Crescentia's Story

I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters from the Manga Series or anime…but I do own this storyline, any other characters outside of the original works of the Sailor Moon franchise, and any other fictional environment outside of the original Sailor Moon.

Chapter 23 - The Witch

She was called a witch long before she knew she was one.

Dark and empty, she wandered the universe, looking for a place to call home. It didn't matter where, just as long as she was accepted somewhere.


'Home.' The whispered plea seems to echo across the cosmos.

Belonging was something she yearned to experience. She had no clue of her origins. No clue who had sired her, who had borne her. She just was. When she became conscious of her existence, she just was what she was. No one understood and neither did she. She was just there. Alive and seeking smiling faces that told her she was welcome.

In the beginning, accidental kills could not be avoided for she knew not what she was. She didn't know that death was feared. Her use of magic was as instinctual as the breath she took to live. She didn't know she was supposed to control it, separate it, and lock it from its free will. She didn't understand that although magic was in every sphere, every corner of the universe, it was not universally used or accepted.

But when they cried because someone died by her hands, when they showed fear and repulsion, when they ran from her and cursed her name, she understood that she was different and different wasn't good. She was feared.

She learned restraint.

Years of rejection made her fear her own magic. So after a while, she stopped using it altogether.

Until it was needed.

To heal, to restore.

But everything had a price didn't it?

Could evil truly heal? Could evil really restore? And did dark mean evil?

Was she evil?

'Questions, questions. I have questions.' she moaned.

But they gave her more questions.

"Why do you not force them to serve you?"

"Why do you not fight back when you are kicked out of your home?"

Why why why….but no answers for her.

They asked her why she didn't kill anymore, why she didn't use her magic to her advantage. She didn't want that. She wanted to belong because she was accepted, not because she compelled obedience. That felt not quite right. But what was right and what was wrong? Was magic wrong? But her magic was not an obedient thing. It was alive and could not be restrained indefinitely. Sometimes, it would whip out and cause untold damage. Then the welcome would disappear along with the smiles. Fear and hate easily replaced acceptance and indifference, until she was chased out to seek a new home somewhere else.

'Always seeking, always.'

In such a manner, she lived her life, traveling from one place to another, yearning for a forever home, a place to lay her head beside another, to reach out and be met with warmth and oh those beautiful smiles that told her they were happy to see her, a place to call her own. A place where no one feared her or her magic. Home. A place and a people that won't toss her aside the next time her magic misbehaved.

'Home, want home. To belong.'