Disclaimer: I Don't own Yugioh GX, Or Any other Anime Characters that are in this Fic (Mainly Gundam Seed) But I do own my OC characters, and my made up cards, but I hope you all enjoy the story It was an idea I came up with when I was writing the other fic, that I still don't know if I'm going to continue or not but please enjoy this one, thank you all for reading.

Jaden: You're coming up with another one

Me: Yea I am

Jaden: Why so sudden I don't get it what made you start a new story.

Me: When I was writing the story about the Earthbound Immortals, I realize it's a lot that I missed, and a lot of mistakes that I've made so I figure I write a new one.

Jaden: Oh I get it

Me: Do you?

Jaden: …..No

Me: Idiot


In the ancient ruins that lay below Domino city, three archeologists were studying what could be the most unbelievable discovery of ancient history, which would make them millions. They were in an ancient tomb with hieroglyphics everywhere, inscriptions of duel monsters all over the walls, not to mention monsters that have yet to be discovered. Even though there were wall to wall of monsters all over the tomb, there was one specific one that interested the archeologists, a room that had six inscriptions on it, a monster for each element represented in duel monsters.

'This is amazing!' the first archeologists stated as he slowly guided his hand gently across one of the monsters on the wall.

"Tell me about it I never seen anything like this." The second one stated as he started taking pictures of all six incredible monsters.

"Yes with this discovery will be rich, I can't wait." The third obnoxious archeologists said as he walked around the room in excitement.

"Calm down Jonathon." The first archeologists said as he examined the hieroglyphics on the wall.

"What! Blander look at this!' Jonathon said. "This is the treasure that no one has ever seen before, Monsters, that never been put into the game, this is the most brilliant discovery known to man." He finished.

Blander just shook his head as he continued to make out the meaning of the hieroglyphics on the wall

"What do you make of it Blander?" The first Archeologist asked as he walked up behind him.

"Well Avon it's incredible, apparently it was a war between monsters, and the Humans. Apparently if I'm reading this correctly, there is an all powerful being that ruled over the duel monsters, known as the Dark Lord." Blander stated as he explained what he was reading.

"Apparently it wasn't just a regular war either." Avon cut in as he started to make out what the hieroglyphics. "It was a shadow war." He stated as he pointed to something on the wall.

"You see, all the monsters on this side look exactly like the others fighting alongside the humans."Avon said seriously as he explained what had happened as he read the inscriptions on the wall.

"It says that Geia the dark lord, was the almighty king of the shadow realm, and ruled over the entire shadow land." He started. " But he wanted more, this fiend was more than just a power hungry monster, this fiend wanted to expand his power, and control not just the shadow realm but our realm as well." Avon stated as he moved his finger along the writings.

"Whoa!" Blander said." It also states that he had six loyal guards' that followed him in to battle against the Pharaoh, and the humans." Blander stated as he read alongside Avon.

"Apparently, the six Beast that followed him where a part of the six elements that involved duel monsters." He finished.

"Precisely." Avon stated. "This is a most incredible finding indeed." He said as a smirk appeared on his face.

"And that's why we need to take this to the surface, and show everybody!" Shouted Jonathon." This is too big of a chance to pass up, come on Avon I know you agree with me, and think about it, Fame, Fortune, TV shows." He stated as his eyes filled with the stars of being famous.

"No." Avon said sternly as he continued reading.

Jonathon snapped back to reality, and looked at Avon confused.

"What...No?" he said questionably

Blander shook his head agreeing with Avon, as he stood up from reading the rest of the inscriptions.

"Avon is right Jonathon; this information cannot reach the surface." Blander said as he looked at Jonathon.

"But why not? Why aren't you to looking at the big picture in this?" Jonathon questioned angrily.

"Because, we has humans aren't ready this kind of power." Avon stated. "Here take a look at this." He said as he pointed towards the wall.

"You see this?" Avon stated as he pointed to a picture were Geia the Dark Lord was surrounded by a force field like energy ball.

