Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass. I do own the plot. (Also, many thanks for the reviews! You keep reviewing, I'll keep updating!)

Chapter Twelve: Essential Hours of Life's Parade

Schneizel perked up as he approached the pack lands. Something was not right here. "How could you?! You swore you'd protect them! You said you'd save them!" He heard a high pitched woman's voice shriek brokenly. He walked over and froze, eyes wide at the sight of bloody werewolf carcasses lying about. Lelouch stood in the middle with a blood covered sword, his bow and his quiver, half empty. A female angel was on her knees, amber eyes dripping tears like a faucet. "How could you?!" She sobbed, flinging her face in to her hands and shaking. The members of the Ashford Student Council were dead as well, lying with large bloody wounds, pale faces and closed eyes.

"Well, well, Lelouch," He chuckled as the raven haired male's head snapped back up at him, "I see you've decided to accept your fate. Congratulations. Father will be very pleased with you and your newfound accomplishment. What a great thing you've done in the name of Slayers everywhere." Lelouch walked toward him calmly and stood before him, dropping to his knee like a trained knight. "From this moment further do you swear your unwavering loyalty for Charles Britannia, your Father and the leader of the bettering of this world?"

"Yes," Lelouch stated softly, keeping his gaze transfixed on the soil beneath him. Schneizel nudged him with the toe of his boot, causing him to twitch a bit.

"Look at me, if you truly mean it," He stated with a haughty smirk, his joy of pressing his younger brother's limits clear in his demeanor. Slowly the other lifted his head, glaring with dark amethyst orbs. A shudder crawled up the older male's back. 'Yes. The eyes of a remorseless killer… The eyes of the perfect savior of the world… Lelouch, you've finally reached the point Father has planned for you.'

"I, Lelouch Britannia, swear my unwavering loyalty to Charles Britannia, my Father and the leader of the bettering of this world from this moment further," He parroted perfect with an icy edge to his voice. The other nodded in approval, signifying that he could again rise to his feet. The younger stood and followed slowly.

Once they were long gone Cici peeked out from her fingers and sighed, wiping away her tears. She stood and walked over to Milly, nudging the blond with her foot. One grey-blue eye peeked open curiously. "They're gone. Lelouch's plan worked, as usual," She explained flatly, eyes taking on a sorrowful yet tired expression. The other sat up and sighed, looking around at what Lelouch had done. A genius plan, slipping all the wolves and other club members with a special potion that gave one the appearance and feel of death. Using a blow dart they gave everyone enough to last just long enough for Lelouch to make it seem he had slain them all and leave with his older brother. But at what cost? Now Lelouch was in their evil clutches and something told her that Suzaku would be none to happy with the involvement on both she and Cici's parts. Not to mention how furious all the members of the Student Council Board and the werewolves in the pack would be. She sighed as all started to stir, sit up, and yawn. They had no idea what had transpired while they slept but now… Milly really wished she had brought Vladimir with her at the least. He would have been able to at least act cute long enough for her to flee.

Lelouch gently knelt beside Yosuke's cold, motionless body. He was completely stiff, signifying he'd been dead for quite a few hours. He could feel that a small patch of red fur was a little less stiff than the rest. Euphemia had probably washed some of the blood away with her tears unintentionally. "Admiring Father's handiwork?" Schneizel asked with a little chuckle. Lelouch hid the flinch and swallowed the fear clawing at his throat, trying to force itself out. He would not let his emotions run away with him and get him caught. He knew what his plans here were. He had to keep up the façade and act like he was content. He had plenty of practice, so it should be too hard.

"Just thinking how deserving he was of it," He stated with a small smirk. His brother nodded in agreement and began leading him out the back to the gardens. The flowers were in full bloom, their florid scent wafting all around. It calmed Lelouch's haywire nerves for a moment before he was wired as a wolf with its paw stuck in a steel bear trap. "So what are the plans next?"

"You're going to be taking a little trip. You see, we've sent our sweet little spy with Cornelia back home. They're awaiting your arrival eagerly. Once there, your training will be resumed, considering it's been nearly eight years since you ran off in fear of your destiny," He explained as if speaking of some trivial thing, like commenting on an upcoming holiday or celebration. The instinct of fight or flight was triggered dig in Lelouch but he maintained his cool composure to any possibly peering eyes. Inside his stomach had twisted sideways in to a complete knot, his heart was trying to break free from the shelter of his chest, and a small bit of bile rested at the ready. "This girl, Nina Einstein, I think she's called, is nothing short of a genius. She's got many wondrous ideas that will get you ready five times faster. I'm quite grateful to Euphemia for not messing up this time. Having a bad spy that was useless after your capture would have been inconvenient, considering we could never let them get away alive. After all, they'd know far too much." He stated, turning his head and giving the pale boy a kind, gentle smile. Oh how many lies that smile could make seem like the whole and honest truth!

