Hello again! Sorry it's been a while since my last story, I've been gone for a couple weeks. I hope you all like this one, I decided to take a stab at a Channy story. Enjoy!!!
*I don't own SWAC*

"Man, that party was crazy last night," Derek, one of the So Random lighting technicians yawned as he walked onto the set with his fellow crewmate. "I think I only got two hours of sleep last night. Marshall sure knows how to throw a crew party. I am exhausted though. Let's hope it's a short rehearsal today."

"Everyone to the stage," Marshall called over his megaphone. "Okay, everyone, this is the final rehearsal before filming tomorrow. Let's get this right. Lights!" Derek, standing at the controls, positioned the lights to center stage and onto Sonny, who was lying on the ground as the victim of a murder scene. As Nico and Grady came out in police uniforms, eating doughnuts and performing their lines, the lights were moved around to follow them. Marshall stifled his laughter as Sonny stood up and began wandering around stage and the boys recklessly tried to figure out where she went to. Once the last minutes of the sketch ended with Grady and Nico "killing" Sonny again, Marshall called the sketch to an end. Sonny stood up and dusted herself off.

"Great job, guys," Sonny smiled. "Only tomorrow, can you keep a little more distance between the shovel and my head? I could practically feel the metal scrape my face."

"All right, everyone, go get ready for the next sketch. Derek, pull the lights back," Marshall ordered.

Derek yawned and looked down at the control board. His yawn cause tears and his tears caused partial blindness. But he felt comfortable with the switchboard and pressed a few buttons before rubbing the tears away. His vision came back just in time to watch his mistake.

"Sonny, watch out!" Marshall shouted – his voice laced with panic and fear. A sickening crash followed by two sequential thuds was heard from everyone on set. Derek was jolted awake and ran to the stage. "Someone, call 911," Marshall begged. Tawni, surprisingly, was the first to whip out her cell phone and call for help. Marshall elevated Sonny's head using one of his hands and checked her pulse with the other. "She's bleeding," he pulled the one hand out, "but she has a pulse. Tawni! Where are the EMT's?"

"They're on their way, Marshall," Tawni assured.

Nico held one of Sonny's hands, Grady went to fetch a towel to stop the bleeding, and Zora ran out front to direct the paramedics to Sonny. Derek walked around Sonny and picked up the heavy, metal-coated stage light from the ground and looked towards the ceiling, hoping the cord had been detached. That way, it would not have been his fault. Unfortunately, the cord was perfectly aligned – he had made it drop. He looked at the metal and saw a small patch of blood, and he knew it was Sonny's.

"Marshall…I," Derek stammered.

"Not now, Derek. We have bigger problems," Marshall scowled.

Twenty minutes later, Zora ran in with the paramedics who quickly took over the situation. Before Marshall truly had time to register what was going on, the paramedics had her strapped to a stretcher and in the ambulance, racing off to the hospital.

"Kids, if any of you want to come, I'll drive," Marshall announced. Tawni grabbed the passenger seat next to Marshall, Grady and Nico both had backseat window seats, and Zora was squished between the two boys. "She'll be all right," Marshall tried to comfort the adolescents. Stress filled the car with a thick blanket of heat and Marshall could tell even Tawni was terrified. He reached over and held her hand for comfort as she stared out the window.


The cast all sat in Sonny's large hospital room waiting for her to awake. It was now going on eleven o' clock. Connie Monroe, Sonny's mom, had excused herself from an important business meeting, and was sitting at her sleeping daughter's side. Sonny had yet to open her eyes since the accident that afternoon, but all of the doctors assured them she would wake up within the next twenty-four hours.

"Marshall, how did this happen?" Connie finally asked, breaking a never-ending silence.

"It was an accident, Connie. It truly was. A wrong switch was hit, and the light just fell down. There was not preventing it," Marshall declared. He was unsure of how he wanted to handle Derek, but in the meantime, he assumed it was a perfect accident. Marshall meandered to the side of Sonny's bed opposite of her mother. "I just wish she would wake up and let us know she's okay."

As if on cue, Sonny opened her eyes and looked around. She tried to sort things out in her head, but all she could figure out was that she was in a big, white room surrounded by strangers.

