Summary: As an apology from the Dingo Channel, the iCarly gang has been given a free trip to Chuck Dingo World—the Most Magical Place on Earth. What could happen to them there—romance, adventure, hilarity? The answer is all of the above. SEDDIE.

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly or Charles Dingo—both are owned by Dan Schneider. I only own the words on these pages and the idea of Chuck Dingo World. Also, the original title of the parody ride, "The World Ain't So Big," is property of My Life As A Teenage Robot.

iGo To Dingo World: Chapter 1

It was a summer Friday afternoon at the Shay house.

Freddie sat at the counter, coding a new game for the iCarly site's iPlay page, working in such concentration that he only used his two index fingers to type while biting his lip in thought. It looked as if one mess-up would destroy the world. It looked as if everyone depended on the correctness of this code. It looked downright ridiculous, but that was just how Freddie Benson worked. Things like this, which would probably seem rather trivial to anyone else, were important, and meant a lot to him. He was indeed a tech nerd. And he smiled at this thought. There was no denying it—except for when Sam said it.

The younger of the Shay siblings sat in the background, on the living room couch, yelling at the old Japanese lamp her brother had purchased. "Rampu!" she shouted, and the light bulb flickered to life. Smiling excitedly, she called again, "Rampu!" and the light extinguished. "Rampu!" the high-voice chanted as the process repeated.

Each time the brunette had shouted the angry Japanese pronunciation of the word "lamp," Freddie jumped in his seat, his fingers pressing a few accidental keys on the keyboard. Frantically, he rushed to the backspace button and remedied them before he lost his place in the coding. Upon the tenth time the event occurred, the tech producer turned around to face the sanest of his friends on the couch. "Why do you keep doing that?" he asked with a frown. "It just does the same thing each time."

"It's fun!" Carly giggled. She couldn't understand why Freddie didn't see the thrill of shouting like a livid Japanese man. Maybe it was just something in the Shay blood. But just to be sure, she gestured for him to join her. "Try it."

Freddie sighed, taking a stand, his hands sliding limply into his pockets. "Rampu," he said with no enthusiasm in his tone whatsoever.

The lamp remained unaffected, the bulb not even flickering. "You have to be angry," Carly nodded. "Go on—try it again."

"Rampu!" Freddie yelled, with still no emotion in his voice.

The lamp, again, refused to budge. "Angry!" Carly called in demonstration.

"Rampu!" he bellowed again, true frustration tingeing his tone this time.

But still the bulb did not light. "Angrier!!" the brunette roared just as the door to the apartment swung open.

"Rampu!" Freddie yelled back with so much strain that his voice actually cracked.

Sam stood, hand resting on the doorknob as one of her eyebrows quirked up in curiosity. "They have medication for that, you know."

The tech producer rolled his eyes as Carly laughed. "Freddie can't seem to turn on the lamp, even at his angriest and Japanese-y-est."

The blonde with a bored expression etched into her features leaned towards the piece of furniture in question. And with a dull tone to match her look, she said, "Rampu."

The light instantly activated.

Grinning, she once again stood up straight, inserted her hands into the pockets of her hoodie and strutted her way to the refrigerator.

Freddie looked to Carly in awe and the brunette simply shrugged with an apologetic glance at her neighbor.

The boy stared at Sam angrily as she nonchalantly reached into the fridge and produced a package of sliced ham, a package of sliced bologna, and a carton of orange juice. Tossing them happily onto the counter, she didn't even bother to cast Freddie or Carly a second glance.

"That's not fair!" the tech producer yelled as Sam ripped the packages of meat open.

"What's not fair, Fredhead?" Her eyes remained on the food in front of her as she gripped a slice of each of the lunchmeats and shoved them into her mouth.

"I was shouting, 'rampu' way before you walked in here!" Freddie yelled, and unbeknownst to the two bickering sidekicks—one had their back turned to the lamp (Freddie) whilst the other's eyes and attention were currently concentrated on food (Sam)—the light bulb turned off with a click. "But the minute you walk in here and just say, 'rampu'—" On went the bulb. "—It works for you? That's total chizz!"

"Maybe," the blonde began in a raised voice. "It's like me! Maybe the Rampu—" Click. "—Doesn't listen to dorks!"

"Or maybe the Rampu—" Freddie did a mocking facial expression and hand gesture and on went the lamp again. "—Only listens to people who naturally sound like angry Japanese men!"

Sam glared angrily. "Or maybe the Rampu—" Off. "—Just doesn't listen to people who sound like little girls!"

"I can say, 'rampu' ten times manlier than you!"

