4:16 AM.

"It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all! It's a small world after all, it's a small, small world!"

Nadeshiko was dancing around, singing It's a Small World in a tiny voice, like a broken tape recorder. Flowers, sparkles, clear blue skies, sprinkles, and everything beautiful was around her. The serene scene of the beautiful flowers bloomed everywhere. She still continued singing, and grabbed my hands. She waltzed with me around the beautiful fields, still singing in the small voice. Alas, that was when she reached the last lyrics..

"It's a small, small..." A huge Fujisaki daddy volcano erupted with a thousand knives plummeting down the earth, directly hitting Nadeshiko's fragile body.

It hurts, you know that?

Blood splattered. A lot of them stained my clothes and splatted on my face. Nadeshiko was on the floor, knives all around and may still be in her body, an enormous puddle of blood, and a sinister Fujisaki volcano laughing evilly.

The scary thing was, Nadeshiko was smiling creepily, with wide eyes, a bloody face, and a huge Cheshire Cat grin. She was still then singing the dreadful song, staring at me with piercing wide eyes.

I released a high-pitched scream that sent me away from my inevitable Dreamland.


Suddenly, I awoke, gasping for air. Tears ran down my face as a very cold gust of wind blew. The wind chime located outside my window swayed and made its sound, relaxing yet tensing at the same time.

"It was all a dream, Rima. A dream." I tried telling myself, silently wiping my tears in hopes for the sensational effects of comfort. It suddenly struck me of that familiar tune that made my ears bleed.

"It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all. It's a small world after all, it's a small, small world.."

The voice was a little different this time. It had the contrast with Nadeshiko's but it was lower and more masculine.


The singing was loud to hear, he was probably in his room. I remember what it was like in there. Totally empty, minus the scary mirror. He was there.

I skipped outside, hoping for the sight of his long hair. Maybe he was in a good mood today, the singing was very cheerful. I wiped my tears and pushed his door slightly opened.

It completely changed.

Nagihiko was wearing a black hoodie and jeans, sitting on a chair beside a table filled with candy all around. He had the biggest bed I ever seen, with rose petals and a calm smell of flowers. Some bamboo ornaments were perched neatly up on a shelf; the evil mirror's frame was decorated with ribbons and happy faces. No blood can be seen; all the red things were the flower petals and this box of chocolate Pocky he was munching on.

"Hey, Nagihiko." I muttered loudly for him to hear. He made a gesture for me to come inside, so I did. "I want your room."

He continued biting the scrumptious, delicious, and delightful Pocky. It made my heart drool.

"Can I have some?"

He continued eating, staring at me with his big eyes. I squinted to see what was his problem.

"Are you even going to talk to ME, Fujisaki?"

"Eew, don't call me that."

"Don't be melodramatic."

He stifled a laugh, and snapped his fingers. The big closet opened and a small lollipop chair went out, the wind pushing it to my direction too hard and forcing me to sit down. His eyes suddenly widened when I sat on the chair.

"Ooh! Minnie Mouse!"

Of course, as part of Nagihiko's childhood dreams, Minnie Mouse was on my seat, sitting innocently and looking at Nagihiko as if he was Mickey.

I flicked the demented rat off my chair.

"That's evil," He glared at me. I sat on the chair and reluctantly placed my feet on top of the table, squishing a pack of marshmallows.

"Ick." I muttered, disgusted. He attempted to push my feet away.

"So tell me about your problems."

What, so he's Dr. Shrink now? I tapped his hand and pointed to a pack of Cadbury chocolates. His hand was very, very cold. Kind of frozen. He grabbed the chocolates and threw them back at me.

"Sometimes I think you're Edward Cullen." His eyes widened at the idea, having watched New Moon yesterday and despised the despicable vampire boyfriend of Bella Swan.

"No, no. I'm Jacob." He muttered.

"But you're not warm, fuzzy, carefree, or something. You're just funny, joyful, kind of impolite--okay I was joking, and gay. By gay I meant joyful."

He rolled his eyes at the idea. "I'm warm and fuzzy too."


"Well, in bed I am."

I suddenly choked on a piece of chocolate. Was he being seductive and flirty or something?

"If I ever sleep in bed with you," I started. "I'd just hug your hair, and that's it. Or maybe even Minnie Mouse."

He laughed.

"But then, what's wrong with Hinamori-san?" He asked me. I shrugged icily.

"Maaaaaybe, if we apologize to her..." He sweatdropped.

"We don't even KNOW what we're apologizing for!"

"Okay." He shrunk down to his leather seat. "Maybe she's mad because you forgot and cursed Fujisaki Nadeshiko."

"Is she THAT adorable to be adored like a goddess?!"

"...What? You're just jealous." He smirked at me unquestionably. I growled softly.

"Oh fine, let's apologize tomorrow."

"Why am I included?"

I, yet again, shrugged. I realized that I don't know why. So, as a result, I just nodded bluntly, signifying that I will do it myself. He smiled.

"Fiine, fine. I'll accompany you." He patted my head.

"Wait. I have another question." I informed him. He raised an eyebrow.


"What happened to your father?"

He tapped his head softly and sighed.

"I think he's moved in real estate--you know, mansions, big offices and leather chairs.."

