Summary: Sasuke and Naruto enter a watermelon eating contest. If Naruto wins, he gets Sasuke's weekly allowance for the rest of the year. If Sasuke wins, Naruto has to be Sasuke's personal servant for an entire week.

It was just another day at Konaha Middle School, except for the fact that it was 'Picnic Day'. 'Picnic Day' was a yearly celebration that was always after the three days of Standardized Testing the kids had to take. 'Picnic Day' was to reward the students for their "good scores" and to give students a break from learning so that their brains won't explode and they won't start a riot trying to kill every teacher…so because the students were happy, the teachers were happy, and because the teachers were happy, God was surely—

"Oh my gosh!" Sakura Haruno slapped Ino Yamanaka on the arm, "Sasuke entered the watermelon eating contest! I didn't know he likes watermelons. He doesn't ever seem to eat the ones that I buy for him at lunch."

"Really? Where?" Ino shoved Sakura out of the way so she could get a better look at the contestant sheet.

"Group seven," she smacked her glossy lips together in a cute pout and pushed back.

"Only Sasuke and…Naruto? The other contestants dropped out," the platinum beauty grinned, grabbing the sheet from the table, "It makes perfect sense since everyone knows that Sasuke's great at everything."

"Naruto?!" Sakura snatched the paper from Ino.

"Hey! Give that back!"

"Naruto? He signed up? Argh!" she snarled, "Stupid Naruto, what does he think he's doing? Going up against Sasuke like that!"

"I know, huh?" Ino shook her head.

The two girls looked at each other and both said at the same time, "What a match…"

"Yeah…Naruto could eat five bowl of ramen at the same time without even chewing," Ino mumbled sadly. Then she quickly snatched back the sheet and glared at it, "But Sasuke will totally win, I have total faith in him." She growled as she fisted her hands, crumpling the edges of the paper.

Sakura rubbed the back of her head and laughed out nervously, "Totally…right?"

Ino smiled and then threw the sheet back on the table; she brushed the bangs out of her eyes and bit her shiny lip, "I'm going to wish him good luck!"

"Too Slow, Ino-pig!" Sakura gave Ino the middle finger and stuck out her tongue playfully as she ran off giggling.

"Hey!" she screeched out as she ran after her friend, trying to catch up.

Sakura ran across the school baseball field, dodging students trying to wave at her and greet her. She murmured greetings of her own hastily, but not loud enough for them to hear.

"Billboard-Brow! You don't even know where he is!" Ino followed Sakura, dodging students and even pushing some out of way, not concerned with politeness. After seconds of fast jogging, they were at the end of the field, far away from everybody else, "Face it, you're running nowhere! You don't know!"

"Yeah I do—"

"Shut up, teme!"

Sakura stopped right in her tracks, making Ino slam into her. Both the girls crashed to the ground with a silence, "Umpp!"

"Ino! Watch where you're going!"

Sakura turned her head and gave Ino a glare as she wiped at the dirt on her cheek, then breathed out, "Did you hear that?"

Ino shook her head, wiping at her face. Breathing hard from the sprint, she got off of Sakura and stood. Her brows furrowing, she tried to focus on every slight sound.

"Naruto, you loser, you know I'm right."

"Hey, that's Sasuke."

"Yeah, I heard Naruto before. They must be having a fight or something…" Sakura stood up and looked around. The two girls were a distance away from the other students and staff members. They were near the trees that connected the school to the city park.

"Hey Ino, should we go back? The teachers might be mad at us," she turned to look at Ino again, but couldn't find her, "Ino?"

"Shut up, forehead, I found them," she whispered.

"Where?" Sakura ran over to where she heard Ino's voice coming from. Ino beckoned her to go behind her; they hid behind a tall, thick tree.

Sakura moved to the right of Ino a little bit to get a better look, but not enough to reveal her spying. Ino stood where she was, intently focused on hearing.

Sakura saw Sasuke and Naruto standing in the middle of the clearing, a few yards away.

"You are so in over your head this time, you bastard! I am the eating champ!" Naruto grinned and fanned himself, smugly.

"Idiot," Sasuke muttered curtly, looking away in a different direction.


"What kind of sane person would actual refer to themselves as that title?" the raven smirked.

"Shaddup!" Naruto crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the raven, expecting him to do the same but surprisingly didn't. Sasuke just stood there, hands in his pockets and smirk on his handsome face. Standing there… superiorly, acting as if he knew something Naruto didn't.

After moments of tense air, Sasuke's thick laughter filled up the clearing, "Tell you what Naruto, since I'm so confident in winning…I'll make you a bet."

"A bet?"

"Yeah. A bet," he repeated, shoulders drooping slightly, waiting for Naruto to make the first suggestion.

