I woke up right away on the following day because of an irritating sound that kept bugging me. I looked outside the window and saw Danna full of sweat (and imagine- he's TOPLESS!). He was hammering something outside- which, I don't want to know. He didn't seem to notice me but I didn't care much. (I don't want to bother him)

I grabbed my clothes and wore them. When I went out of the room, there's something that caught my eye right away. In the small table, my breakfast lay there. I was really surprised. I even planned to cook breakfast for him last night! But he brainwashed me with his kisses (Damn it!).

I sat down on the wooden chair next to the table. The silverwares and a glass of juice was next to the dish that he prepared just for me. With the spoon, I tasted it. My eyes widened… It's because IT TASTES SO DAMN GOOD! I thought I was in heaven back then. But I mentally slapped myself; I can't be in heaven without Danna with me.

After eating, I washed the dishes. I did my very best to have a good purpose in living with Danna. I love him and I know that he loves me too. I finished the dishes immediately; it was just a piece of cake for me.

I looked out of the window, Danna was sitting in the grass; he was sweating a lot. I admired at him before I called his name. He looked at me as soon as he heard my voice. He smiled his gentlest smile at me again.

"Did you eat your breakfast?" He asked and I said yes.

Danna told me to come over to him. I quickly went outside to see him.

"Hi, Danna!" I kissed him in his lips passionately.

"Dei…" He growled. I asked him why he growled and he said that he was supposed to be on top. I gave him a confused look and in a flash, I was at the bottom of him.

"D-danna…" I whimpered.

"Shh…" He hushed me then he kissed me. Danna really did top me. He even pushed his tongue inside my mouth! I didn't know what to do, that's why I just gave in and let him take over my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck while his were on my waist. His tongue was really fast (if you're going to ask me). I tried to play with his tongue but he still won. Seriously, I'm not good at this. His tongue never missed a spot on my mouth… I really love how he made me run out of breath…This is far better than the breakfast…

I pulled away from him; I immediately saw Danna's lips form into a smirk.

"W-what?" I asked him as he got closer and closer to my face.

"Oh no you don't!" I cried and ran as fast as I could to get away from him. I knew what he was planning… He was planning to rape me! No, wait… It's not rape if I like it, right? Well, whatever.

I don't know the reason why I'm writing this. But I think our love was so vigorously unbreakable and unconditional. I don't want to be apart from him anymore. I wish we could stay like this forever.


Everyday was like a never ending fairytale for me. As long as I see Danna beside me everyday, I'm always feeling excited. Every morning, I receive good mornings and a kiss and every night, I receive more kisses and goodnights from him.

When I woke up this morning, Danna gave me my good morning kiss. I hugged him ad stood up from our bed enthusiastically. He asked me where I am going; I answered him sweetly, "To make breakfast,un." He smiled and let me do what I have to do.

I opened drawers and some cabinets but I didn't see anything else to cook. I called out Danna and I didn't realize that he was already at my back. I ask him where to find food and he answered in a sleepy voice, "I forgot about that… Let's go fish outside…"

"No! I don't want some fish,un. I want to cook something special for you!"

"Fine. But where are we going to get food?"

"We have a lot there at Oakwood. Mom goes there every Tuesdays and Saturdays. And today is Saturday,un."

"How sure are you that we're safe to go out there? Surely my father is on rampage right now."

"I'm not saying that I'm sure that you're father isn't wandering around, looking for you. But what I'm saying is that, I want to make you something special… and to make something special for you, I need ingredients which we don't have now."

"Alright. Alright. I know! You don't have to explain that to me, brat!"

"Don't call me brat, Danna!"

"Tsk. If you want ingredients get them on your own!"

"I wonder if I can get some from your father,un?" I smirked.

"What?!" He quickly turned to me.

"I said, I'm going to ask for ingredients from your fa-" I didn't get to finish that sentence because he quickly grabbed my hand tightly. Which made me say, "Oww…"

"Listen, Deidara, don't joke around like that anymore. You know that I'll never let you be harmed!"

"Geez… Whatever, Danna. All I ever wanted was some ingredients."

"We're going to get those ingredients. Now start bathing!"


Wow. I've never seen Danna this angry before. It's really breathtaking to know that Danna really does care for me. I took a bath quickly and I found Danna standing in front of me, waiting. I told him that I was sorry but he only kissed me in my forehead.


When we arrived at Oakwood, nobody seemed to notice us because of our hoods. Danna held my hand tightly as we walk to our old house.

When we arrived there, He looked around before he knocked three times. A few seconds passed before the door creaked open.

My mother was standing in front of us. She didn't even recognize us because of our hoods! Until, Danna pushed her inside. She thought she was violated that's why she reacted through slapping him but I tried my best to protect Danna by getting between them. Sasori-Danna removed his hood; that's why I also removed mine.

My mother gasped when she us. We just smiled at her. She said too much (most of them were questions…) like: "How are you?!", "Where do you live now?", "Do you still have food supply?", "Why are you here?! The king and his troops would always go here to look for you!" and "I missed you, Dei!"