"Yea what about it?" Jonathon said not realizing what Avon was worrying about.

"Apparently Geia wasn't destroyed he was only sealed away, but only barely." Avon stated

'So what?" Jonathon said as he backed away from the inscriptions." It doesn't matter the stupid thing is sealed u, and this happened years ago what effect could this have on us now." He said as he walked to the wall, and looked at Geia the Dark Lord.

"This thing probably isn't even alive anymore." He stated as he kicked the wall where Geia picture was.

But while the archeologists, were conducting their research they were being watched the Six Podium god's eyes were following each of the archeologist's movements, and once Jonathon kicked the Gela's portrait the tomb started to shake.

"What the!' Blander said in shock as he looked up, and saw one of the god's statues move.

"What did you do?"Shouted Avon, as he glared at Jonathon.

"No…No…Nothing I Swear" Jonathon as he fell back, as he to saw another statue come to life and glare at him.

The monster took shape of a cerebus like beast, but it was more vicious looking.

'Av…av...AVON!" he shouted as the beast roared, and leaped on Jonathon, devouring his body in one gulp.

His blood curling screams fading into the stomach of the three headed god.

"JONATHON!"shouted Blander as he reached his hand out for him, but was grabbed by Avon.

"He's gone come we got to run for it!' Avon shouted as they turned, and ran for their lives.

The three headed beast only growled at the two humans, it spotted running, and it was about to pounce, but then another statue came to like, and was in the form of water like dragon.

It cut off the three headed beast, and charged after the two archeologists.

"Avon it's no use we can't out run it!" shouted Blander, as he tried to keep up as best as he could.

"Shut Up, and keep moving!" Shouted Avon, as they continued running down the hallway of the tomb that seemed like it would never end.

"Avon I... Can't keep… up." Blander said panting heavily.

Avon stop, and quickly turned around to see Blander trying to take a quick breathier, but in time to see the Water like dragon, behind Blander.

"Blander! RUN!" shouted Avon as Blander turned around, and saw the jaws of the dragon come down upon him, devouring his screaming body crushing the bones, showing Avon that he was the last one left.

"Dammit!" he shouted as he took off running down the hallway again. But unknowingly to him the dragon wasn't following him at all it just stood there, and watched as Avon ran for his life.

Avon was running until he couldn't run anymore until he ran into a dark room, which didn't seem right to him.

"What is this." He said to himself as he looked around the room, noticing that there were six dark crystals aligned with each other, and then there was a bigger crystal that sat behind the six that were already glowing.

"That must be it." Avon stated as he slowly walked towards the huge crystal.

"The power…of Geia." He stated astonished as he got in range of the crystal, and slowly placed his hand on the crystal.

Suddenly the huge crystal started to glow, and so did Avon.

"What! What is this!" he shouted as his body was surrounded by a dark aura, suddenly his eyes turned dark, the dark power surged through his body.

"What Power!" Avon shouted as he could feel the power of Geia flowing through his body.

Suddenly the six God's appeared in front of Avon, and all kneeled down in front of him, as Avon now had the power of Geia in his control.

"This power….This feeling... It's incredible." Avon stated as he looked at the six gods'

"Maybe Jonathon was right… Maybe I will share my findings to the world." Avon said as an evil grin crept on his face.

"Soon everyone will know of our power." He stated as he looked at the six gods that bowed before him.

"Hmph yes real soon." Avon stated as he started to laugh out loud making it echo throughout the hallways of the tomb.

WHOA this doesn't seem like good news, and it's just the start of the story I wonder what's going to happen next find out on Yugioh GX

Jaden: wow I see you put a lot of thought into this

Me: yea I know you like the intro to the story

Jaden: yea it's sweet

Me: thanks because we're going to have our hands full I promise you

Jaden: sigh; let me go modify my deck.

"Me: lol already ahead of you just get ready to get your game on.

Jaden: why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Me: maybe you should but anyway, everyone please tell me if you like this so far, and trust me I will complete this one I don't know if I'll complete the other one but I'll think about it , but please review thank you.