"Well," Naruto scratched the top of his blonde head in thought, "Oh! Haha, if I win this contest…then you have to give me your weekly allowance for the rest of the year!"

Sasuke inwardly laughed, but only a 'Hn' came out, "And if I win—"

With a smug look on his face, Naruto waved the air dismissively, "Stupid Sasuke, I don't need to know what you want. We both know I'm gonna win, so what about you just sign those checks now?"

"Feeling a bit sure of yourself? If I win…" Sasuke's smirk widened, "You'll have to follow me wherever I go and do whatever I say."

"What?!" Naruto's jaw nearly hit the ground in disbelief that Sasuke would ever want that, "Why would you want me around, I'm annoying!"

Well, at least he admitted it.

"You heard me. Accept the challenge or I'll know you're just a wuss and can't—"

"I accept!"


Sasuke and Naruto glared at each other, one in hate and another in indifference.

"Ha! The beginning of the end for you, Sasuke-kun!" Naruto mimicked in a girly voice, sticking his tongue out in Sasuke's direction, "Granny Tsunade's gonna be judging, so I'll still have the upper hand."

Sasuke ignored the blonde turned the other direction, walking towards the tree that Ino and Sakura were hiding behind.

"Hurry Ino! Let's go!" Sakura whispered. She shoved at Ino's arm and they both ran away.

"Hey Sakura," Ino nudged her friend, "you really think they meant it?"

Ino and Sakura were at the contest table, surrounded by hundreds of other students. The staff members were cutting up the watermelons, juice spilling onto the already wet table.

Sakura looked up at Ino nervously and leaned in, whispering to her friend in a raspy voice, "Yea, I guess. I mean Naruto never goes back on his word and Sasuke…I wonder why Sasuke would want Naruto around. He's soo annoying!" Her face wrinkled up when she mentioned the blonde idiot.

"Forget about that! I meant the bet! What if Naruto does win, he'll get all of Sasuke's money. Let's be real here, Naruto is a black hole," Ino screeched as waved her arms frantically, almost smacking the boy in back of her.

"Yea, I know. What should we do?"

"We should stop Naruto from winning!"

"What? That's crazy!" Sakura looked around with squinty eyes, wondering if anyone was eavesdropping on their conversation, "How are we gonna do that?"

The blond's mouth stretched into a wicked grin, she tilted her head, letting her lips brush against her best friend's ear, "You know Naruto has a major crush on you." Major was an understatement.

"Ew, no!" Sakura shoved Ino away from her, her head shaking at the nasty thought, "That's just gross! Even for you!"

"Just hear me out, Forehead!" she grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her forward. The two started scheming…

30 mins later…

"Go Chouji! Go! Go Chouji! Go!"

"No!! Lee! Come on, eat! Eat! Eat! Use the power of youth!"

It was Group 6 at the contest table. There were five contestants in that group. All the watermelons were sliced into fourths, everyone's slice equal. The rules were that you had to keep your hands behind your back and stuff your face until all the red was gone and no spitting out chunks. Nobody cared how messy you looked. Nobody cared if your bangs were wet with juice. The only thing that mattered was you…and your watermelon. What a magical moment.

"COME ON!!!"


Adrenaline running through your system, red running down your chin, fists pumping in the air, your fellow classmates cheering you on…what motivation.

"AND THE WINNER IS…" Principal Tsunade was crouched down at the head of the table, her chin resting on top of the smooth wood. A black microphone was dangling in her right hand as she watched the last bites being chewed. She slowly raised her left arm into the air and brought the microphone to her lips. She watched the soon to be winner swallow his last chunk.


Rock Lee opened his clean mouth and frantically swung his head around, victoriously, "YOSH!!!"

"Yeah! Yeah!" The crowd of students roared. High fives were exchanged. Money was counted. Three cheers were yelled, especially from eight graders proud for one of their own.

The other contestants moaned and lifted their heads up from their melons. Lee started dancing around, "Thank you for participating my fellow classmates! You have been wonderful rivals! I thank you all for showing how powerful the power of youth can be!" He started to pump everyone's hand joyfully, ignoring the scowls on their faces. Then he pumped his fist into air and did the happy dance, "I did it, Gai-sensei!"

"Damn! So close, I only needed two more bites," Kiba Inuzuka walked away from the spotlight of the table and into the crowd.

"Pssh!" Chouji Akimichi muttered as he followed him off stage, "you think you have it bad? All I needed to do was swallow…"

"OKAY, BRATS! LISTEN UP, WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME! GROUP SEVEN, COME UP!! ONLY TWO THIS ROUND!" Principal Tsunade picked up the contestant sheet and grinned, this will be fast…


All the girls started screaming and some guys even fainted due to the ear piercing screech.

Sasuke coolly walked up to the contest table as he ran his hand through his dark locks.


