A/N: Hello Human Beings. I come in peace. JK. Well I put Before The Storm on hiatus because I got an idea for THE LAST SONG while I was at a Demi concert and I seen Sterling get mobbed so I was like what if… And that's how I got the idea please R&R it means A LOT the first 5 I will PM you so… R&R.

Links: These links is to the trailer on YouTube .com/watch?v=CXgoytVmgq8

Disclaimer: Tamale Seller- Hola Senorita.

Me- Hi I mean hola

Tamale Seller- Do you own anything

Me- No. Sadly. But I would like to.

Mainly in Demi's POV

DPOV (Demi's Point Of View)

I was about to walk on stage when I heard really loud shouting I wondered why.

So I checked through the curtains and I seen Sterling getting mobbed.

It was funny at first but then I seen two girls go to hug him and all of a sudden I felt scared.

I mean I wasn't jealous of them or in any way offended I seen him all the time except for on tour and I knew during a SWAC episode I would have to kiss him for REAL.

But it felt like something bad was going to happen. And bad as in SCARY bad.

I didn't tell anyone because I knew they wouldn't believe me.

So I just continued the concert as usual.

SPOV (Sterling's Point Of View)

I don't think I've ever got mobbed like that. Now I'm just sitting backstage texting people.

I had a strange feeling when those two girls hugged me. It was weird.

I mean it's not like I was never hugged by fans before. I just had a strange feeling about those two.

I just shrugged it off then continued and before Demi went on stage she looked a little worried. Not in the nervous way either in a scared of what's gonna happen way.

When I seen her like that I freaked out even more. Thanks a lot Demi.

I was now worried more than ever. Demi was usually right for everything and I mean EVERYTHING.

I just hope she was thinking of something like her fans would boo her or something.


Demi Demi Demi I heard I was about to sing my last song of the night but for some strange reason it felt like the last song forever.

On top of being nervous I was trying my best not to fall AND now I was scared of what might happen.

This was supposed to be the best concert because my friends and family are here and my fans here have been the loudest. There should be nothing to be scared of but there is.

Now while I'm singing Don't Forget I have to try not to cry. It's too late I'm already crying "Somewhere we went wrong our love is like a song" I sang crying my heart out.

For some reason all the love songs make me think of Sterling I don't know why.

Or do I? Nahh I could never think of him that way.

Wait I'm thinking of him right now shoot. I mean I only love his blue eyes. And his perfect hair.

Oh man I think I'm starting to think of him like that. Relax Demi everything's fine. Who am I kidding nothings ok.

First I'm crying like crazy then I'm thinking about Sterling. And now I'm falling for him.

Good thing that he's not a jerk like in SWAC. Or else I'm gonna be writing 100 songs in 1min.

Ok on my bus going to the after party. Hey there's Sterling. Wait…He looks scared too I wonder if were thinking about the same thing. Now I'm officially scared. What if we are?

I'm gonna talk to him tonight and see what's up.

So were here at the party now and on my way to talk to Sterling.

"Hey Demi" he said in a worried voice. "Hey, so what's up you look worried." I said.

"Yeah just a little." he said. "What your gonna miss me." I teased. "What? No. Psht. No." he said. I didn't realize the truth comes out sometimes when you tease.

"Right…So anyway did you get a weird vibe when those girls who hugged you," I said.

"A little…Why you jealous?" he said back. "No. Psht. No." I said knowing I might have been a little.

"You were so jealous. Anyway can I tell you something?" he said ready to admit something big I just knew it was big.

(A/N: Secretly ever since SWAC started filming he developed a REAL crush on her and before he knew it he had completely fallen for her. That night he was ready to tell her.)

"Sure. Go ahead." I said


"Let's go some place quieter though." I said trying to stay calm. I couldn't wait longer to tell her.

"Ok." She said sounding nervous and eager. So we started walking to the balcony.

"Listen Demi ever since we started shooting SWAC…You see…Demi…I love you there I said it." I can't believe I told her.

She just stood there staring into my eyes jaw dropped trying to read me for something.

"Well I got to go…" I said speed walking back inside then I was blocked by Demi shutting the door and locking it so only we were there.

