My Little Friends 8

Disclaimer : KKM isn't mine.


Yuuri always sensed that his blond fellow was not an ordinary kid. For instance, Wolfram was fiery. He got angry easily, liked to bark and dominate Yuuri in most cases. That was not the only thing that made Yuuri wonder about him. Wolfram's physical features were something that stood out even amongst his friends'. Yuuri was deeply mesmerized by his beauty. Wolfram possessed blond and curly hair, which looked as soft as silk. His skin was flawless. And the most enchanting feature of him was his emerald eyes. So bright and beautiful. Somehow they reminded Yuuri of a lake.

Wolfram was pretty smart, even more perceptive than the raven kid. The blond could absorb the material taught by their teachers effortlessly, his brains were like a sponge. But the pretty boy was harsh and stern when it came to teaching Yuuri.

"Look, you add this then multiply it. How could you forget what I just taught a minute ago?" while explaining the Math, Wolfram pressed his pencil to Yuuri's book. His scratch left deep trace in a couple of blank pages.

"Sorry," Yuuri apologized. He grinned sheepishly when Wolfram glared at him.

"Really, you should sharpen your brains a little, Yuuri," the blond spoke boldly. He shook his head as if bewildered by Yuuri's aptitude.

"Hey, you don't have to be that mean, Wolf!" the double black protested.

"Hmph!" Wolfram responded tersely. He haughtily stared at his friend before pulling out his book and showed Yuuri his perfect mark. "See? I worked hard so I got this!"

It was hard for Yuuri to imagine that Wolfram worked hard in studying. In his simple minds, Wolfram was not the type to sit down and bury his nose among books.

"Yeah, you've got two big brothers to teach you or even do your homework," Yuuri muttered to himself under his breath.

Unfortunately Wolfram's sharp ears caught what Yuuri had said. "And you have a big brother too!" the blond retorted heatedly. At Yuuri's last comment he narrowed his orbs dangerously. "For your information, I never ask Conrad or Big Big Brother to do my task. Asking others to do your homework is a shame, Yuuri!" he firmly stated.

Yuuri could only nodded in response. Surely Shori, his older brother, was willing to tutor him at home. Yuuri too, would refuse it if Shori offered him to finish his homework. Wasn't it like cheating?

In conclusion, one thing that Yuuri was absolutely certain about Wolfram was that the pretty boy was naturally smart. Several days later he found out that Wolfram was not only beautiful and smart, but also mature for his age.

That late afternoon on Friday, Gwendal treated his brothers, Yozak and Yuuri to lunch in a family restaurant nearby. While Gwendal was at the counter near the cashier, the other boys waited for him in the parking lot after they had finished. Yuuri was standing right next to Conrad as Wolfram bounced to them.

"Conrad, what would you like for dinner tonight?" the kid asked his brunette brother. He stared up at Conrad, demanding his immediate answer.

"Well, we can eat out later, Wolf," Conrad promptly replied.

"No, Big Big Brother said we won't eat out tonight. He will be busy," Wolfram reiterated. He contemplated a moment. "There is only soup at home, the left over from the breakfast."

Conrad gazed down at his younger brother. "I want...Ehm, I'll be fine with everything," he shrugged. The brunette was not picky about food.

"Would you like spaghetti, ramen, or something?" Wolfram offered. He was getting impatient.

"Just order what you want, I'm okay with that," was Conrad's final answer.

The little blond jogged back to the restaurant. When Wolfram was out of sight, Yuuri tugged Conrad's sleeve. Noticing the younger boy's curiosity, Conrad bent down to level on Yuuri's height.

"Yes, Yuuri?"

"How could Wolfram care so much about what you'll eat tonight?" Yuuri asked. He himself never cared about it.

"Hmm, because there are only the three of us at home. Our parents are always away so we have to take care of ourselves. We must prepare meal by ourselves, so, yeah, it's normal if Wolfram or I concern about it," Conrad answered. He smiled noting a surprised look on Yuuri's face.

"Oh!" was all Yuuri could say. There was always his mother at home preparing meal for the family. Only occasionally did they eat out or order food.

When Wolfram was back with a bag in his hands, Yuuri only watched him.

It's no wonder the blond was smart and mature. He was used to do everything on his own. The image of a spoiled Wolfram started to shatter in a matter of seconds in Yuuri's mind.

The more Yuuri knew Wolfram, the more he got fascinated.
