I don't own Harry Potter or Naruto okay? (Although at times I wish I owned Harry and Itachi *fangirl drool*)I know there are a million HP/Naruto crossovers out there but I figured, what the hey, let's add my fic into the ever-expanding HP/Naruto library. As with most all crossovers, this will be slightly A/U so don't get on me Cannon Nazis. Naruto never got the Bat Bogey Hex placed on him and Harry can't do Rasengan. Okay, enough with this boring Disclaimer A/N, on with the fic!

Harry was sitting in the Malfoy family's dungeon thinking. He had to get the 5th Horcrux and fast. As the Chosen One, it was his duty to find and destroy Voldemort and keep the Wizarding World safe from harm. Unfortunately, this was not one of the best times to be stuck in a dungeon. He was looking over at the other prisoners in the dungeon. There were Dean Thomas, Luna Lovegood and Ollivander the Wandmaker. He looked around rather despondent. Hermione was getting tortured above and there was little he could do about it.

"Ron do you have any idea what the Horcrux of Ravenclaw's would be?" Harry asked.

"Why are you worrying about that now?" Ron asked. "We are stuck in a dungeon and we are next to being killed."

"No we are not, there is always a way around these things."Harry said pensively. However, there was a part of him that did not believe his own words.

Meanwhile, Luna was looking over at them listening intently on their conversation. She knew she heard the Malfoys and the other Death Eaters talking about the same thing. She thought that this information she had overheard would help them. If she could do something to help them, she would feel so much better about herself for getting captured and being locked as prisoner if she could give them the most valuable information that would help them find and destroy the Horcrux and destroy Voldemort, so much the better.

"Harry?" Luna called over to him.

"Yes Luna?" He asked back.

"Harry, I think I figured out where and what the 5th Horcrux you are looking for is. You know I had a lot of time to think down here in this dungeon of the Malfoys." Luna said.

"Hold on to that thought! I got a plan to get us out of here!" Harry said. He also saw that the goblin Griphook was there too. He concluded that they would ask him for confirmation on the Sword of Gryffindor's authenticity. He would use this chance to get Hermione and escape back to Bill and Fleur's house at Shell Cottage. As he thought of how he would get Dean, Luna and Ollivander out of there, Dobby the House Elf popped in.

"Dobby!" Harry yelled.

"Harry Potter sir!" Dobby whispered with a salute. "Dobby is here to help you!"

"Good." Harry said. He then looked over at Dean, Luna and Ollivander. "Can you take those three to Shell Cottage?"

"Yes Sir Harry Potter sir! Dobby can take them!" Dobby yelled as Harry motioned for them to take Dobby's hand. As he motioned so, under much protest from Dean and Luna, they took Dobby's hand while he disappeared to Shell Cottage.

As the crack! of Dobby's disappearance was heard, Bellatrix Lestrange looked down into the Dungeons to see what it was making the ruckus.

"Draco-no, call Wormtail, make him go check!" Lucius said.

As Wormtail looked in, Harry and Ron nodded as they ran up to tackle and overtake him. Ron seized Wormtail's wand while Harry was not so lucky; Wormtail had him in a stranglehold with his silver hand.

"You are going to kill me? After I saved your life?" Harry asked pouring on the guilt, making Wormtail deep inside start to regret his actions. "You owe me Wormtail!" and with this final implement, the silver hand of Wormtail's began to strangle him. As Wormtail's other hand weakened his grip on his wand, Ron took it from his hand.

While this was going on, Griphook was examining the sword and making it seem convincing to Bellatrix that the sword was a fake. It was there that they saw Hermione's weak and unconscious body laying in front of Bellatrix's feet like an old rag doll.

"Hermione!" Ron yelled running toward her "Stupify! Stupify!" He yelled hoping that it would slow them down and he could take Hermione to Shell Cottage. He took her body in his hand and caught a wand Harry had seized from Draco.

"Ron! Catch and GO!" Harry yelled as he saw Ron take Hermione and Disapperate from the Malfoy Manor.

"You! Potter! Your death will come soon! When the Dark Lord gets here, he will have you killed and thus will end the great Harry Potter!" Bellatrix said as she moved closer in on him and Dobby, who had reappeared in the room and shattered the chandelier to cause a diversion.

"You! You dirty little vermin! You dare defy your masters!" Bellatrix yelled when she saw Dobby destroy the house.

"Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf." Dobby said defiantly. He would defend Harry to the grave and was not about to let his crewel former masters kill him. "Harry Potter sir, take Dobby's hand! Dobby will take Harry Potter to Shell Cottage, like you asked."

