I want to know your plans..

A story about Ron and Hermione and how their relationship evolved into something more.

"You're what keeps me believing the world's not gone dead"

Everyone was gathered at the Burrow for Fred's funeral. Hermione had just arrived everyone was grieving, Hermione saw Mrs. Weasley right away she was crying sitting in the front row. Mrs. Weasley looked up and upon seeing Hermione forced a smile, got up and gave her a big embrace.

"How are you dear" Mrs. Weasley asked trying to hold back her tears.

"I'm getting there" Hermione shrugged, Mrs. Weasley nodded her tears began to fall again.

Hermione gave her another squeeze "He really was a brilliant, he lived his life well." Hermione whispered, all Mrs. Weasley could do was nod. Hermione felt awful, she scanned the room for Harry only to find him with his arm wrapped around Ginny as she cried into his shoulder. Hermione never thought she would see the Weasley's ever like this; they always were so full of life. Hermione began to scan the room again looking for a certain red head, but he was no where to be found.

George began giving a speech about his twin's death, it was very touching Hermione began to cry herself as she found a seat next to Harry and Ginny. The funeral was soon over and followed by a big meal.

"Hello Hermione, how are you" Mr. Weasley asked

"I'm okay…beautiful ceremony eh" Hermione said nervously, not used to being in this kind of situation.

"Yes it was George put it together himself…it was hard for him, but he insisted on doing it" Mr. Weasley explained as he looked over in George's direction who was currently talking with Harry and Ginny.

"I guess it's just one of those things you have to do" Hermione said, she quickly looked around the room once more, but had no luck again.

"He's upstairs…I reckon you should pay him a visit" Mr. Weasley said, Hermione looked at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry what" Hermione said.

"Ron, he's in his room, doesn't do to much socializing lately" Mr. Weasley explained sadly.

"Oh right" Hermione said softly, Mr. Weasley put his hand on Hermione's shoulder giving her a serious look.

"I think you're the only one that can get through to him right now…"Mr. Weasley explained.

"I'll go talk to him" Hermione said, Mr. Weasley nodded, "Oh and Hermione"

"Yes" Hermione said turning around,

"Your welcome to say at the Burrow if you'd like" Mr. Weasley said giving her a small smile.

"Thank you Mr. Weasley" Hermione said, she climbed the stairs to the very top where Ron's room was. The stairs were old and creaky from years of the Weasley children running up and down them. She had finally reached the top, she knocked on Ron's door but as she suspected there was no answer. She reached down and jiggled the door knob surprisingly it door opened. There she found Ron sitting on the floor leaning against his bed staring at the wall. His hair was in all different directions, and it looked as if he hasn't slept in days He probably hasn't Hermione thought. He didn't even move when she opened the door, she walked closer to him, still no reaction. Hermione sat down next to him on the floor, he still had not acknowledged the fact she was here, if he actually realized or not Hermione couldn't tell. She slid her hand over his that was on the floor, as if taken from a trace he jumped at her touch.

"Hermione..?" Ron asked his voice rough, from lack of talking. She looked into his pure blue eyes that looked as if they had just cried fresh tears.

"Yea…" was all Hermione could say. Ron looked away and stared at the wall once again. Seeing Ron like this was making Hermione feel even more terrible. She rubbed his hand, he didn't protest nor did he respond. As they sat there in a painful silence Hermione finally found her voice again.

"You can't do this Ron" Hermione said softly, she knew that this was going to upset him, he pulled his hand away from hers still staying silent. His actions made Hermione frustrated,

"Ron, please talk to me" she said turning towards him, facing him with her whole body now. Ron looked at Hermione he could see the tears forming in her eyes, he wasn't sure it was because of him or the funeral that he had neglected to attend. He hadn't seen Hermione for eleven days exactly, he knew because he had been counting. For the first time today he really looked at her, on the outside she looked prefect, but Ron knew of the inside she wasn't okay, just like him.

"Ron…" Hermione said breaking Ron from his trace once more. Her eyes were full of worry as she desperately tried to get him to talk, but he didn't want to.

"Why are you here" Ron asked bitterly, turning away from her looking back at the wall. Hermione looked at him in disbelief, she was hurt

"I want to help you, you can't do this to your family Ron!" Hermione said desperately trying not to cry. Ron looked at her his eyes cutting through her like a knife, that was the last strand for Hermione she let her tears fall silently.

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do Hermione! Did your brother just die! Last time I checked all of your family is fine and healthy and…and LIVING! You have no right to come up here and tell me I can't do this to them, its better this way! What are you crying! Why are you crying!!" Ron yelled all of his rage and frustrations of the past two weeks that he'd kept in he had just let go. Hermione cried even harder now, this is not how she wanted it to happened at all.

