I was coming back from the store

You're walking in the rain, with no protection

I remember when I was walking alone

You remember that, do you not?

The rain was light but I was sick

Went to the hospital and came back walking

You saw me walking alone, with no protection

You got close to me and then my heart skipped a beat

"May I walk with you Flippy?" you asked me

I remember trembling at the very thought of you near me

All I could say was, 'Y-yes'

You held the umbrella closer to me so no rain could touch me

The rain was touching you only

Forgive me for being so foolish and only thinking of myself

But, I was so scared of being with you...

I panicked, I walked faster as you called to me

'Flippy!' you cried as I ignored you rudely

I can still remember how your face was happy

But I hope you have forgiven me

I'll return your good deed now

It is my turn to help you

When I walked near you I asked, "May I walk with you Flaky?"

And you said "Sure." with that sweet, soft voice

"My hands are really cold!" I said by accident

Then, you did something that made me blush

You grabbed my hands and said "Mine are warm."

We stood there, looking into each others eyes

Then my words slipped out "Your eyes are incredibly beautiful."

"Thank you." was all you could say to me afterwards

Your next action left me without any word at all

You hugged me and cried, without me knowing why

I didn't know what to do, but just hold you

Hold you and never let you go

You warm body touching mine for the first time

Is this how you feel when you hold someone you love?

Then I had to saying what I was feeling was true

My words felt slow, "Flaky, I love you"

You cried even louder and held me tighter

Your grip made me breathe harder and I feel empty

I feel as if I just hurt you terribly

You let go and ran, crying

When you were away you kept saying 'why?'

I feel as if I got to close to you

To close and made you believe even more

If I ever hurt you I'm sorry for it

That week, I got a letter in my mail

Looked at it and it said 'To Flippy, my best friend'

I surprise by the words and the person it was from

The letter read,

'Flippy, I'm in the hospital of east of the docks

I'd would love you would like to come

Visit me in room two fifty-one

Love, Flaky'

Got in the truck and went to the hospital

When to the table and asked for Flaky

They took me to the room where she was staying

When I opened the door, you stood near an open window

You were wearing a hospital outfit

But something was wrong with you

You turned and I saw that you were pale

Your eyes were surrounded by black line and

Your face was empty and sad

I never seen you like this because you were always glad

You ran up to me and hugged me tightly

Saying 'I've been poisoned by a type of venom'

I looked at you and saw that you weren't lying

'I don't have much time left to live'

I held you tightly and started to cry

The though of losing you brung a tear to me eye

'I wanted to tell you something I never did'

Then I asked what was it

You got close to me and made me start to shake

You put your face in front of mine and smiled

'Ever since that day we met I knew you were special

That feeling you made me love and hate

I was to young to know what love really was

But I thought of what love really does

You always made me feel I can always believe

But then that week of 1999

I found out, my life has been a lie

I found out I was really adopted

They told me that day and that's why I cried

You were the first to help me see

What life could truly mean

I opened my eyes since that day to be free

But then January 9th, 2009

Is when I received the bad news,

I was injected with a type poison that doesn't have a cure

They mixed up with the delivery

That is why I ran away when you told me you loved me

I'm sorry that your love was for nothing

I'm going to die in a couple of months

But thank you at being my first love

And I hope this isn't what love really does'

We held each other in the others arms

Told you that no matter what happens

I'll always love you

We kissed for the very first time

That's when your face finally shined

But it disappeared on July 15th

You died a virgin and said 'I wanted you to be the first'

I wish I could have told you my feeling at first

Now I'm at your tombstone saying this poem

Promise me you'll meet me when I come to Heaven

Be there to open the golden gates of peace

Then we'll love each other in the afterlife

And I also wanted to say

Forgive me for being so foolish and selfish

that one rainy night

i wish one day we will meet in paradise and dance the days away

Be there forever until the end of time

Just forgive me for not telling you sooner

Just remember,

This is Flippy, your best friend

And I'll always love you