Ricky's POV
"Amy." I shook her shoulders to wake her. "Amy." I said again. Her eyes fluttered open to look at me.
"What?" She mumbled.
"Let's go back to your house so you can sleep comfortably. She nodded but didn't move.
"Can you carry me?" She asked. I chuckled holding the baby carrier. Ashley came over and took the baby carrier from my arms.
"I'll strap him in, she is exhausted, carry her." She continued. She then walked out the hospital doors. Amy stretched her arms out for me to pick her up. I cradled her like a baby and kissed her softly on the cheek.
"Thank you." She whispered. I laughed at her.
"Anytime." She smiled up and I saw a tear slip from her eye. I wiped it away and hushed her down. By the time we got to the end of the parking lot where my car was, she was out. I opened the door placing her in the passenger seat of my car. Ashley was already in the back with John. I walked to the driver's side and took off. Once we arrived at Amy's and I placed her in bed and then went back to my place with John after leaving her a note.
When John and I arrived at my place I set him carefully in the white bassinet by my bed and turned the lights out. I fell asleep almost instantly.
When I awoke the bright sun was streaming in my window. I blinked to adjust to the bright sunlight then looked at the clock. 8:00AM. I heard John whimpering from his crib. I threw the covers off and walked over to where she was.
"Hey buddy." I said. "How about a dipper change?" John stopped crying as I replaced the dirty dipper with a clean one. I fed him and then loaded him into the stroller and headed for the park. The sun was bright, as I walked the park with John I thought about my life, about Amy and about our baby. So many things came to my mind. I couldn't believe at just 16 years old I had a small family. I knew what I had to do. My stomach dropped with excitement as I walked back to my house. I put John in his carrier and strapped him into the car after we got home. I drove to the nearest mall. As I placed a giggling infant in his stroller and walked to the KAY'S JEWLERS I got even more excited.
"Can I help you?" a female voice asked at the front counter. I turned to look at her.
"Yes actually, I need a good engagement ring. What do you have?" I asked very kindly. She gave me a weird look (Probably because of my age) and then said.
"Sure, right this way." She showed me many but when I came across the ring I knew it was for Amy.
It had a golden band and 3 diamonds on the top. There was 2 smaller diamonds beside the larger three.
"That's the one." I said. The lady nodded. "Can I get I love you engraved."
"Of course, it will take a half and hour so be back then to pick it up, your name?" She asked.
"Ricky Underwood and I'll be back then." She nodded as I exited the store. I went to the food court pushing the stroller then grabbed my cell phone dialing George's number. He was there in a half hour. He sat across from me in the booth at McDonalds.
"Can I have your blessing?" I asked. He looked at me confused. "Can I ask your daughter to marry me?" I asked once again to clear things up. His eyes got wide and he leaned across the table at me.
"We won't get married until she turns 18, but I got the ring waiting and I think this could be good for her." I was expecting a no when he said.
"Yes." Then sighed "It's what's best for her, but only after 18!" He added. I nodded at him grateful. "Now show me the ring before I change my mind." I nodded as we got up from the table. He clenched his hands around John's stroller. When we got to KAY'S I showed him and he was speechless.