Here's a new story for ya'll. The first chapter or so kinda has the same ring as the little songfic I did, "The Way I loved You," but it is also different. If you've read that one you will spot the similarities, but it's not too bad. It definently takes a different path pretty quickly.

I own no NCIS character, although that would be kinda cool. Just think: You could have life-sized, really human like figures to play with, instead of little rinkydink plastic Barbis and Kens and GI Joes. lol

Anywho, hope you enjoy this! Please tell me what you think, and I will update as soon as possible.



Ziva could not remember a better night. Tony had taken her to Materani's for dinner. Since it was only three blocks from Ziva's house, and it being a nice evening, the two decided to walk to the restaurant. On the way home, Tony suggested they walk through the park.

"I've never noticed how beautiful the fall was," Ziva commented.

"It's my second favorite season," Tony said. "Spring's my favorite because everything comes to life. In the fall, everything is settling in for the winter," he explained.

"I did not know you were so symbolic," Ziva complemented.

Tony shrug his shoulders, "I don't show it at work. I've got an image to maintain." He smiled his infamous DiNozzo smile at her.

"Only you would want to maintain the college, frat-boy attitude," Ziva laughed.

End Flashback

Two years later, Ziva walked in the same park, her head resting on the man's shoulder beside her, looking up at the stars through the trees. "It is so beautiful tonight," she sighed.

"You're beautiful," the man commented, causing Ziva to uncharacteristically blush. Ziva met Jeremy Holdset by accident at the local coffee shop. She was hurrying to get to work on time. Not paying attention to her surroundings, Ziva ran right smack into the man and spilt hot coffee all down his front. From the moment their eyes connected, Ziva forgot about everything else. There was something about this man that intrigued her. He was not like any other man she'd known.

"We'd better head back," Jeremy said, breaking Ziva's reverie.

As the two headed back to Ziva's apartment, the rain slowly began to fall. The moment the first drop fell, Jeremy pulled his jacket off and slipped it over her shoulders, ever the gentleman.


Ziva ran behind Tony as the two ran for cover from the pouring rain. When they made it to a picnic shelter, the two were laughing and gasping for air.

"Well, this wasn't exactly what I had planned," Tony said, looking out at the rain.

"I do not believe any of your 'plans' go as you want," Ziva pointed out and Tony smiled the grin that made her knees weak.

"Here, you must be cold," Tony said, shrugging off his coat and putting it on her, his hands lingering on her shoulders and his eyes meeting hers.

Something happened between the two, and they found themselves slowly leaning towards each other; their faces growing closer and closer. Tony searched Ziva's eyes imploringly. The want in her eyes was enough for him to close the distance. The kiss slowly growing in intensity.

When the two broke for air, Ziva took Tony's hand and led him back out into the rain. They were only a few minutes from her apartment. Neither felt the rain soaking them from head to toe, as they stole a kiss here and there as they made their way.

End Flashback

As Ziva unlocked the front door, she asked, "Would you like to come in for a cup of tea or coffee?" Silently, she hoped he would say yes. She could hear the thunder beginning to rumble, and she did not like being alone in a storm.


"Who would have thought a tough, Mossad assassin would be afraid of a little thunder," Tony teased as he caressed Ziva's bare shoulder.

"My mother used to play her piano and sing when it rained. Tali and I would imagine that the sky was her band," Ziva explained. "One day when I was thirteen, a storm came through and it was just Momma and I at home. She was playing the piano when a tree fell on the house and killed her. Ever since then, I have not liked being alone in a storm," she said, her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry, Zee-vah," Tony said, holding her closer to him.

End Flashback

Jeremy sighed, looking down at his watch, "I would love to, really I would, but I have an important meeting tomorrow morning I need to prepare for," he replied. "I promise I will make it up to you," he added, leaning his head down and giving Ziva a small kiss before walking away.

Ziva walked into the apartment the lonesome feeling suddenly enwrapping her. She knew she was in for a long night. After grabbing a sweatshirt from her bedroom, Ziva settled in on the couch and began watching the Magnum P.I. DVDs Tony had insisted she buy.