
Kaoru's POV

Kenshin and I have been married for seven years now, and have five beautiful children. Kenji and Akane look just like their father, with bright red hair and a light skin tone. Sakura, Misami, and Hisoka have my dark hair and pale complexion. All of them inherited my blue eyes except for Hisoka. He has his father's beautiful amethyst color.

We moved into Kenshin's mansion after our second child, Akane, was born, needing more space than the little townhouse had. Hiko suggested that he move out so he wouldn't be in our way, but Kenshin and I (mostly myself, Kenshin was a little reluctant), convinced him to stay. The house was big enough for all of us. Besides, Hiko had been taking care of the place for many years and it had become his home. I didn't feel right about him leaving it, even though it technically belong to Kenshin. Although, every now and then, I almost wish he would leave, at least once in a while.

Every time we have another child, Hiko counts down from the seven he 'demanded' we have so he can choose one to pass the Mitsurugi style onto. I don't see why he insists that we have seven children, when he has obviously been favoring our first born, Kenji, with regards to lessons. Don't get me wrong, he's a wonderful uncle to them all, and trains them each the basics, with Kenshin assisting, making sure he doesn't go too far. But he tends to criticize Kenji more than the others, so I am quite sure that he has already decided the next successor, yet he still persists in his demands for two more children.

I have one up on him though. Kenshin and I are going to be breaking the news to him and the children tonight. I'm pregnant once again, and this time........

....with triplets.


A/N I thought it would be funny if Kaoru exceeded Hiko's demand of seven children.