What The Headlines Never Say

Chapter 1: Monster

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: Sequel to my story Noise Not Music. Two years later. Will there ever be a physical smitchie? Or will it just continue to be in spirit? Lets find out.

Over the past two years the headlines had been blaring about Mitchie Torres.

Starting with. "Is Mitchie Torres the next big thing?"

"Mitchie Torres first album hits platinum."

"New Torres single breaks the charts."

"Torres international tour sold out several months in advance."

But after a while the headlines about her werent that good any more.

"Torres walks off during live tv interview."

"Torres cancels her show last minute. Why?"

"Torres cheating on long time boyfriend?"

"Torres carrying her ex boyfriends baby?"

"Torres has a thing for woman?"

Pictures had been plastered with all of those.

And none of the pictures had been pretty.

And then the most recent headline about Mitchie Torres.

"Is Mitchie Torres the new Shane Gray? Or possibly worse."

Mitchie smirked at that magazine.

Then ripped it to shreds.

She looked around.

She wanted to know who was responsible for making her seem like such a monster to the press.

"Who had the damn balls to tell someone these lies?!"

Everyone looked at her scared.

Mitchie had still been convincing herself she was still the sweet girl she had been two years ago.

But she really was worse than Shane Gray had been before the summer that had changed her life.

And in the eyes of all that worked for her, and now the press.

She was a monster.

A monster who had gotten lost in the lime light.

Hillary looked at her warily.

Mitchie glared at her.

"What are you looking at?" She snapped at Hillary.

Hillary pulled down the beanie hat she had been wearing listening to her hoops dangle.


Hillary smirked.

"Well then do something!" Mitchie continued to snap at her.

Hillary smirked again.

"Stupid spoiled popstar." She muttered.

Mitchie glared at her again.

"What did you say?"

Hillary stood up.

"I said stupid spoiled popstar!"

Mitchie frowned.

"Get out. Your no friend. Get out of here. Now!"

Hillary frowned also and did a quick curtsy holding a invisible skirt.

"Whatever you say miss. But you wont see from me again."

"You dont deserve to be friends with me. Just get out."

Hillary laughed a hollow laugh.

"Me not to deserve to be friends with you?! Its more like you dont deserve to be friends with me!"

Mitchie snarled and continued to glare at her.

"Get out you low life. And Ill be more than happy to never hear from you again."

Hillary didnt say another word.

She just spun on her converse clad heels and stormed out.

Not planning on ever talking to Mitchie Torres again.

Mitchie let out a long annoyed breath.

She was glad to be rid of that horrible girl who had been following her like a lost puppy for the past two years.

Mitchie knew Hillary thought she owed her something since she helped her get signed.

But Mitchie owed her nothing.

Hillary couldnt believe Mitchie.

She had been there for her when she was working on her demo.

Or worrying about getting signed.

Or just there as a friend.

Mitchie had fired Caitlyn a year ago.

Another one of her only real friends.

But a year ago was when things with Mitchie had started to get bad.

Hillary thought that it was just something going on with her friend.

She thought it was just going to blow over.

And things would resolve themselves.

And Mitchie would try to get Caitlyn back.

Although Hillary had talked to Caitlyn since then.

And Caitlyn was happy she was done with Mitchie Torres.

She had become only worse.

And Caitlyn had only felt bad for Hillary.

Knowing she was putting up with all of it.

But now.

Hillary was done.

For good.