sad but it's true.
Your reviews mean SO MUCH to us, literally. Just a simple 'good update' makes our day. You have no idea how much we appreciate that you're reading and reviewing our fanfic. We're not going to give up on this story, so please, do hold on a bit, and don't give up on us. Hopefully, we'll have the next chapter up soon.
So yep, wish us luck, in a week we'd be sitting in a scary formidable, eerily quiet exam hall sitting our papers…
Thank you SO MUCH again for all your great reviews