Fandom: Twilight
Series/Verse: Overprotective
Title: Visitor
Character/Pairings: Billy Black, young Jacob, mystery person
FIC Summary: An unexpected event changes the live of Billy and Jacob Black. After being saved by a vampire, Billy agrees to help the vampire, who becomes overprotective and looks after Jacob. When Jacob hits the age of change, the vampire become even more overprotective and making sure no one breaks the heart of the young boy he grew to love as a brother.

Chapter Summary: Someone asks for the help of Billy Black, who refuses but changes his mind due to Jacobs innocent pleas.
Rating: PG for now
Warnings/Notes: Semi- AU; and everything will be revealed in time. Read a/n at the end. I want to dedicate this this shadowglove88 (who may know what this fic is about and inpsired me to initially write this fic),Twilight Zephyr ,Pace1818, and RhodeliaMP, who are amazing Jakeward writers.
Spoilers: None
disclaimer: I dont own Twilight and dont get me started if I did. *looks around* This is not my best work, I need a beta.

Chapter 1: Visitor

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" Six year old Jacob Black came running into the kitchen of his home and ran straight to his father.

"Whoa, whoa, hang on kid what's wrong?" Billy Black asked lifting his son in his arms.

"Daddy, there's this guy with really weird eyes. He said he needs help."

Billy stared at his son; confusion clearly written on his face.

"What guy, Jacob?" He asked as he made his way towards the door. As Billy approached a strange smell reached his nose. Even though, he was not a werewolf; he still inherited some characteristics due to his long line of werewolf ancestry. Yet he couldn't quite figure out what exactly the smell was.

Jacob squirmed eagerly in his father's arms; silently telling his father to put him down. "Come on, Daddy." He said as his feet hit the ground and he grabbed hold of his father's hand. Reaching the threshold, young Jacob frowned the young man that had asked for help was gone.

"Jacob, where is this guy at?" Billy asked arms folded across his chest as he searched around. He had the feeling they were being watched.

"I don't know, dad. He was here leaning right on the fence. He looked hurt; he told me to go get you." Jacob looked around frantically but to no avail. Sighing dejectedly, he turned and walked towards his father. Billy looked down at this son and sighed.

"Don't worry little one; I didn't stray far." A voice said from the tree tops

Jacob turned back around at the voice and looked up. "See I told you, Daddy."

Billy looked up at the sound of feet hitting the ground and let out a startled gasp. His surprised expression soon turned hard as his instincts to protect his son kicked in. "Jacob get behind me."

Jacob turned and looked up at this father. "Now!" He jumped at his father's tone and moved behind him.

"What do you want, blood sucker; why are you after my son!"

"Mr. Black, I am not after your son. I know about your family, and if they say is true your son is expected to do great things." The vampire turned and looked at the natives; and saw Billy pull his son closer to him.

"How do you know about my family?" Billy asked; holding Jacob closer to him, and eyed the vampire before him.

"We know enough about your kind." He said looking down and into the eyes of Jacob; who was peeking behind his father and smiled slightly.

"What do you want here?" Billy seethed gripping his son tightly.

"Relax I am not here to harm you or your son. I need your help Mr. Black."

"Why should I help you, leech?" The vampire looked up at Billy once more. The elder Black finally noticed the vampire's eyes. "Why are your eyes that color?"

"You see, Mr. Black. I am tired of the vampire way. Over the past few years, I've been living or rather feeding off the lives of animals. Some of my kind have adapted the vegetarian diet as you know." Billy nodded, still wary of the vampire in front of him. "The coven that I last belonged to thought I was a disgrace to our kind and have banished me. I am tired of moving around from place to place…"

"And why are you telling me this?" Billy interrupted.

"I need help with my control; I am still fairly new to this life style."

"I don't see how I can help you nor do I want to help a leech. Now leave my house." He said firmly and turned his back to the vampire.

"Mr. Black, I'm…"

"I said no." Billy looked down at his son and took hold of his hand.

"Daddy! He's asking nicely. He needs help." Jacob said looking at the vampire in his front lawn.

"Jacob this does not concern you!" Billy snapped and proceeded to walk.

Jacob pouted and begrudgingly followed his father; looking back his little eyes filled with remorse. The vampire smiled at the six-year old and nodded understandingly. Jacob pulled away from his father and stormed inside the house; stomping his small feet to add effect. Turning he crossed his short lanky arms over his equally small chest. "Why won't you help him?" Jacob asked staring up at his father, with wide eyes.

"Because he's different, Jacob." He replied sternly; mimicking his son's actions.

"But daddy, you and mommy always tell us that we should help others no matter what? Even if they're different than us, because we may need it some day." Jacob's small voice rang out.

Billy sighed, running a hand over his face; looking down at his only son. He could see the disappointment written all over his son's small features; his eyes glistening with tears. "Jacob, son this is different."

Jacob shook his head feverishly. "How, daddy? He needs help."

"I will not help a leech. You don't understand; they kill people, Jacob. I've told you the legends son."

"You're being mean daddy. It's not his fault they make him like that…"

"Son…" Billy tried to interrupt his son.

"No, dad; he said he wanted to change." Billy sighed as Jacob made his way to his room. "Daddy, put yourself in his shoes; wouldn't you want to be give a chance."

"I'll think about it, son." He said dejectedly. "Since when did you become so smart?"

"I've always been; I got it from mommy."

"I resent that son." Billy shot him a playful glare. Jacob giggled at his father's antics.

"Night, daddy." He said running over and hugging his father. "I love you and thank you." He kissed his father's cheek.

"Night son, I love you too."

An hour later, Billy made his way towards Jacob's room to check on him. Opening the door, he saw that his son was breathing evenly; fast asleep with his favorite sleeping companion, Bebo; the small gray and white stuffed wolf that he had since birth. Watching his son sleep, he couldn't help but dwell on how much Jacob resembled his deceased wife. "You are so much like her, son." He said, sitting down on the bed. As Billy sat at the foot of his son's bed, he never saw the golden eyes that looked over them and vowing to protect the small native at all cost.

A/N: So who is this mystery vampire, and its not who you think?

This is my first every long series per say of Twilight and its slightly AU so OOC is bound to happen. Just to clarify this will be a jacob/edward fic but that wont happen until some chapter later. Im setting up things right now.