Forever & Always

I couldn't believe this was happening. I thought that he was really the one, but now I'm not so sure. I thought he loved me, but now…*sigh* I remember when we first met D.C. when the Blackthorne boys were tailing us Gallagher girls…


I slipped into the shadows of the Metro station and watched Bex ascend the escalator, then waited long enough to be certain no one followed her. Then I headed to the elevator, but as I reached for the button, another hand beat me to it.

"Hey," one of the boys I had seen from the park bench said. He did that half head nod thing that all boys seem to do…

"Hi," I replied, pushing the button again, hoping to make the elevator come faster, because the last time a random boy had said hi to me, things had ended badly…

Of course, then I didn't know that he was actually a boy who went to a school for spies like I had, but that simple greeting was what had started it all…and now, I wish it hadn't, because I had let another boy get close to me, and things are starting to end badly, just like I thought it might then…

Once upon a time,

I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught your eye

We caught onto something

After the exchange, the run-ins after that, and finally defeating the Circle of Cavan, Zach had come around to asking me out. From then on, things were great for me. I had the greatest friends, who were also happy dating their guys, an amazing boyfriend, and I didn't have to run from anyone anymore. After Zach and I had dated for a month, there was that one night I remember very clearly…


We were lying on a hammock together outside of my grandparents' house. I was supposed to be spending the entire summer with just my grandparents, but today, Zach had surprised me by showing up.

"Zach…why did you come here?" I asked. I knew we were dating and all, but do any old boyfriends go to this much trouble to stick with their girlfriends?

"Cammie…" he started. Ever since we had graduated, he had started calling me Cammie more and more often. "I know we've only been dating for a month and all…but I want to be honest with you."

He turned so we were staring into each other's eyes and then he started, "I developed a sort of interest, or, I guess you could say crush on you during the time we had that exchange together back during sophomore year. After that, when we would run into each other, I started to like you more and more, and finally, I asked you to be my girlfriend once we had taken down the Circle of Cavan. During the past month, I realized something. I…I love you Cammie. And I really mean it. I really feel that I want to be with you forever and that I'll always be there for you Cammie."

I was so happy that night. That was the night that told me he would be the one…but soon after, he went on a mission that lasted for 3 months. I was so worried about him, but when he finally came back, things were different. He was always saying he was too busy to go on dates with me and the most he would give me when we did see each other was a stiff hug. That's when my heart really started to shatter.

I got so upset that I tried talking to him about it. Unlike the Zach I knew before, this Zach only got madder, and he practically stormed out of the diner we were at. That was 2 weeks ago. We haven't talked to each other since. When we do see each other from a distance at CIA headquarters, I'll get a moment to look into his eyes before he turns his head and walks away. When I used to look into his eyes, I would feel at home and safe from harm, but now, when I see the expressions on his face, he seems like a stoic stranger. I now wonder what happened to the Zach I had remembered from that night…

I hold onto the night

You looked me in the eye and told me you loved me

Were you just kidding

Cause it seems to me

This thing is breaking down we almost never speak

I don't feel welcome anymore

Baby what happened, please, tell me cause one second it was perfect

And now your half way out the door

Ever since he walked out on me, I've been like a zombie. I won't attend any social gatherings and my friends are getting worried about me. I felt like the life was taken out of me, and now, I can't feel at all, because it reminds me of the strong feelings I had for Zach…

I can't help but think that the old Zach is somewhere deep inside him and that he'll call me to explain what's been going on and that everything will be okay again. But he hasn't, yet I still wait for that call every night, and I always think about that night that was the peak in our relationship before it fell down at an alarmingly fast rate that I couldn't keep up with…

And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called

And you feel so low you can't feel nothing at all

And you flashback to when he said forever and always


And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong

It rains in your bedroom and it rains when your gone

And I was there when you said forever and always

Now I can't help but wonder,

Was I out of line?

Did I say something way too honest

Made you run and hide, like a scared little boy?

I think about our relationship and remember,

I looked into your eyes

Thought I knew you for a minute,

Now I'm not so sure

So here's to everything

Coming down to nothing

Here's to silence, that cuts me to the core

Where is this going?

Thought I knew for a moment but I don't anymore

And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called

And you feel so low you can't feel nothing at all

And you flashback to when he said forever and always


And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong

It rains in your bedroom and it rains when your gone

And I was there when you said forever and always

Although, the more I think about it, the angrier I get…at Zach. Did he really mean it when he said he loved me? Was he the kind of guy who moved on to a new, shiny toy when the one before got old and dull? Did he completely forget, everything?

You didn't mean it baby

I don't think so

Back up

Baby back up

Did you forget, everything?

The more and more I thought about it, the more furious I was becoming furious with Zach! Did he really just play with me, move on, and forget everything that happened between us?

Cuz it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong

It rains when your here and it rains when your gone
Cuz I was there when we said Forever and Always

Ooh I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called
And you feel so low, you can't feel nothing at all
And you flashback to when we said
Forever and Always
And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when your here and it rains when your gone
Cuz I was there when we said
Forever and Always

You didn't mean it baby
You said Forever and Always

The exchange…

Our little, unexpected meetings that he said brought us closer…

Fighting together to stop the Circle of Cavan…

The night he told me forever and always…

Now the question is…

Should I move on?


A/N: This was my first song-fic, so it may have needed work in some areas. Also, the spacing got a bit messed up in the last part of the song where it's like "cuz it rains in your bedroom..." I tried to fix that but it was on double space for some reason... Anyways, review!!! And tell me if you want to make it a two-shot!! :D I could totally do it, I mean did you see the ending??? Lol xD I know, it's totally a "to be continued..." kind of thing... xD Sorry if it was kind of hard to read cause of the centering, italics, bolds, etc...