"BECAUSE! RON! Fred is dead; I think I have a right to cry for him to! He was practically my brother too!" Hermione yelled back, tears streaming down her face. Ron just looked at her saying nothing; Hermione began to shake her head trying to regain herself. After minutes of silence Hermione dried her eyes once more, and looked up at Ron. He was still looking at her dried tears had stained his face, Hermione took a deep breath

"Ron what I don't think you understand is that you being up here, not talking to anyone, not doing anything isn't helping your family…there worried about you not mention how disrespectful it was of you not to go to the funeral today" Hermione said in an even tone trying as hard as possible to say calm. She watched as a tear fell from his deep blue eye.

"I just can't face them right now, I have no idea what to do…what to think or hell what to say…I just don't know how to deal with this" Ron admitted softly, another tear falling from his eye, Hermione took his hand again.

"I know its hard Ron, but it's not just you, everyone is hurting everyone. They all don't know what to do, but there figuring it out day by day…they need you more than ever now" Hermione explained, Ron looked at her wiping his eyes of his fresh tears.

"I know…I'm sorry" Ron said softly.

"Ron you have nothing to be sorry for…well to me at least" Hermione said

"No I do, I know I made you cry before…I really hate when I do that…" Ron said rubbing her hand with his thumb. Hermione's heart swelled at Ron's apology, as yet another tear fell from her eye, this time Ron wiped it away. There was yet another silence between them, as Ron stared deeply into her eyes. All Hermione wanted to do was kiss him, but she knew it wasn't the time or place.

"You should go down to your family" Hermione said after clearing her throat. Ron quickly let go of her hand. They stood up at the same time and in doing so they bumped into each other, causing Hermione to become slightly off balance. Ron quickly grabbed her arm pulled her into him so she wouldn't fall. Hermione lightly crashed into his hard chest, she looked up at him.

"Thanks" she said barely above a whisper, with that Ron gave her a longing hug, smelling her hair as he did so.

"I miss you" he said softly.

"I miss you too" she said, they broke apart but Ron still had his arms around her waist, as she rested her hands on his chest again. She looked up at him as he towered over her at six foot three. Just as Hermione thought he was going to kiss her she heard her name…

"HERMIONE!" Harry yelled as he was coming up the stairs, Ron quickly stepped away from Hermione and wiped his eyes once more.

"I'm in here" Hermione called.

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley wanted to know if you were staying" Harry asked, standing in the door way.

"Excuse me....I have to go um…" Ron said as he left. Harry had been staying at the Burrow ever since the Battle at Hogwarts, since then him and Ron had fought over the same thing that Hermione had come to talk to Ron about.
"You get anywhere with him" Harry asked

"Yea…he's just really hurt Harry you have to understand tha-

"Everyone is hurt Hermione! He has to understand that! Ginny has been a mess the past week but still managed to show herself to her family and go to the bloody funeral!" Harry said angrily.

"You know Harry you didn't exactly help Ron either" Hermione said,

"I tired Hermione, he wouldn't listen he would just sit there and when he had enough of what I had to say he'd yell and kick me out" Harry explained, Hermione knew this was very likely considering Ron had basically done the same thing to her, expect she wouldn't give up.

"Harry you and I both know that when it comes to emotions it's hard for Ron, you have to give him time" Hermione explained, Harry nodded.

"You would know that more than me, with the situation you two have" Harry said with slight smile. Hermione hit him in the arm playfully, but then got serious

"There is no 'situation' between us right now anyway" Hermione said sadly, Harry could tell that she was hurt, so he hugged his best friend.

"He'll come around" Harry said, Hermione nodded she took a deep breath shaking her emotions from the prior topic.

"To answer your question from before I think that I will stay" Hermione said, Harry nodded.

"Good Ron needs a friend" Harry said, Hermione rolled her eyes

"And what are you" Hermione said

"Well as you can tell, he's not very fond of me right now because I've been with Ginny a lot, but that's because he wouldn't listen to me when I tried talking to him" Harry said, Hermione nodded.

"Right…I guess I'll go be the friend now…" Hermione said sadly as she began to leave Harry grabbed her arm.

"You know that you mean more to Ron than a friend, its just right now he needs-

"I know Harry no need to explain" Hermione said giving Harry a small smile as she continued down the stairs to find where Ron had ended up.

A/N: So this story was inspired by the song "I want to know your plans" by Say anything which is where I got the title from and the beginning quote, so please tell me what you think good and bad reviews welcome :)