"Wait…Sterling I love you too." she said meaningfully.

I was shocked I thought I was just going to have to avoid her for the rest of my life.

"But before anything I want to play you a song I wrote for you…" then she walked to the supply closet that's out here and grabbed a guitar. This was a concert hall so it wasn't unusual.

There's also a janitor closet out there that is unusual.

When she got it out she sat on a lawn chair so I sat beside her.


"It's called "Hurt"."I said starting to play the guitar.

(A/N: This is an Originalso I OWN this song.)

"It hurts to see the pain in your eyes,

And it hurts to know I'm not by your side,

Oh it hurts to see you with her.

You fell in her lies,

You go deeper every step you take.

But you're afraid to break her heart,

Cause of the fire that will start.

When you look my way,

I can feel your pain.

Now it's raining and I'm trying,

So hard not to cry.

And now I'm falling but I never crash.

I see you with tears forming in your eyes,

When she appears I see you try to hide,

Behind a smile,

A smile we both know is fake.

Every breath you take,

You take mine at the same time.

I almost cry every time you have to fake a smile,

And I don't know why you don't just leave.

But she has a heart colder than ice,

You're too nice to put up a fight.

Tonight it's gonna hurt more than ever before.

When I heard her talking,

She said she's gonna say goodbye.

It's too late for you to fly,

Might as well just keep walking,

And never stop.

You should know

Before I go

That we both were hurt

And we would've

Cried Forever, Flied Forever,

Shared a smile forever, Lied for what-so-ever.

If only we were Hurt Together."

(A/N: Sorry if it's horrible I have writers block.)

Once I finished I noticed Sterling crying. "Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah…No…" he said unsure. "I wrote it when you were with Miley." I said.

"I Love it a lot you sing really good." He said finished with his crying.

"Well I'm glad you liked it." I said started getting teary eyed.

"Can you teach it to me" he asked. "Sure. Wait you play guitar?" I asked wanting to know.

"Yeah I've played for a while now I don't want to go solo though." He replied

"Oh. So you sing to?" I asked.

"A little I guess." He said. Then there was a moment of awkwardness.

For a while we gazed into each other's eyes.

"Demi one question what exactly were you worried about?" he asked.

"I don't know I just had a bad feeling." I said my eyes still watery.

"Well now there's no need to worry your safe with me." He said reassuring me.

I felt a little better but I was still scared.

Then before I knew it we were both leaning in about to kiss when we heard things falling.

And the noise didn't come from inside it came from the "Janitor's Closet".

First he got up to check and I went right behind him.

He opened the door and next thing I knew my mouth was covered by a hand and me and Sterling were dragged down what seemed like 100 flights of stairs.

The next thing we knew we both were shoved in the back of a big green van.

Sterling looked just as scared as me and once we were in the van they tied or hands behind our backs.

They didn't put anything on us so we couldn't talk though. My heart was racing fast if it were a race my heart would've won no doubt. I was sitting there out of breath.

Finally Sterling said "Demi are you okay?" "I think." I said.

We just sat there in silence trying to think of what to do. All of a sudden the car stopped.

When the Van door opened all I could see was a dark figure. Then my heart must have stopped because after everything went black.


The black figure just stood there for about 30sec. then it closed again.

The van was still for about 5 minutes then it started going again. Demi was just sitting there.

She had fainted. I tried to get her to wake up when we started driving. Right now I finally got her up and she is just sitting there quietly I think she is still in shock.

Once she looks ok and not so pale I'm gonna tell her what happened. I'm still worried about her though I mean I guess now we are kinda are official. So I'll just wait.


Well I don't feel so good. Sterling is asleep. Could this day get any worse?

The van stopped Sterling woke up the van doors opened once again.

I spoke to soon about how it couldn't get worse. The next thing I know were both being dragged into some old cabin. My heart kept skipping beats.

The worst part is me and Sterling are being put in separate rooms.

I guess we could talk still through the wall.

This is the worst day Ever…

A.N: So yeah…First chap. PLEASE R&R!!!!!!!!!!!!It means a lot and remember first 5 get pm's.