True to my word, I'm back! I'm sorry it's been awhile, but University is killer, you know? Yeah, but you don't want to hear my excuses. You want chapters. So here we go!

BeccaRomano: You changed your name! I hardly recognized you! What kind of a world are we coming to? Anyway, I'm glad you're generally nice, because it's been six months since I last got on, and I do need kind people around right about now. And as for never thinking Masako was a doll? Well, I'm sure she never dreamed of it either!

DirkSamuelsMusicTheory: Interesting name. I take it you are a musician? And YES! Oh my Valar, dolls creep the holy bejezus out of me, so I just HAD to make a ghost story about them. You can see my side, can't you?

Lost-Location: I'm glad you added me to your alert list, and I'm terribly sorry it's taken so long for you to get an alert! And thanks for promising feedback- you have no idea how happy that makes me!

Sakura Ichigo Morihiko: Warning Masako! Hey Masako, watch out!) And yes, Mai did promise to find a doll, but the ghost's a little girl. She doesn't know the difference :)

DragonSlayerOtaku: I'm so glad you reviewed that last a/n! This way I know at least one person will be with me!

Disclaimer: Do you really think my editor would let me get away with not updating in 6 months to a year? I didn't think so. I don't own it.

"Should we get her out of here? I don't want her seeing this when she wakes up."

"Haven't you learned anything? You can't move an unconscious person! Do you want to risk a spinal injury?"

"Well then, we should at least clean up. Honestly, it's kind of disturbing me."

"We don't have enough time anyway. She'll be waking up soon. Her vitals are changing."

I let out a groan as my brain forced itself back into consciousness. Besides a pounding headache the size of Mt. Everest, I seemed to be alright.

Morning Sunshine. How was your nap?

"Shut up, Gene." I grunted woozily, and promptly emptied my stomach of my lunch. Masako wrinkled her nose in disgust.

That's all you ever say. He complained, but dropped the subject. I lay where I was, trying to keep the rest of my food in my stomach.

"That's because you're super obnoxious."

But you love me anyway. Except, wait- you love my brother. Mai and Naru sitting in a-

"Shut up, Gene." I repeated, breathlessly. Suddenly my mind was brought back to the present. "Masako!"

Said girl jumped in surprise, and turned to me, expectantly.

"You've got to get out of here! The little girl, she's after you. I don't know why, but she seems to think you're her toy doll."

"If anyone needs to leave here, it's you Mai." Masako rolled her eyes. "I'm fine."

"But she's targeting you. You don't want a repeat of the Urado case, do you?" I struggled to sit up, but something me back down.

"Mai, no offense, but Urado was mostly your fault." Masako shrugged.

"My fault! How?" I demanded. Just when I thought we were getting along great.

"If you hadn't gone running after a full-fledged demon without any weaponry, you never would have gotten into that mess." She explained, and I stared at her, open mouthed.

"And then you would be dead."

"Collateral damage." Masako shrugged nonchalantly. I opened my mouth to argue, but then noticed that I was tied down, and that was why I couldn't move.

"Why am I tied down?" I asked, and Ayako shifted nervously. She shared a look with Bou-san, and then stepped to the side.

"You need to see something." She declared. "Mai, look at the walls."

The walls were a mess. Written at the highest point, in large red letters was BAD GIRLS MUST BE PUNISHED. Following that, it looked as if someone had been assigned lines. Correction, it looked as if I had been assigned lines. Because that was definitely my handwriting. And it was written in blood. I glanced at the bandages wrapped over my hands and arms. My blood.

I Will Not Tell Lies.

I Will Not Tell Lies.

I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies.

I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies.

I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I Will Not Tell Lies. I WILL NOT TELL LIES!

I sat in shock for a moment, spinning around to see the entire room covered in my neat scrawl.

I Will Not Tell Lies.

"Technically, I wasn't lying." I declared hollowly. "Actually, I never once lied. So there."

"She possessed you, we think." John explained.

"And since you aren't an experienced medium like me, your body couldn't handle it well." Masako added smugly. I think she was sincerely trying at the whole best friend thing, but to be honest? She'd never had too many friends in her life, being a TV. star and all. So she could use a little more practice.

"We tried physically restraining you, but the spirit inside you was a lot stronger than you, apparently." Bou-san complained, rubbing a bruise on his jaw.

"Er, no, actually that was me. I've been told I have a wicked backhand." I shrugged. "I guess the little girl tapped into that."

"You?" Bou-san asked, looking incredulous.

"I did live on the streets for a couple years." I rolled my eyes. "What happened then?"

"Naru tried to get in your head and push the entity out." Yasuhara added. "She had such a firm hold on you that he couldn't do anything without destroying your brain." I turned to look at said narssisist.

"You were digging around in my brain?" I asked, and he glanced at me cooly.

"It's not like there were any thoughts in there."

"Why you-" I hollered, but Ayako interrupted.

"Is that any way to treat your employee? Have some respect, Naru."

"She's not my employee, she's my girlfriend. I don't have to be nice anymore."

Ayako face palmed. "That was nice? Mai, as your mother to be, I have to advise you against this relationship. He treats you horribly and constantly insults your intellect."

That's because he's just a scientist. Gene threw in. Doesn't know anything about girls. Me, on the other hand…

"Wait, does that mean I'm fired? What am I doing here than?" I asked, and Naru rolled his eyes.

"No, you're not fired. Be quiet, Mai, for once in your life."

"Why do I need to be quiet? I'm the one asking questions about what happened while I was knocked out."

"Fine, Mai. Just… describe the girl, would you? Tell me everything you know."

"She was about this big" I held up my hand as a reference. "Weighed about 3 stones. Six years old, more or less. Chin length hair, big brown eyes. She was dressed in fairly recent clothing, so whenever she died, it had to be this century."

"Good. Did you get any information while she was in your head? A name perhaps?"

I thought hard, but came up with nothing. "Gene?"

No. It was really crowded in your head, what with you, Naru, the ghost girl and me. I didn't get much of anything except a headache.

"Can spirit guides even get headaches?"

Yes, yes we can. And from now on, I'm the only one allowed in your head, got it? Not even Noll. I could feel him digging around in here… Not pleasant.

"Gene says you're not allowed back in my head, ok? You gave him a headache. And he didn't get any information."

"Fine. Mai, I want you to stay here and work on getting a sketch of the girl you saw. Brown-san, you stay here with her. Takigawa-san, Matsazuki-san –"

"If you'll remember, we're both Takigawas now." Ayako interrupted, and Naru nodded.

"I want you two to investigate on your own. Stick together. Hara-san, I want you to go with Lin-san around the house. See if you pick up on anything. Yasuhara-san, I want you to research anything you can about this child. Use the description Mai gave you to see what you can find. Mai?"

"Huh, what?" I asked. "I thought you already gave me an assignment."

"Tea." He added, and I rolled my eyes.

Of course.