Sorry it's been so long since my last update, I've been really busy. Enjoy!

After the events at her house, Nathan and Lucas insisted Haley go to the hospital, despite her protests. She now found herself sitting behind a curtain at Tree Hill Hospital, waiting for a doctor to come talk to her. They had taken x-rays and cast her wrist, and also gave her some medication for the pain. When the doctor walked in, Haley cringed. She knew what he was going to say.

"Hello Haley, I'm Dr. Walker."

"It's nice to meet you," mumbled Haley. This was not a situation she wanted to be in.

"Haley, as you know, your wrist is broken, the cast will have to stay on for a few weeks. Your ribs are cracked, but they should heal on their own, we've already given you some medication for the pain. There's one other thing I'd like to ask you about. Through the nurse's exam, she found evidence of sexual abuse. Can you tell me about that?"

Haley looked down. She was afraid of this. She didn't want to talk about it. This is one thing she wished she could just put away in a box somewhere and never think of it ever again. And here was the doctor, shoving it in her face. She was a little angry.

"What is there to say? My abusive father raped me? That's what happened."

"I'm sorry Haley. We did a pregnancy test, and you aren't pregnant. But you should definitely consider talking to someone about this. I have to inform the police." Haley looked a little panicked. "It will help put him behind bars. Isn't that what you want?" the doctor asked.

"Yes. You're right. Can I go now?"

"Yes, I'll just get your discharge papers. And Haley, I'm not allowed to tell anyone about what we talked about in here, but I really think you should talk to someone you trust."

"Yeah... thanks." Haley hopped off the bed and moved slowly out into the hallway.

As soon as she stepped into the hallway, Nathan and Lucas shot up from their seats.

"Haley! You okay?"

"I'm fine Lucas, just a few broken bones. Nothing a little time won't fix. Can you just take me home?"

"Haley, are you sure it's such a good idea for you to be alone right now? You can come stay with me and my mom."

Haley thought about this for a minute. She really didn't want to be back in her house. The place itself made her nervous. But if she went to Lucas' she would have to talk to him. Well, it was going to happen eventually.

"Alright." she muttered. Nathan followed behind the two friends, not saying a word.

"Hey Nate, you want me to drop you off on the way?"

"Sure man, that'd be great." They drove in silence the entire way to Nathan's house. When they pulled up, Nathan hesitated for a second, before saying his goodbyes.

"Thanks for the ride Lucas. Haley, if you need anything, let me know." He slowly got out of the car and went into his house.

Lucas and Haley pulled into his driveway a few minutes later. They both sat in silence, waiting for the other to do something. Finally, Lucas broke the silence.

"So, are you ready to go inside?"

"...Yyyeah. Let's go." Haley slowly moved for the door handle, and they both got out of the car.

"I'll talk to my mom. Just go right into my room."

"Thanks Lucas." Haley crept into Lucas' room and sat on his bed. It hadn't changed. Except for the occasional photo here and there, his room was still filled with basketball stuff and books. She picked up a picture of him and Brooke. They looked so happy together, she was happy for him. Then, she saw the picture of her and Lucas from a few years ago, before her mom died. They had been playing mini golf on the roof of the cafe. It was one of the happiest moments of Haley's life. She hugged the frame close to her chest and began to cry. As she sobbed, she shrank down onto the bed and cried herself to sleep.

Lucas walked into the kitchen to find his mother sitting at the table.

"Lucas! Where have you been! I've been calling you for the past hour and a half!" She continued to rant on before Lucas stopped her.

"Mom... I'm sorry. It was Haley. I..." at this point, Lucas began to tear up and his mother knew something must've been wrong.

"Lucas, what is it? What happened?"

"It was Haley's dad, Mom. Remember Jimmy? He's been abusing her. That's why she pushed us away. That's why she wouldn't talk to me. He hurt her Mom." Lucas was crying now, and his mother wrapped her arms around him, crying herself.

"Oh Lucas. Where is she now?"

"My room."

"Good. She'll stay with us. What happened? Is he in jail? How did you find out? Why didn't she tell you?" Karen shot countless questions at Lucas, and he answered them all. The two decided that Haley would stay with them, at least until she figured out what she wanted to do. Lucas left the kitchen and went into his room, to find Haley in a restless sleep on his bed. He pulled the blankets over her and sat in a chair, watching her sleep. Not too much later, he fell asleep himself.

Lucas jolted up, after hearing Haley's scream. She was still screaming as Lucas tried to wake her. When he finally succeeded, she was hysterical and crying.