I didn't get the chance to answer her questions because Danna interrupted me.

"We're fine. We're living somewhere no one's been to. We came here because we ran out of food supply. My father visits usually at what day of the week?"

"Oh. I think he'll come today…"

"WHAT?!" Danna and I said in unison.

"Yes… So, you better get your food supplies here quickly."


I went with Danna to the kitchen and helped him pack some food. My mother also came to help us.

Until we heard knocks from the door. The three of us exchanged glances before finally Mom stood up and flipped the carpet on the floor. There was a small door. My eyes widened in shock.

"Mom, Since wh-?!" Mother opened the door and pushed me in and Danna came next.

The door closed after Danna and packs of food were inside. Danna hugged me and shut my mouth with his hand. We heard footsteps right above us.

"Are you sure that Prince Sasori or your son isn't visiting here?" A man spoke as mother opened the door.


"Can we check inside?" Another man spoke.

"Yes, you can."

There were a lot of footsteps that we heard above us. After a few thuds and crashes, the person we haven't heard for so long finally spoke, "I see my son isn't here yet."

"What do you mean, Your Highness?" My mother asked with such innocence.

"I know that they'll both come here and visit you."

"That will never happen, Your Highness. I promise that if I ever see any of them, I'll report them to you right away. I felt betrayed when my son chose Prince Sasori over our bakery."

After that, I never heard anything else but fading footsteps. And Danna released me. After a minute… My mother waited a minute before opening the small door above us, we all know why… Danna carried me back up.

"Hi, Mom. What just happened?" I asked… I love pretending to be uncaring at all.

"Oh, dear. Didn't you hear us when you were down there?"

"Brat, stop doing to that to your mother. I know you."

"Fine." I growled.

"Anyway, we have to get out of here fast… By the way, thank you Mrs. Iwa for helping us. We might visit here again for you know what."

"Both of you are always welcome to come here. And please take care of Dei. Be sure that both of you are safe, okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're fine, Mom. You don't have to worry about such stupid things,un." I love interrupting her. It's so fun to tease her.

"Deidara Iwa, you're as annoying as ever!" My mother smiled and led us out of the house. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before we even went out (which made me growl and whine). She just laughed at me and said goodbye.

Danna carried all of the packs of food and ingredients with him. I told him that I'll help but he refused. I was kind of annoyed that he won't let me. But he told me such great and soothing words. I pouted but I still lost to him because he says that he loves me so much that he doesn't want to tire me.

When we got home, Danna brought down the packs of foods at the table. He was exhausted; I can really tell so he threw himself at the couch. I bet he was hungry. So, I immediately started cooking.

When I was about to finish cooking, I felt his arms hug my waist; he pulled me closer to him. I blushed madly back then. I told him to let go of me because I'm cooking but he nibbled my ear and whispered, "What are you cooking, Dei?"

I pulled away from his hug and told him to just sit there to wait for me to finish cooking. I saw him frown at first but he did as I told him to.

We ate dinner together that night. He never forgot to give me goodnight kisses and a "Goodnight, Dei. I love you." I smiled and returned his kisses and of course his goodnights and I love you."


I once asked Danna if he would rather have me or a woman who have large breasts. He laughed at me so hard that made me lock myself inside our room for the whole day. He kept banging and banging in the door. Which ended up to pieces because he forced his way in.

He hugged me but I struggled to keep away from him. But he was stronger than I can I ever be. So, he kissed me. At first, I didn't respond to him and slapped him.

Danna pinned me down the floor and shouted, "Of course, I'll choose you, Dei. Why would you ask such a stupid question when you already know the answer?!"

I sobbed; tears fell from my eyes. He wiped them away with his hand – the hand that I love so much. He kissed me in my forehead, in my nose, in my ears, my lips, my neck, my body – for short, he kissed the whole me and brushed away my sorrow. He cleansed my soul, my mind and heart with his loving kisses.


It indeed was once a peaceful night tonight and I've been trying to hide this book from Danna. I don't want him finding out that I've been writing our memories down. For sure – I'm pretty sure that he'll burn this to crisps. But, he caught me. HE IS STANDING IN FRONT OF ME NOW!


After months now, this is the first I'll be writing again at this book. Before this entry, Danna stole the book from me. This is what happened…

Danna, please don't read it! Or burn it to crisps,un!" I cried.

"Of course I'm not going to read it or burn it to crisps." He said with an upset face plastered on his beautiful face.

"Then what are you going to do with it?!"

"I want your attention to focus on me! Not on this stupid book!" He shouted.

A smirk formed in my lips. "I see. So you're jealous of a book,un?"

"OF COURSE NOT!" He turned away.

"Then what?"


"No! Of course not,un! Please don't read it or burn it crisps,un!"

"Then, please excuse me." And after that he left the room.

I never saw my book after that…

Anyway, moving on… Danna and I still live in the same house. But we worked hard to expand the house because it's way too small for us. A lot of events passed and I forgot some. And too tired tonight to write them all down.

I am also excited next week… Because it'll be our first anniversary! I hope things would go smoothly…