"Sonny, baby, are you all right?" Mrs. Monroe leaned forward and kissed her daughter's head. Sonny cringed under the woman's lips. The woman acted as if she knew her, but Sonny felt no comfort from the woman's actions.

"Sonny, I am so sorry. I have no idea how it happened, but I promise it won't happen again," Marshall laid his hand on her shoulder. She shuddered under his touch. Her head pounded with pain and this man had somewhat admitted to being the cause of her distress.

"I want a doctor," Sonny whispered. She pressed the 'Help' button twice to call for help. She did not like being around these strangers. A doctor rushed in and smiled when he saw she was awake again.

"Ah, Miss Monroe, you've had quite the day, haven't you? How are you feeling?" the doctor stood at the end of her bed and placed his hand on her foot.

Sonny squirmed under the hands of three different people, "I want everyone out," she pleaded. "My head hurts and I don't know why so many strangers are allowed in my hospital room."

"Strangers?" Marshall and Connie blurted out simultaneously.

"I'm sorry," the doctor turned to everyone, "but I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside. Apparently there are more tests to be run. I need you all to leave."

Sonny noticed the hurt in the woman's eyes, but it hardly affected her. She watched the tall, skinny boy lift a sleeping eleven-year-old and carry her outside. The man was saying soothing comments to the woman, but they were obviously not helping.

"Sonny, what can you tell me about what happened today?" the doctor looked slyly at her.

"Who's Sonny? That's not my name," Sonny declared. "My name is…my name is…" her mouth fell open and fear flashed through her eyes. "I don't know what my name is. I can't remember anything about me! Doctor, what's happening to me?"

"Do not worry, Miss Monroe. I believe you have come down with a standard case of amnesia. It happens all of the time. You were hit quite hard in the head this afternoon and we'll have to verify it through some tests, but I guarantee you, that is the cause of your current state of mind. Just relax for now. I will be sending some nurses in to take the tests. Don't worry; no one will enter this room if they are not medical personnel. When we do begin to reintroduce you to your friends and family, I will tell you. But for the meantime, relax and try not to think too hard about anything. Your head already hurts badly enough." The doctor began to walk towards the door scanning her chart. "Oh, you can call me Dr. Chris. Don't be afraid to page me if you need anything at all or if you begin to remember something. Now that you are awake, Sonny, I need you to stay awake. You have a really bad concussion. Would it be all right if I bring one of the hospital workers in to keep you awake? Or can you remember anyone who you'd like to stay with you?"

"One of the workers is fine. Thank you, Dr. Chris." Sonny laid her head gently against the pillow on her bed. Her head felt like someone had a crowbar and was pulling her skull apart.


"I think we should let her come to the studio tomorrow for filming," Nico declared.

"She can't even remember her name, what makes you think she can remember her lines?" Tawni retorted.

"No, watching us film could help her remember."

"I would be willing to bring her by if the doctor permits it," Connie whispered.

"Who is going to fill her spot? She's in almost every sketch this week," Grady remembered.

"We'll just put one of you in her place. I already have the writers re-writing everything. They should be here any minute with the updated lines," Marshall sighed. It would be a long night. He knew they would all have to go back to the studio to re-rehearse, and if they were lucky, they might be able to get a few hours rest before filming.

"But we're supposed to do 'The Check-It-Out Girls' the audience is already confused enough, after last time, about who the real Check-It-Out Girls are. I'm not doing it without Sonny," Tawni crossed her arms.

"I suppose we could take it out and save it for another night. Connie, where are you going?"

Connie stopped herself from walking away and turned around. "I figured Sonny is going to need some of her possessions to help her remember everything. I'll be back soon."


"I really don't want to talk with any of them," Sonny asserted. "Haven't I been through enough, Dr. Chris?"

"Sonny, the only way you're going to get better, is if you communicate with those from your past. We're hoping they'll trigger some memories. Don't worry; we're in a completely controlled environment. I won't release you to your mother until you feel completely safe with her. So would you let me bring her in?" Dr. Chris negotiated.

Sonny thought hesitantly but finally assented, giving a quick nod. Her mother walked through the door and sat down next to her daughter.

