Written For: SalomeSensei
Published: December 22, 2008
Fandoms: Inuyasha, Doctor Who
Pairings: Sesshoumaru/Kagome, 9th Doctor/Rose
Genre: Crossover, AU
Rating: G
Word Count: 439

Prompt/Summary: Tea Break with Sesshoumaru and Doctor Who

Youkai had arrived in Japan long ago, back when Earth was just starting out. Their own planet had been utterly destroyed by war and famine and disease brought on by a hostile takeover, and those that were left managed to flee the harsh regime set before them and found a new home on the then-unknown planet Earth.

Unfortunately for the youkai, the bacteria native to Earth played havoc with the youkai genetics, mutating and warping many of them into thoughtless creatures unrecognizable from their original forms. Some, however, managed to adapt to the changes the bacteria wrought in their systems and became new powerful beings, and it was those who managed to lead and control those that had become mindless. In this way they managed to live semi-decent lives, most forgetting their origins and all forgetting their lost technology.

That is, until the native life on Earth evolved into homosapiens, who grew to fear and loathe the youkai and their strange powers. Slowly but surely, the youkai died out - some by humans, certainly, but strange mutations still claimed many, and others simply could not cope with the fast-paced changes that humanity brought to their planet.

The Doctor had thought the youkai were extinct, yet here was one sitting before him, sipping tea without a care in the world. A youkai that had once been a feudal lord. He was pretty sure he never had a feudal lord in the TARDIS before, and he never expected to, really. Feudal lords were harsh, stubborn, and unforgiving. It was mind-boggling to see one sipping tea in a business suit.

He supposed it had something to do with the cheerful and quite loquacious Japanese girl who was busily chattering away with Rose on the other side of the TARDIS. The Doctor didn't quite know how she had managed to meet the youkai Sesshoumaru, but he could guess. The girl practically reeked of background radiation even before he had picked her up.

He wondered if she was the reason that Sesshoumaru had managed to survive and adapt while the others of his species died out - he knew he had something to live for in the future. Someone to remember and fight for and live on to find again.

He wondered if Rose would be the same for him, alone and broken though he was.

The eerie feeling of someone watching him pulled The Doctor out of his thoughts and noted that Sesshoumaru's golden eyes were staring at him impassively. The Doctor grinned and lifted his mug.

"To sole survivors," he said, and the youkai's lip twitched as he lifted his own mug in response.

"To sole survivors."

Author's Note 4/30/13:

Oh Hai person spamming my reviews anonymously so I cannot reply to them properly:

a) Just because the series never stated the Doctor was broken doesn't mean he wasn't broken. I mean, I don't recall them ever saying the Doctor poops, but I bet he does.

b) The books and radio series aren't generally considered canon. I can say The Doctor doesn't go to feudal Japan if I wanna.

c) Oh, the Doctor is never confused? I guess we're pretending that 11 isn't completely flummoxed by Clara right now.


I never said I "owned" anything. The Doctor clearly went through a healing process. As 9 he is bitter and angry and still feels the fresh pain of what he had to do and of being the last of his kind. He starts to work through it as 10, has a bit of a breakdown, and comes out of it stronger as before. It isn't hard to see him as "broken" as he is trying to heal. Even now as 11 he refuses to take a companion and help people for quite some time because even though he loves having companions, he feels guilty about what his way of life ends up doing to them. He may not be broken anymore but he can still hurt.

And I still think he can be internally surprised even if how it's expressed on the outside is excitement and wonder (see: 10 and that werewolf, for example).