Some of the guys cheered. It was pretty obvious who the victor was going to be, but the fangirls had to keep their faith for if they didn't, there was going to be no chance of their precious Sasuke winning.

Sasuke and Naruto toke their positions before the length of the table, facing the crowd. The staff members cleared up the citrus and juice, then placed the watermelon slices in front of the raven and the blonde.

"What a match!" some guy yelled out.

"Yeah!" screamed some chick.

"Go Sasuke!" shouted out a fan-girl.

"I bet twenty buck on you Naruto, better win!" howled Kiba.

"Sasuke! We believe!" yelled out Ino.


Naruto turned around, surprise that he heard a girl shouting his name. He searched the crowd, the voice sounding too familiar to him. "Naruto! Over here!"

Sakura waved to him, "Do you're best!" She gave him a heart warming smile. For a moment…but seemed like eternity, Naruto was lost in those shimmering emerald eyes…


"What?" Naruto's trance was broken. He looked around.


"Oh!" Naruto shoved his face down and started eating, knowing he was behind by a couple seconds. Chew. Chew. Swallow. Bite. Chew. Chew. Swallow. Bite. Chew. Chew. Swallow. Bite! No matter what, don't choke! Focus!

That was the stupidest thing anyone can ever do. Choking in a watermelon eating contest was an ultimate defeat. Just because you can slurp down five pounds of noodles does not mean a thing, eating watermelon was a totally different game. If you don't chew, game over. You needed a game plan for this, if you choke…say goodbye to victory…and maybe breathing. Naruto just hoped Sasuke didn't know that.

After thirty seconds passed, even though Sasuke got a head start due to Naruto's lack of focus, it was pretty clear who was in the lead. Naruto kept on doing what he did best, biting, chewing and swallowing. He kept eating and was down to the last three inches.

And, out of nowhere… Sakura came creeping into his mind…I can't believe she said that. Bite! She must like me. Bite! I knew it. Bite! It's about time. Bite! She's so pretty and so smart. Bite! I love her pink hair. Bite! She's sooo…huh? How did my mouth get so full? I followed my bite, chew, chew, swallow…oh god …

"What wrong with Naruto?" Chouji shouted over the noise filled air.

"He's blue. Maybe he forgot to breathe," Kiba cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled out, "Naruto! Breath, man!"

"MMhhmm!!!!" Naruto lifted his head up and back. He smacked his hands onto the table repeatedly, trying hard to chew. He followed Kiba's advice and breathed through his nose, but it didn't work. His cheeks were still super stretched due to the six bits of huge watermelon.

"What's wrong?"

Naruto swallowed the juice and tried to bite down the pieces, but since they were so big and cramped into his mouth, biting down was impossible. "MMHHHH!!!" Naruto looked over to his left and saw Sasuke lifting his head up and smirking at him, "MMHHmm?!?!?!"

Naruto's face turned red. No way was he letting that bastard win, especially from technical difficulties! Since biting was leading him nowhere and nothing else was helping…he decided to do the most obvious thing there was left to do. Swallow.

And he did just that. Naruto tried to swallow all the pieces in one go.

"Oh god."

"Omigosh!!!! He's—like—turning more blue!!!"

"Dear lord…"

"You stupid—ah!!! I bet twenty buck on you!! You—you stupid!!"

Naruto waved his arms up and down frantically at eighty miles per hour, "ARRGGGHHH!!!! MHHHMMMMPPP!!!"

Principal Tsunade grabbed up her microphone, "AND WE HAVE…a choker!" she said sullenly but not surprised at the sight before her.

Naruto continued screaming nonsensical things as he clutched his neck, trying to squeeze the hard juicy glob out. Some students shook their heads in disappointment and some looked away in embarrassment. The whole field was quiet either way.

After another two minutes of Naruto's hysterical arm waving, Sasuke finished his watermelon.

Principal Tsunade announced him as the winner, the paramedics came to Naruto's aid, Ino and Sakura congratulated Sasuke, both kissing him on the opposite cheek, and twenty minutes later when everyone went home, Sasuke walked up to Naruto who was sitting in the back of the paramedics van.

"W—whadda you want, you bastard?" his still slightly raspy voice yelped out. Naruto sipped on his hot coco, then readjusted the blanket that around him, still angry at himself for being so stupid.

Sasuke smirked, "That was the saddest thing I have ever seen."

"You!" Naruto raised the mug, half way at hurling it at him in anger, but then decided against it, besides it would probably get contaminated with bastard germs if it even touched the raven. He squinted at Sasuke, "You're lucky there's still some left…"

Sasuke stuffed his hands into his pockets, and then leaned onto the van next to Naruto. They stayed like that until the paramedics had to leave to a real emergency and told them to get off. Naruto kept the mug and blanket…