"Hello, ba..Sonny," her mother caught herself. Dr. Chris had been adamant when he told them they were to only address her as Sonny, and no other names.

"I will be with another patient, but if either of you need me, just call," Dr. Chris assured and left the room.

"Hello," Sonny stuttered. "I'm sorry, mom, I know it must hurt for your daughter not to remember you, but I don't. I feel nothing more towards you than I would the nurse who took my blood pressure this morning."

"It's all right, Sonny. Don't worry about it, I understand. I brought you some things," Mrs. Monroe set a bag down on the bed and slowly drew out several items. "This picture was of you and your dad when you were three. You keep this on the nightstand next to your bed. This is your teddy bear, which you've had since third grade." Sonny picked up the brown bear and felt his belly with her thumbs, but the fabric brought back no memories. "Here is your favorite shampoo, strawberry mango." Sonny took a whiff, but there were still no breakthroughs. Her mother proceeded to pull out many more items. Clothing, pictures, souvenirs, and daily household items – but still nothing.

"I'm sorry, I just can't remember anything," Sonny sighed.

"It will come, Sonny, don't worry. I'm going to let Marshall Pike and Tawni in right now. Marshall is your director and Tawni's your friend."

"Wait, director of what?"

"So Random. You're part of a TV show."


Mrs. Monroe nodded and opened the door, walking out and letting the two in. Everyone else was back at the studio learning their revised lines and working out the new characters, but Tawni and Marshall were hoping they could trigger something in their friend. Unfortunately, after an hour of showing her props and costumes of past sketches, Sonny's mind was still blank about who she was. When Sonny was asked if she would watch the filming that evening, she was hesitant, but knew it probably was for the best.


"Welcome back to So Random!" The speakers re-introduced the cast after a commercial break. Sonny sat in her fold-up chair which had her name on the front and So Random's logo on the back. It felt strange that this was her life, but she accepted it for now.

As the show came to an end, Marshall stood from his chair, "Sonny, would you like to come up and help say goodbye?"

"No thank you, Mr. Pike. I'm going to go for a walk if you don't mind. Perhaps the building will help me," Sonny shook her head. Although Sonny did think the studios might bring something back, she highly doubted anything would. She just wanted to get away from the So Random excitement. She needed peace and quiet.

"Do you want me to send someone with you so you don't get lost?"

"No, I think I can find my way out. Besides, I have my phone…which moos…in case anything happens."

"All right, call if you need anything," Marshall looked down at his young star with grief.


Sonny walked through the studio looking at all of the different pictures and posters plastered on the wall. When she came across her picture on the wall, she stopped and stared. They were not lying, she really was part of the show – but why could she not remember it? Being a celebrity is not something you easily forget.

She heard footsteps shuffling around the corner, but before she could see who was coming at her, the large mass collided with her, causing her to tumble to the ground with a small shriek.

"Watch where you're going, Monroe," The person grunted and extended a hand to help her up.

"Excuse me?" Sonny stared at him with confusion. Hadn't he run into her? She looked at his blue eyes, blonde hair, and glistening white smile. He head tingled with slight pain as she waited for his reply.

"You're such a klutz, Monroe. No wonder you weren't in any of the sketches tonight – not that I was there, or anything," the person caught himself. "Seriously, though, why weren't you in any of the sketches?"

"I can't remember my lines."

"What? That doesn't make sense."

"I hit my head, I guess. I can't remember anything – including my lines."

"Oh," the person gasped. "Are you okay?" he finally noticed the bandage she had around her head. He began to feel guilty for knocking her over, but quickly shook the feeling away.

"I know you, don't I?" Sonny finally understood her sensation of his presence. "Wait for it…Chad! You're Chad Dylan Cooper!"

"Why, yes I am," Chad popped the collar of his leather jacket. "What do you remember about us, uh…me?"

"I remember getting mad at you – a lot."

"Oh," Chad looked at the ground.

"But it wasn't always a bad thing," Sonny smiled.


"I remember feeling different when I was around you. Safe but defensive. Happy but infuriated! We are friends, right?"

Chad thought over her question for a moment. "Yeah, I guess. I'm going to take good care of you, Monroe."