Harry took Dobby's hand as he disappeared. Next thing he knew, he was in front of a cottage by the seaside. He then ran inside to find Luna and get what she knew about the Horcrux.

"Luna! What do you know?" He yelled as he ran into Bill and Fleur's cottage.

"Wow Harry, A little upright huh?" Bill asked as Harry barged in. "We didn't know you were coming" He added sarcastically.

"Sorry. Luna has some information that is helpful to what Dumbledore asked of me and I need to talk to her about it as soon as possible."

"'Arry, Luna ees in ze bedroom, resting." Fleur said.

"Merci Fleur!" Harry said running into the bedroom.

"'Arry! Wait!" Fleur yelled as Harry ran into the room and slammed the door. "Ees he always like zis?" she asked as she turned to Bill.

"Sadly yes, especially when he is on to something he needs." Ron said as he overheard Fleur's question.

Harry knocked on the door and heard a faint yet dreamy "Come in." from Luna. Harry had already known of the three destroyed Horcruxes, the ring, the locket and the diary. He needed to know what and where the next one was desperately.

"You said you overheard something important about the Horcruxes?" Harry asked as he walked in the room.

"Yes I know what one is and where it is." Luna said. "When they thought I was unconscious, they were talking about it."

"Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem. It is a Horcrux. You-Know-Who made it one." Luna said dreamily.

"I can't believe you know about the Horcruxes!" Harry yelled in shock at Luna.

"Like I said Harry, I overheard them talking about it. Rather careless of them." Luna smiled.

"Well what do you know?" Harry said trying to keep his cool in a case like this. "What else did you hear of it!?" Harry demanded of her.

Luna looked on at Harry in her usual dreamy, sort of out of this world way, paused, took a breath and smiled. "I also know where it might be."

"Where?" Harry yelled as his temper rose. He knew this was Luna's usual way but he was getting rather antsy about the fact she wasn't telling him all he needed to know right away.

"Well Harry, You-Know-Who's power is apparently global. He apparently has global allies." Luna said. Shit. This isn't good. If he is global, we have a lot of problems. "His connections are with the leader of a ninja village in Japan. He was talking with a man, who happened to look a lot like You-Know-Who, only with hair."

"Well we know how he looks, but more about him!" Harry demanded.

"Well You-Know-Who agreed to help him destroy this village called Hidden Leaf Village if he kept his Horcrux safe. Anyway, Orochimaru is a Sennin or legendary Ninja. The last thing I can remember seeing is a Sound Village Ninja they called Kabuto handing the Horcrux to Orochimaru. That was the last thing I saw before I was thrown in the dungeon. You know, that Orochimaru fellow looked a little like a girl if I didn't know any better." Luna said.

Harry sat down with a giggle but he was still rather depressed. All he knew now was that the Horcrux was in a village in Japan under the rule of a feminine looking Sennin ninja named Orochimaru. Problem was, as it was a ninja village, it was most likely to be hidden very well, especially if the name was Village HIDDEN in the Sound.

"I know what you are thinking Harry and I can help you find the village. In the conversation, I heard them use Otogakure as well." Luna said. "Now I can remember where they went to in Japan if you let me go with you. As I said, they let more slip than they wanted to with me."

"Luna no…" Harry started to say but he got to thinking about this offer.

Luna knew where it was and maybe knew about how the Otogakure villagers fought as well. It would do little good if their fighting style was something that would make Voldemort's look like child's play. From the time he spent in the Muggle world, he knew Ninjas were trained assassins and if this Orochimaru was worth Voldemort's trust in handling the Horcrux, then something was to be concerned about. This Orochimaru was apparently powerful enough to get Voldemort's respect as a comrade. Harry also had to look at his present situation. Was he going to be able to handle Death Eaters and Sound Shinobi himself? Could Luna actually help him?

"Harry, there are times to be Noble and others to ask for help. I know how you like to be brave and noble like the Gryffindor way but us Ravenclaws know how to ask for help and how to know when to give it. Please. Harry?" Luna asked.

"I guess so. Luna, as soon as Ron and Hermione are up to it, you can come with us. I believe you may be able to help us a little bit." Harry sighed. He had to admit she was right, sometimes he needed more help than he had.

"Wonderful." Luna said in her dreamy way. "I wonder if there are Nargles in Japan…."

Well how was that? I hope it isn't turning out too cheesy. I am trying to tie the fandoms in pretty well and not some Harry/Sasuke alike fic. Anyway, remember to read, (well you just did) and review.




PS~ if that Mat character anonymously flames my stories again, I will make it so he can't. Just because I frequent the Fireplace Alliance forum, does not give you the right to flame me. STOP STALKING ME TO FLAME MY STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can turn you in to the authorities for that!