Disclaimer: Don't own NCIS because if I did I wouldn't have to write this.. Wish I did but I don't. Remember this cause I'm not writing it in every chapter I post. Thanks!

This is officially my first fanfic so forgive me if it's small and not very good, but I'm trying! R&R please? Thanks!

Chapter 1

Gibbs entered the NCIS squad room with his early-morning coffee just as the phone started to ring. Tony and McGee both lunged for it but, as always, Gibbs was faster.

"Yeah?" He asked as he head-slapped the two when they turned towards their desks. After a minute, Gibbs hung up the phone.

"New case, boss?" DiNozzo asked, jumping up from his chair.

He was about to grab his gear when Gibbs shouted at him. "No DiNozzo! Sit down." He started walking towards the stairs. "I'll be in MTAC!" he called to them.

Tony DiNozzo sighed and sat back down at his desk. Things had been quiet for them lately and it seemed that today was no different. He was about to start up his computer game when he stared across the bullpen and realized, for the first time that morning, that Mossad Officer, Ziva David wasn't sitting in her usual place. In fact, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. He was about to pick up the phone and call her when he realized that it was only 7:05. Being a few minutes late every once-in-a-while wasn't unusual for his Israeli partner.

Now calm and thinking nothing of it, Special Agent DiNozzo stood up, deciding it was time for a chocolate bar from vending machine.

Not three minutes after DiNozzo had left the squad room, McGee was heading towards the elevator. Distracted by thoughts of his new novel, Timothy McGee, unlike his partner, had failed to notice that his other coworker had yet to arrive to work as he passed her desk. He hit the down button on the elevator. Tim had just thought of a title for the book when the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened up to reveal forensic scientist, Abby Sciuto standing in the doorway of the lab, sipping her usual Caff-Pow. He smiled and followed her inside.

Back in the squad room (8:00)-

An hour after Gibbs had been called up to MTAC, he was descending the stairs while sipping his second coffee of the morning. Once in the bullpen, he sat down at his desk. DiNozzo was just coming back from the vending machine, half a candy bar in one hand and another unopened one in the other.

"Hey Boss, what's up?" Tony said through a mouthful of chocolate.

Rolling his eyes, Gibbs replied "I was talking with SecNav about the last two cases. He didn't seem too happy but, then again, he never does. Where's McGee? Abby's lab?"

"Guess so." Tony said just as Tim and Abby stepped out of the elevator.

"Hey Gibbs!" Abby called out as the two entered the bullpen. She ran up and gave him a quick hug. "Hi Abs, he greeted her.

"Hi Tony!" she said, and then smiled at DiNozzo, who had moved on to his second chocolate bar. He nodded, waved, and then turned back to his computer. McGee crossed the bullpen and sat down at his desk as Abby turned on a platform heel to face Ziva's desk.

"Morning Zi-" Abby's voice cut off and both Gibbs and Tony glanced up to see why. McGee had already turned on his iPod and was listening to one of his favorite MIT lectures so he was unaware of what was going on right in front of him.

"It's already 8:15, where the hell is Ziva?!" Gibbs shouted to no one in particular. This caught McGee's attention and he yanked out his earphones to hear what DiNozzo had to say. Gibbs stood up and was now leaning over Tony's desk, giving him the signature 'Gibbs stare'. He could feel a head-slap coming.


Ok so? How was it? Review please!!