"Haley! Haley! Hales! It's okay, it's me, Lucas!" Haley looked at him for a moment, trying to calm herself down. Right now, the dreams were the worst part. Lucas hugged her and rocked her back and forth.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lucas rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. "Why did you push me away Haley? I could have helped you."

Haley sniffled for a moment, and then chose to speak. "I was scared Lucas. That first day, when I walked away from you, I just couldn't look you in the eyes. I knew you would know. You knew me better than anyone else. And I didn't know what he would do if he found out. It was just easier to stay away."

"Why didn't you ever try to leave?"

"I did. Once. I tried to go see Quinn. That's how I got this." Haley lifted her shirt to reveal a particularly nasty scar spanning 6 inches across her stomach. "He threatened my brothers and sisters. And he wasn't kidding. I couldn't let anything happen to them." Tears formed in Lucas' eyes as Haley told her story. He continued to ask questions, and surprisingly, she answered.

They continued the night getting to know each other again. Lucas told Haley all about his relationship with Brooke and his new brotherhood with Nathan. He and Nathan were not really nasty to each other before, they just didn't know each other. Now, they were actually brothers.

Haley explained to Lucas about her father, and the drinking, the hitting, the many mornings waking up on the linoleum floor, and everything else. Except the rape. That was not something she wanted him to know. She and Lucas were becoming best friends again. The next day was going to be very different.

They fell asleep talking and woke up in the morning to a huge breakfast. As soon as Haley entered the kitchen, Karen enveloped her in a warm embrace.

"Lucas told me what happened sweetie. I'm so sorry. You're welcome here as long as you like. This is your home too." Haley had always thought of Karen as her second mother, and returned the embrace with an equally warming hug.

"Eat up kids, Haley, you two don't have to go to school today if you don't want to. You deserve a day or two off."

"Oh, no we'll be fine. I don't want to get behind." Haley insisted.

"Are you sure?" Karen and Lucas looked at her questioningly.

"Positive. I've gone to school in much worse states." Haley said with a chuckle, but Lucas and Karen didn't laugh.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I can't dwell on the past, I'd rather just move on, you know?"

"Of course. If you need anything at all, just call. I'll be at the cafe."

"Thanks Karen." With another hug from Haley and a kiss to Lucas, she was out the door. Lucas and Haley made their way to Lucas' car and drove in comfortable silence to the school.

"You sure you're ready for this?"

"I'm sure." Lucas threw his arm over her shoulder and they walked into Tree Hill High, receiving odd looks from much of the student body. Only he, Haley, and Nathan knew about yesterday's events, and the rumors would soon be flying.

"Haley, what are you going to tell people?"

"What do you mean, Lucas?"

"Well, they're obviously going to ask. I mean look at them, they're like vultures, just waiting for one of us to walk away so they can bombard us with questions." Haley looked around. The student body was indeed looking at them.

"It's none of their business. Things will calm down in a few days. Let them think what they want, I don't care."

"Okay, Hales. Just let me know if anyone gives you any trouble." Haley smiled at Lucas. It was good to have her best friend back again.

"Boyfriend!" Brooke bounced up to them, giving Lucas a peck on the cheek.

"Hey Brooke, you know Haley, my best friend." Brooke gave him an odd 'you have some explaining to do later' look but continued without missing a beat.

"Of course! What's up Haley?"

"Hey Brooke. How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. OMG what happened to your wrist?!" Brooke gasped at the cast on Haley's arm.

"My dad hit me, and I fell." Haley answered nonchalantly. She saw no reason to lie, and Brooke was Lucas' girlfriend, so she would find out sooner or later.

Brooke stared at her speechless for a few moments before breaking out in concern. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. What can I do? Does it hurt? Do you need anything?"

"Slow down Tigger, I'm fine. It was just a bad situation. Luckily, Lucas and Nathan were there to help me out. And do me a favor, don't advertise this. I don't really want the whole school knowing."

"Of course not, let me know if there's anything I can do." Brooke looked at Haley with true concern in her eyes.

"Alright, well I'm going to be late. I'll see you later guys." Haley walked off towards class.

"Lucas, she's changed so much in the past day. Yesterday she wouldn't even talk to you, and now you guys are best friends again? What happened?"

"Nathan and I went over there yesterday to talk to her, and her dad pushed her. Things got a little rough and we called the cops. He's in jail right now. Haley was really shaken up for awhile but we talked about everything last night. I think she's going to be okay. She was just afraid, that's all."

"Wow. She had it tough."

"Do me a favor? Look out for her?"

"Broody, I've been looking out for her since you first told me to when we started dating. I knew you two would eventually become friends again."

"Thanks Brooke. I love you."

"Love you too Lucas."

Hope you liked it! Please review, and there will be some Naley coming up soon, I promise!