x Author's Note x

Not quite as long as Mbea after all! I'd love to hear what you think, comments, messages, love-it, hate-it, a comment is a comment!

'Memories' was inspired by the disturbing lack of Spire stories on this site - what's with that?? - and also this weird castle thing in Wales that reminded me of it - when I figure out its name I'll be sure to put it here.

Thanks to:

* Fable II - a game I have actually fallen in love with - waiting with baited breath for III!

* SeventhSanctum

* The Fable wikia

* Xcalizorz's Fable II videos - if you haven't heard of this guy, check him out on Youtube, a real help, great for when you just missed something said and can't be bothered to go through the whole game to find it again :D

* Microsoft - as evil and corrupting as it may be, it really helps to have a word processor and a good spellchecker backing you up.

* Karin Slaughter - an amazing author, and an inspiration.

* The Commandant - you may be creepy and weird, but you make a great writing character.

* Michael - for being there when Sparrow needed you, and for having the strength to let her go.

And you - for coming along for the ride. Thanks a bunch :)

Love and kisses,
