This is my first I'd like you to tell me what you think

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto...or anything else I mention in this story. I only own the made up characters

"All right everyone, shut up and sit down!" Mrs. Parker, the chemistry teacher screamed. Everyone went silent. She smiled. "Now, we have a few new students. Please welcome Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Gaara…"

"Just Gaara." The red head stated flatly.

"Okay, you're creepy." Mrs. Parker mumbled.

"Hi everyone. I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!" The blonde boy yelled loudly.

"Um. Wow. Looks like Nina isn't the most annoying person in my life anymore." Mrs. Parker said putting her hands on her temples.

"Hell yes!" A girl with black hair and pigtails yelled from the back of the class jumping up and down. She was tall and tan and her pants and tank top combo were black and skin tight.

"Shut the hell up Nina!" Mrs. Parker screamed. The girl froze and sat back down. "Now, this is chemistry so you all need partners. Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, you be partners. No arguing." she glared at the pink haired girl who was about to protest. Sasuke Uchiha, you can be Ainslie Lamoure's partner," she pointed to a girl with short, brown hair, big blue eyes, and pale skin wearing a short black dress, knee high black socks, and black flats. "And Gaara, you can be Sebastian Visigoth's partner." She walked up to a boy with long blonde hair in a ponytail. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt with black writing reading 'I'm the kid your parents warned you about' and a black, leather jacket. "Kendall, where is that sibling of yours?"

He glared up at her with piercing grey eyes. "How should I know. I'm not Sibs' keeper."

The teacher glared back. "You know I don't like being called Sibs." Mrs. Parker jumped at the sudden voice. Everyone turned to see the slender red head walk in the door. She wore a black vest over a white dress shirt, a red, plaid skirt, black thigh high socks, and black combat boots. One or two of the boys, including Naruto, started to drool all over themselves. Nina did a cat call and started laughing.

"There you are Sebastian. This is your new chemistry partner, Gaara."

Sebastian looked from Mrs. Parker to Gaara and back. "But isn't Ainslie my partner?" She asked.

Mrs. Parker laughed. "You two were pissing me off, so not anymore."

"That's very sweet of you Mrs. P. You're such a loving person." Sebastian said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She walked over to the table Gaara had sat at and dropped her back sitting down. The rest of the class passed uneventful.

When the bell rang Sebastian got up but fell right back down when her nemesis Shiloh Winters, a blonde haired blue eyes slut, tripped her. She glared up at the blond with her piercing grey eyes, Shiloh just smirked.

"Watch your step, Goth." She sneered.

"It's Visigoth." Sebastian mumbled.

"No, it's just Goth." She kicked one of Sebastian's books across the room.

"Watch yourself, Winters, or your gonna get your ass handed to you. Again!" Damian, Sebastian's best guy friend, called to her. She blushed. It was hard not too when you looked at Damian Host, a handsome black haired, blue eyed angle in black emo pants. She flipped her hair and walked away. "Didn't you beat the shit oughta her last month?" He asked picking Sebastian up by her waist and putting her on her feet.

"Yeah. Where's my book?" She asked no one in particular. It suddenly appeared in front of her face. Sebastian's gaze followed the hand that was holding it up the arm, up the person's (nice) chest, to his face. She locked gazes with the sea foam eyes of you chemistry partner. She felt a blush creep to your face and she couldn't pull your eyes away from his.

"Aw. That's not fair. I try really hard to get Sibs to blush and all the new kid has to do it look at her." Damian fake pouted beside Sebastian. She turned red and dropped her eyes, grabbing her book and stuffing it in her bag. She saw Damian pull Nina back from leaving. "Don't you think they would make a cute couple, Nina?" he asked, almost serious.

She tilted her head. "Hm. Defiantly. What do you think, Ken?"

Sebastian's brother looked at her, she begged him to get them to shut up with her eyes. "It doesn't matter how cute a couple she would make with someone. She's not allowed to date." He grabbed Sebastian and Nina, pulling both out of the room. Thank Goddess for protective older brothers.

Damian and Nina talked to the new students before they all split up to go to our classes. Sebastian walked into class with Ainslie and you both sat down in the back. A few minutes later Naruto and Gaara walked in with a shy looking girl.

"Hey! Ainslie, Sebastian!" Naruto called, taking the seat in front of Sebastian. The shy girl sat beside him and Gaara took the last seat, beside Sebastian.

"Hey Naruto, Gaara, and…we haven't met you yet." Ainslie greeted in her thick French ascent.

"This is Hinata!" Naruto said, throwing an arm over her shoulder. She blushed. "So looks like we have two classes together." Naruto said to Sebastian. She nodded and pulled out a book to read. "You don't talk very much do you?" He asked. She shook her head, not looking away from the book.

"Sebastian isn't a talkative person, unless you engage her in an intellectual discussion." Ainslie said for Sebastian. She knew Sebastian so well that she talked for her more often then not.

Naruto looked at her confused. "A what?" Ainslie started laughed and Sebastian smirked. He blushed. "Why are you reading in class? Shouldn't you be paying attention?" He asked Sebastian.

Sebastian looked up from her book. "Shouldn't you be facing the front and not talking to the person reading the book?" He blushed deeper and she smirked. "I don't need to pay attention." she said going back to your book.

"Why?" he asked.

Ainslie giggled beside you. "Sebastian is really very smart. She never studies and she still gets A's in all her classes. I'm sure she would help you in your studies if the need arises."

Naruto looked from Sebastian to Ainslie. "Why do you talk for her?" he whispered.

"Because the only person who knows Sebastian better than me is her brother Kendall. And she doesn't like to talk to people."

Naruto paused. "Why did your brother say you weren't allowed to date?" he asked Sebastian.

She sighed. Ainslie answered. "It's not that she's not allowed, it's that he doesn't like it, and since he's in charge what he wants goes."

"Why is he in charge?"

Ainslie looked at Sebastian like she said something she shouldn't have. Sebastian nodded, giving her the go to answer. "Because he's the oldest." She was beating around the bush.

"But aren't your parents rea-"

"My parents are dead." Sebastian answered bluntly before Naruto could finish his question.