When the light bulb sparked to life this time, it was brighter than before. This, logically, worried Carly. "Guys," she called in a timid voice, her eyes wide with fear.

"Rampu!" Sam roared deeply—off.

"Rampu!" Freddie roared back—on.

"Rampu!" The blonde took a threatening step towards the boy—off.

"Rampu!" The boy's hands clenched into fists—on.

"Guys!" Carly yelled louder, stepping back instinctively as the bulb shined brighter.

"Rampu!" She got closer—off.

"Rampu!" He clenched his fists tighter—on.

"Rampu!" She bared her teeth—off.


And the bulb burst as Sam lunged herself at Freddie, knocking him to the ground. Carly squealed in shock, throwing herself behind the couch, peering over the back of the sofa to see the damage.

Her two best friends were currently fighting it out while shards of the light bulb lay scattered on the coffee table—the lamp smoking.

Freddie screamed shrilly. "Sam! That's illegal! That's illegal!!"

"Quit being such a baby, Bensonhurst!

"Heeeey-llo!" Spencer called happily as he skip-hopped into the room.

This seemed to break up the tension—Freddie and Sam stopped fighting, Sam gave up on Freddie with a shove and got to her feet, and Carly also stood, calmly now, behind the couch. "Hey," Carly addressed her brother, a neutral expression on her face. "I thought you were hanging out in your room."

"I was," Spencer agreed as he opened up a loaf of bread from the counter and began making himself a sandwich with the cold cuts Sam had taken out of the refrigerator earlier. "But then I heard stuff break and figured I'd say hi to Sam and Freddie."

Freddie frowned sheepishly. "Sorry, Spencer."

Sam, on the other hand, just shrugged uncaringly. "Meh," she answered unintelligibly just before guzzling the orange juice straight from the carton.

Freddie and Spencer cringed at the action. Carly, however, just smiled, this act being familiar to her. If Sam had actually just gotten herself a cup and politely poured the orange juice into it, it wouldn't have been normal. Sighing with mock disappointment, she walked to the counter and snatched the carton from her friend.

"Hey!" Sam called in protest.

Retrieving a pink mug from the cupboard, Carly—for the sake of her brother and tech producer—ceased Sam's actions by pouring the remainder of the contents of the container into the cup. "Here," she called dully while smiling as she held out the pink cup to the blonde.

She frowned. "I like the blue one better."

"This one's got piggies on it," the brunette sang, jiggling the cup gently.

Sam's eyes twinkled with delight. "Ooh, gimme," she called as she snatched the mug from her best friend's hands

Carly smiled at the reaction. She knew how Sam worked—it's just something that simply came from years and years of friendship.

The sour look that Freddie gave as he glanced downward only made Carly smile more. It was a known fact that Freddie considered Sam his close friend, and as much as he liked fighting with her, he also delighted in remedying a situation and making her happy. But lately, Carly had noticed, whenever it was someone else who pleased Sam, and not him, himself, he would wear that same sour—dare she say it—jealous expression.

The brunette knew that somewhere along the line, something had changed amongst her bickering friends. She wasn't sure when it had started, but they had been willingly spending more time together, rather than being grudgingly forced to. And something just seemed different about their fights—even when they got physical, like just before. When in the beginning only a couple of years ago, a hostile air would hang around the two, there only appeared to be a light and jovial atmosphere now—as if the both were secretly having fun while taking jabs at one another.

Carly beamed. Their relationship/friendship/whatever it was reminded her of so many couples from romantic comedies that she'd seen from the past. As an old enchanted and animated teapot once sang, perhaps there was something there that wasn't there before.

"Mmm!" Sam exclaimed, the cup still at her mouth. Pulling the mug away, she snatched a small pile of papers from her pocket. "Got your mail," she said, orange juice still ringing the blonde's lips as she puckered them and attempted to lick the juice away.

Freddie watched this, a crooked smile playing at his features as he leaned on the kitchen counter. His smile grew at the silly expression on Sam's face as her eyes danced upward in concentration while she pulled her lips further inward, trying to get every last bit of nectar off of them. The tech producer made the mistake of letting loose a laugh.

Sam's eyes snapped back to him, a mischievous smirk plastered on her face. "Stuff it, Fredwad," she answered as she completed the task for him, grabbing two pieces of ham and shoving them into his mouth.

He glared at her as he chewed, but she only grinned in satisfaction.

While this was going on and Carly was shuffling through the mail in her hands after a 'thanks' to Sam, Spencer squinted his eyes in puzzlement. "Wait," he called, raising a finger. "You don't have a key to our mailbox."