"Ohh... Wasn't he ever discovered?"

He looked up thoughtfully and set the Pocky down, as I leaned forward to get it into my grasp. There was one Pocky stick that Nagihiko failed to finish.

"There was this one case.." He started on, fiddling with a stick/pack of Mentos. "Filed by my Baaya.. But..she died right after. And nobody had the courage to file another one."

"So he wasn't proven guilty? But they do know you're dead right?"

"Yeah. Papa, I meant Fujisaki.." He rolled his eyes by his name. "Told everyone that when Baaya was cleaning, she accidentally or purposely pushed me off the balcony, so I ended up bloody and helpless."

I shivered.

"Is Baaya's ghost here, too?"

"No." His eyes became sharp.


"I don't know WHY," He muttered, continuing, "Maybe she's fed up with that spoiled master's orders."

"You hate your father now? And you're a ghost, why do you eat?"

"I hated my father since forever. Ever since I was born, released into this horrible world full of bad people minus Rima, he wasn't in the hospital, helping my mother to fart me out, and in all my birthdays, he wasn't there to even greet me, I mean, he doesn't even know when my birthday is! JULY 4th! JULY 4TH! And theeen, whenever it's CHRISTMAS, he goes awway in abroad to hang out with some other girlfriend that my mother is sooooo dense about! I mean, there's even a picture somewhere in this house, and I swore I burned it just weeks ago! I hate it!"

He stopped to take a breath, and wow, it's the first time I've seen him kind of curse in some way without even saying bad words. He stirred his leather office chair things and rotated around swiftly, smiled and said, "I eat because I like candy."

"Okaay..?" I felt unsure. "I wanna file a case."

"He'll just kill you!" He sounded like a teenage mother.

I got up and smiled, but was struck with just one question.

"Do you really love me?" I asked, hoping for a decent answer.

Some Omake I just wanted to put as payment for my indecent disappearance from the FanFiction worrrrld....

My mom and Nagihiko were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV, until the show ended and Nagihiko's tension broke. He suddenly got up and offered to make mango shake for everyone, including himself. My mother asked him to please do so.

After a while, she then gave me this card, perched inside a white envelope that wrote, "To my Rima." I carefully opened it to see a card that had "A Standing Ovation For Your First Ovulation!" printed in front, with a dancing ovary in a party hat.

"What's this?" I asked reluctantly, putting the envelope back inside. She seemed to grin and wink at me innocently.

"It's your menarche, right?"

"How'd you know?"

"Somebody told meeee..."

"WHO TOLD YOU?" I shouted back. Sweat ran down my face as it paled in a white form just like--


"HOW THE HECK DID HE KNOW?!" I started, wincing. She whined.

"He does the lauuundry, you knowwww.."

"Why don't you do it?!"

"Tsk, tsk, Rima... Mama is too busy.." She yawned.

"So -- HE, THAT PERVERTED MENACE-- saw.. " I gasped.

"Yeah, Rima. He sees your flowery laced underwear all the time, but this one was different, it has BLOOD.."

I gritted my teeth and walked to the kitchen. Nagihiko was there, of course, putting the mango shakes in a tray. He smiled and greeted me.

"Hi Ri--"

"I know well what you do! You psycopathic gaylord! I know that you--"

"The sanitary napkins are in the cupboard." He rolled his eyes and walked into the living room with his tray of homemade mango shakes.

I walked back to the living room in distraught.


Lessons learned:

1. Do your own laundry by yourself.

2. Buy your own napkins.

3. Never, and I say NEVER, trust nor accept the kind deeds of an imbecile named FUJISAKI Nagihiko.

(And, I kind of noticed it, but Nagihiko's Ayame and Tohru mixed into one, since he's crazy and does housework.)




So, anyway, as a part of my long-term disappearance, I have this one reason: I moved to Hong Kong. ILY HONGKONG! WOOT! I'm that kind of teenager who takes the MTR to Mong Kok and gets away with it, hanging out at Night Market until 12 AM. Yihee, no more bedtime for me! XDD. I even memorized the whole railway to Mong Kok in just two days! Since I live near the Wan Chai station, I have to take myself to Admiralty station, go up and change trains, ride to Tsim Sha Tsui, to Jordan, to Yau Ma Tei, and then, lastly, Mong Kok! Yay! XDD. I always practice speaking in Chinese for the Chinese over therein Hong Kong are low and a little under for English. I also save a lot of HK Dollars! And I love going to Hong kong Disneyland every weekend, just wasting money for the 350 HK $ that I need to pay. Urk. My favorite place to eat in HKDisneyland is Starliner Diner in Tomorrowland, with its yummy bbq chicken and many ketchup. The best thing is, Pocky is already normal for them there, and you can find it everywhere even in never-heard-of supermarkets! LOL. Basically, I'm messed up. I even made friends with the employees over there, like Alice, Buzz Lightyear, Mulan, Mickey Mouse, Minnie (Best friends! LOL), etc. I got all their autographs and photos~!! ROFLMAO.

Signing off, waiting for your beloved flames/ reviews,

~IRIZUMU. I'm going to change my name later on. Is iRizumu still nice? And can anyone suggest, lol. And should I add another omake thing?