I don't own Inuyasha, nor profit from the writing of this in any way.
Is this how it all ends? I mean really, does it have to be like this? After all we've been through you're going to just walk away- walk away like it was all nothing to you? (Voice broken; close to tears) I was nothing to you. That's what it is... All this time you were just using me. A means to your end.
Did you ever honestly care? I wonder that- I truly do. I want to know: did you ever really see me? Or was it her the whole time? Were you looking in my eyes, and seeing her? Or maybe it was more primal then that. I was a warm body, at something to fill the void.
(Anger) But I was never truly good enough for you was I? If I was you would have never done this. If you had loved me then you would have shown me. And what did you do? Oh yeah. You ran off with some other whore. A couple of them actually.
(Bitter laughter) So now here we are. (Sigh) Here we are, and of course this is inescapable.
(Whispered) I knew. I always did. I always knew you never loved me. I mean how could you- look at me. (Chuckle) But you should have told me. (Anger) You should have never told me you loved me. You're just some little whore that only cares about yourself and making you feel good. No one else matters to you in your little fucked-up world. Well, except maybe her.
(Pause) If I was her would I have been good enough- would you have loved me? No, no don't tell me. I don't want to know. It doesn't matter anyway. (Pain) I'm not her, and you will never love me. So what's left for me then? (Begins to cry) Nothing. Nothing is left for me. You'll run off and find some other girl to be her until she comes back. You'll fill your void with another warm body. And it'll be great. At least until you bored, or she decides to use you again. Some little fuck buddy that isn't me. Hell you always look right through them anyway.
(Anger) Do you ever look at them? Do you ever see them? Do you even fucking care what you do to these girls? No. You're above that, aren't you? (Saddened voice) Always above that and them.
So now we go on from here don't we? But I don't want to. Not without you. I want to be with you. I want you. Can't you just see that for once? Can't you just see me? Is that asking too much? I guess it is.
(Pause, and picks up knife, and studies gleaming blade) Alone. Alone once more. Alone always. No. Not me. I won't be alone. Not again. (Lowers blade to arm, and slowly, sensually, slides it; tears begin again) I. Will. Not. Be. Alone.
(Turns to other person) You're making me do this you know? It's your fault. You could have just pretended. But no. Not you. You could have left. You shouldn't have lied to me. You shouldn't have cheated on me. And not with her! But what's done is done. It's all over now, and you've made your choice. I hope you're happy with it.
(Steps up to person, crouches, and whispers) Don't worry I'll take care of her. I'll give her what she deserves. (Kisses the other person) Goodbye, I will miss you, my love.
She lashed out with the blade with deadly accuracy. It was over in a flash, and when she was done she went to find her.
Nov. 6, 08
So! This is a random drabble thing I wrote in regards to my feeling of my last relationship. At the time it had nothing to do with Inuyasha, but as I was going back through I found it. As I read it, it struck me as Kagome. I could see her in this. So I thought I would let ya'll have a looksie. I think its self explainitory, and I see this as Kagome talking to Inuyasha. Kikyou is "her".
Now I know I am gonna get reposnces like "How could Kagome capture let alone kill Inuyasha?" Kagome knows Inuyasha's most deadly secret, and that is his human night. It wouldn't be too hard to knock him out (come from behind because he trusts her), and then tie him up. As a human he would be easy to kill.
Hope ya liked, but let me know.