Sam shrugged. "So?"

The eldest Shay opened his mouth to speak, but then decided against further questioning. He simply didn't need to know what happened to his dear friend that he visited daily, Mr. Mailbox. As long as he was okay, that was all that mattered.

"Hey," Carly said lowly in surprise as she paused on one of the letters in her hands. "There's one from the Dingo Channel!"

Spencer sputtered as the Peppy Cola he had been drinking now dribbled down his chin.

"What?" Freddie questioned in shock. "What's it say?"

"If they're asking for another Bikini Dog Food Fight," the blonde grinned. "I think we can make it happen."

The brunette practically tore the envelope open in excitement. Once the printed contents rested in her hands and she had the chance to look over the text, the web show comedian's face lit up with joy. "They're inviting us for a free stay at Chuck Dingo World in Florida!"

"Dingo World?" Sam asked in disgust. "That place is for babies!"

"Hey!" Freddie retorted, insulted at her words. "I happen to really like Dingo World."

"My point."

"Ooh!" Spencer yelled excitedly. "We have to go on 'The World Ain't So Big'!"

"And that's probably the stupidest ride there," Sam added dully.

"It doesn't matter!" shouted the artist. "It's a landmark! We have to go on it!"

Freddie gingerly took the envelope from Carly. After looking through it a couple of times, he lifted it high above the frantic crowd. "Hey! Problem!" he called. Once everyone silenced, he lowered the envelope, gripping it in both hands and shrugged. "They gave us tickets to the parks, but they forgot to give us plane tickets."

"That's not a problem," Carly giggled as she shook her head. "Spencer'll just drive us."

"Yeah!" Spencer granted bouncily. "Except for one thing," he added, suddenly turning serious.

"What?" the trio asked together.

"I kind of turned my car into a sculpture…"

Carly, Sam, and Freddie stared at the adult in awe, frozen in their spots—Freddie with the envelope resting limply on one of his palms, Sam with a piece of ham sticking out of her mouth, and Carly exhibiting a perfect look of terror.

"It was to help the planet!" Spencer defended.

The teens continued to stare in astonishment.

"Stop it!" the sculptor pleaded. "You're making me feel all blech!"

"You should feel all blech," stated the younger Shay with a nod.

"But I was helping the planet!" Spencer tried with a frown.

"Oh the planet doesn't need that much help!"

"Hey," Sam shrugged. "It's cool. I can drive you guys."

"Oh, that's right!" Carly smiled, the crisis obviously averted. "I forgot you got your driver's license."

"Yeah," Freddie shook his head. "My mom's definitely not gonna let me go."

Sam shrugged again. "Who says she has to know?"

Freddie's eyebrows pulled together as he nodded in certainty. "I'm pretty sure she'd notice if I was missing for a week!"

"Not if she was in a coma."

"Sam!" Carly shouted in outrage.

"I was just kidding!" the blonde retorted. After a moment of quiet, she added, "Sort of."

"There's just no way she's gonna let me come along," Freddie frowned.

The brunette sighed. "Freddie, you're growing up," she shrugged. "She's gonna have to let go of you, or at least loosen up sometime."

"Yeah well you tell her that—she's not gonna listen to me."

A smile overtook the web comedian's face as she brushed her hair back, her hand landing casually on her hip. "I think I will." And with that, she stepped out the door and journeyed across the hall.

The tech producer shook his head hopelessly. "She's not going to say yes."

Minutes later, Carly returned. "She said yes!" she trilled happily.

"What?" Freddie gasped in surprise and excitement. "How'd you get her to change her mind?"

"I just told her exactly what I told you."

"Oh, you're the best!" Freddie called as he walked over and swooped Carly into a hug. From over Freddie's shoulder, Carly saw Sam's face lower from the scene—her eyes rolled and her mouth was stuck in a sneer of disgust and annoyance. Carly frowned as she pushed away at the very same time Freddie himself pulled away. It was quick, but she could've sworn she'd seen the ghost of her very same frown on his lips, as if he'd felt Sam's reaction. "I'm gonna go pack," he said slightly less excited as he walked to the door and left the apartment.

Sam returned to eating as if nothing had ever happened as Spencer asked, "So how did you really get her to say yes?"

Carly gave a lopsided frown and shrug as she answered, "I lied and told her that we were vacationing at a health clinic in Miami."


AN: Hey-hey, guys! How ya been? Everybody chillin'? …I have no idea why I'm talking like that. Anyway! My vacation has inspired me to write this story! I'm not sure how long or short it will be, but hilarity is sure to ensue. And that's pretty much all I have to say right now! Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned!
