Bless the Child

Disclaimer: I have just discovered that when you are bored, struggling with story ideas, you end up playing your old games, which in this case, happened to be Silent Hill 4. (Also Silent Hill 3 and Origins). I have come up with an idea that seemed interesting enough to make into a fanfiction. I have fancied Walter Sullivan's character and could never get a good fanfiction going with him. Until I caught on to his terrible back story. I felt so bad for him, being treated like a dog. This is for Walter, man! (P.S. I don't own any Silent Hill characters made my the original artists).

"When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, There's just something about you that pisses me off."

— Stephen King (Storm of the Century: An Original Screenplay)

"Go then, there are other worlds than these."

— Stephen King (The Gunslinger)

By: VampireQueenAkasha

"She was younger than me back then... She looked so happy holding her mother's hand..."

-Walter Sullivan (Silent Hill 4)



South Ashfield Heights

"Hurry up - get packed!"

The small apartment room of 302 was filled with frantic movement and hurried packing. Clothes were tossed everywhere and suitcases thrown open. A couple were moving quickly, as if they had to get out of the apartment as soon as possible. The apartment resembled the exact opposite of the stress and desperation of this pair. There were lovely things that lines the walls; decorations of cats and dogs and photographs of an stern-looking man and his silent wife.

The woman paused briefly in the hallway, soft whimpering sounds escaping her. The man stopped in front of her and snorted angrily.

"Stop that damn crying!" he hissed, lowly, "You're gonna get the super up here!"

The woman stopped sniffling for a few moments and sighed quietly. She resumed packing her suitcase on the living room chair and her fingers shook desperately.

"This is your fault, you know ... " she said, as calmly as she could, despite her trembling, hitching throat.

The man stopped and tossed a T - shirt across the room which landed in the corner of the TV stand. "Oh shut the hell up, you can't blame it all on me!" he spat, voice kept low.

The couple hurriedly rushed toward the front door of the apartment, slowly opening it as not to be heard by the other tenants. They quickly, yet carefully shut the door behind them. It did not latch completely and simply hung open just a crack.

The apartment was silent once more, only the sounds of cars and people outside the windows. A soft cooing sound filled the air, coming from the other side of the living room chair.

It was a newborn infant, wrapped up in a blue T - Shirt and still covered in birthing fluid. Its tiny umbilical cord dangled uselessly at the side. The infant did not cry, rather observed its surroundings with child-like fascination. The baby's eyes seemed to have been very intelligent, a peculiar bit of infantile logic, perhaps. The newborn did not realize its own fate as it lay there behind the chair, alone.


The superintendent, Frank Sunderland lumbered his way up the stairs to the third floor of the apartment building. He was carrying an handful of envelopes in his hand and was walking up toward the 302 door.

"Why can't these guys get their own damn mail?" he muttered, "I can't afford to have the box cluttering up like this."

He raised a fist to knock on the door, but to his surprise, the door creaked open on its own. Frank raised a brow with a grunt of confusion and slowly pushed the door open.

"Hello?" he called, "Anybody here?"

Frank noticed that most of the things in the apartment were missing and several drawers were thrown apart. The apartment was literally in disarray. He murmured in confusion and scratched the back of his head. Just as he turned to leave, perhaps to pursue the problem further, a soft whimpering sound halted him.

Frank turned toward the chair and slowly walked up toward it. His eyes grew wide once he noticed the infant lying there.

"What the hell?" he gasped, stooping down and picking the baby up into both of his arms, "Are you all by yourself?"

The baby looked up at him and seemed to have been smiling. It reached up with one hand and smacked its lips. Frank couldn't resist a smile and chuckled softly to himself. Finally, he resumed a professional facade and rose.

"This ain't good," he said, softly, "Where are your parents?"

The baby just hiccuped and cooed softly, patting his hairy arm with one hand. Frank studied the infant and furrowed his brows. For some reason, he felt a peculiar sense of cold as he studied the small thing in his arms. A bizarre feeling of dread.

"Ridiculous ... " he muttered, to himself, "You're just a baby ... "

And with that, he walked out of the apartment, carrying the child in his arms.


Note-And thus it begins!