DS15 - Hi all! Well, I was just.. randomly.. reading about ikarishipping when I thought, 'You know what? I want to write an ikarishipping fanfiction!' Truth be told, I've already written one, but it was as a special fanfic to a special friend of mine. This one's going to be a three-shot and probably very short.. sorry! I hope I did fairly good with the characters. I hand this to you very early in the morning! Enjoy it!

Chapter One - Hikari's Date

All he had done to deserve it was pass by a small cookie shop with an outdoor sitting area. To any other normal, sane, lovesick, crushed - whoops. To any other human that wasn't Shinji or the guy about to rest his arm around a certain blue-haired Coordinator, the day was perfect. Blue skies littered with puffy white clouds, a light breeze, flowers everywhere (we're in Floaroma town! Not..), and young couples walking about with their cute little Pokémon following them.

Yes, to Shinji, this whole city could be set on fire (save one girl) and he would merely laugh maniacally, then walk away with his hands in his pockets like the stubborn ninja he was. Yet, you couldn't just get revenge like that. It'd be nice, but then it would take all that effort and everything! So why not do something simple?

That was exactly the plan that formed in his mind after coming across this atrocious scene. In front of him stood a quaint cookie shop, as told above. The purple-haired Trainer had been shuffling along through the streets, his scowl set upon his face from his bad luck with training this morning and his eyes narrowed dangerously, warning anybody who stood in his way to hastily move. Or he would move you. Your choice. Sadly, that was when he rounded a sharp corner, and, yes, the familiar flash of blue and light giggle immediately had his attention.

Hikari sat neatly on a bench, giggling. A light pink tinted her cheeks and nose as she raised her hand up to playfully slap the arm of - of... another guy on our cold-hearted Trainer's territory. It took everything Shinji had to restrain himself from stomping over there and beating the bronze-haired guy to a bloody pulp. What was he doing? With Hikari? His Hikari?! He took a step backward so that he was in the shadow of the building; his eyes remained on the two with a burning fury. The two of them exchanged some words and laughed in harmony some more... with every small noise that came out of the boy, Shinji had to resist the urge to add punches to his count of how many he was already going to get. Then, the boy's arm moved. It raised up.. he slid slightly closer to Hikari.. the arm was slithering behind her back....

It was definitely now or never.

Shinji stuffed his fists into his pockets and walked stiffly (but swiftly) over to where the two sat. When he towered over them, the two froze and looked up at what exactly was blocking their light. Hikari's eyes glittered with surprise as she said, "Shinji! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same," he grunted, not taking his eyes of the boy - who seemed to be challenging him with his eyes. The idiot. "What are you doing here?" With him?!

"Well, Satoshi and Takeshi are taking a nap at the Pokémon Center and I decided to... have some fun!" She smiled up at him and scooted closer to the boy. That wasn't good. "I don't think you two have met. Shinji, this is Koji. Koji, Shinji." She motioned to the two respectively, then gave Shinji an alluring smile. "Koji is so sweet! I just adore him!" Hikari gave another giggle as Koji shot her a dazzling smile.

"No, you're the sweet one!"

Where was the trash can when you needed it?! Either to puke in it or to shove Koji in, our stubborn Trainer couldn't decide. Maybe both. He closed his eyes for a moment, then reopened them. "Well then, I guess I'll leave you two 'lovebirds' alone," he growled out with as much bitterness and venom as he possibly could. "And, troublesome girl..."

"Hm?" Hikari glanced back up at him.

"Be careful he doesn't do anything to you." Shinji tilted his head slightly to Koji's free hand, which was sitting in his lap.. and was still dangerously close to her skirt. She nearly shrieked in outrage and jumped up, fire burning in her eyes as she shoved her face in his - their noses nearly rammed together.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" She growled loudly. He smirked. Was Koji not going to be a man and stand up for his 'date'? "Why do you always have to be so rude?"

"I think you know full well what I mean," he said matter-of-factly. "Then again, I don't know how much your brain is capable of processing." This earned him another shriek. He took a step back and glared at her. "Will you stop screaming in my ear, stupid girl?"

Hikari stamped one foot and crossed her arms, turning her nose up to the air in a snotty fashion. "Well, fine, Your Majesty! Shall I polish your Poké Balls while I'm at it?" She shot at him sarcastically. He merely waved it away. "Let's go, Koji! I can't stand this jerk!" Koji stood up and glared at Shinji before going to take his place beside Hikari. Shinji was still close enough, though.. at least a little damage wouldn't hurt. He slid his foot out, catching Koji's in the process and making him stumble forward, nearly knocking Hikari over. The boy quickly wrapped an arm around her waist to save her from falling. Well, that wasn't expected! Good going, Shinji! Why don't you make them kiss while you're at it! He snapped in his mind.

Koji whirled around to face him. "Hey! What was that for?!" This made the frown that had been on the purple-haired Trainer's face turn into a sneer.

"Well, you're just as clumsy as Troublesome over there!" He turned away, only to throw over his shoulder, "You definitely did a great job with that one, stupid girl!"

3, 2, 1...

Right on cue, he heard her shout out, "My name is Hikari! Get it straight!" Ah, how he loved to make her angry. He loved to see her flare up, the smoldering of her blue eyes as she jumped on the opportunity to argue with him. Or was it he that jumped on the opportunity to argue with her? Shinji shook his head quickly. Now he had to focus. It was time to come up with a plot on how to settle the score with Ms. Short-skirt. What to do... he could always just prank her. Insulting works just as well.

A light bulb went off in his head. That was it... fight fire with fire! A very rough smile graced his lips as he counted just how many days he could possibly stay in this town before moving on. That also depended on how long the Trouble Trio were staying in town. Well, it would be a waste of time...

Not a waste of reason, though. Turning around on his heel, he made his way to the Pokémon Center. Shinji had some planning to do.


Meanwhile, a certain blue-haired girl smiled as she skipped into the Pokémon Center. Her mind was working swiftly on her next move. Koji had played his part faithfully, and Shinji had fallen into her trap! It would be no time at all before he actually started to notice her. She skipped up to her room, suddenly as bubbly and cheerful as could be. You just wait, Shinji... you just wait.


DS15: Chappy one! Two more to go! Do you know how hard it is to write Shinji being jealous?! Not that easy.. cause he's a block. Stone cold.. block.. anyway! My cat just made this very, very weird gasping sound.. hrm. Well, I'm writing this at like, four in the morning, so it's not the best quality. My apologies.. again.. but still, please review! I love to hear what you all have to say, even if it's critisism (which I need)! Cookies to all who review!