He nodded curtly and turned his attention to the yard. Many stone gargoyles were now resting in the grass, always watching with their horrendous sneers and smirks and mocking grins revealing their lethal fangs. They were truly terrible beasts, when awakened. Lelouch only hoped that Charles did not have the ability to reanimate such terrible beasts, for the very creatures they fed on were the ones that he'd come to protect. A gargoyle assault was the last thing he needed going after Suzaku and the others. "So when do I leave?" He asked evenly before Schneizel snapped back like a whip and shot him point blank in the stomach. He froze, slowly reaching toward the wound, and feeling his own blood leak between his fingers. He then fell forward but before his head could reach the concrete the older male grabbed him by his hair.

"Sleep tight, little savior," Schneizel stated in a warm voice as the world blurred out for the blessed human. A few drops of blood fell to the stone walkway, making a soft dripping sound that was not recognized by the Slayer.

"How could you help Lelouch complete such a horrendous plan?!" Rin snapped wrathfully, glaring at the usually chipper blond now sitting across from her. She heard a small snicker escape the lime green haired woman a few feet away and the female wolf's eyes twitched. "You're not off the hook either, Cici! I'm going to kick your ass so hard not even He Himself will know how to repair it!" She roared, causing the guardian angel to flinch and fall silent. "Oh, wait, never mind, I won't have to do a damn thing! Suzaku's going to kill you both when he wakes up!"

"Who am I killing and why?" Said male yawned, sitting up and scratching his left ear with his back foot. He then stretched in a bowing gesture, one of the more pleasant ways to crack your back in wolf form, and shook out his coat. He then smiled cheerfully until he saw the looks of the three females in his family shack; one enraged and the other two fearful. He then looked around curiously. "What's wrong? Where's Lelouch?"

"He left with the Slayers to protect us all," The young prince froze at his mother's words, his blood going cold in his veins. He perked up as he realized that outside the werewolves were in an uproar, the Stuco members trying frantically to calm their fears. A soft sigh escaped the Alpha female as she stood, knowing what her duties demanded of her. "Suzaku, we're going to go after them."

"What?! How?!" He demanded, the fur of his tail and haunches flaring out in outrage. Lelouch was gone. His Partner, his blessed human, his lover, his Lelouch was gone! Taken by a bunch of filthy, damned Slayers! They would soon feel the snap and sting of an angry werewolf's fangs! Rin headed to the door and stood before the crowd. "My pack, listen to me and qualm your fears!" She declared loudly, standing in that noble way of hers.

"We have no time to listen to a foolish bitch like you!" A man in the group declared brazenly. Before Rin could respond, however, Raiga shoved the guy down, one of his massive paws pinning him down by the throat.

"Our Alpha is requesting our attention and order! If we don't keep our heads and composure those dirty Slayers will have no problem wiping us all out in one sitting! Now shut the Hell up and give her your full attention!" He bellowed, rage clear in his tone. The auburn colored female blinked a few times, completely stunned by this strange turnabout by the male but accepted his help. At least everyone was being quiet.

"Please, everyone," She began in her gently, motherly voice, "we need to prepare for combat. Breaking out in to pandemonium gets nothing accomplished, resolved or even makes us feel better. It will just make us kick ourselves when the Slayers defeat us. What we need is to prepare so that the Slayers plan does not succeed. We must unite all the packs to take the Slayers down. If we collaborate with one another, the blessed humans and the H.A.W.W. we can make it out of this alive and safe. Suzaku and I shall be going to see Lord Komatsu of the mountains, to seek his help in following the Slayers. I doubt that they'll be keeping Lelouch here, considering Suzaku is his Partner. While I am gone Lord Todo shall take over with combat training and Lord Raiga shall tend to communicating with other packs. Milly Ashford will contact the H.A.W.W. and have all our youths and their Partners sent back to us as soon as possible. When we return the battle shall begin and I expect you to all be prepared."

Rin turned and looked at her son, who watched her with large vert orbs. Lord Komatsu was the last remaining dragon who resided in the mountain area around them, their last defense against an aerial attack. With him gone gargoyles could be awaken and launch a furious blur against the werewolves and they'd be defenseless to stop them. "Can we risk it?" Suzaku asked seriously, hesitance in his voice.

"They already got what they were here for. They'll see no point in dilly-dallying now that they have the tool they needed," She stated calmly, ignoring the way Suzaku flinched. She had to break it in to the boy that Lelouch was not to survive this war. He was going to have to die, either by the werewolves' hands to return balance or the Slayers hands to destroy the world. She knew how her son felt but also knew that, despite what her maternal instincts screamed, it would be better in the long run if she convinced him to let the blessed human die in the care of the werewolves. As long as is death was soft, gentle, like drifting off to sleep, the balance of the world could be preserved.

"He isn't a tool! He's a living, breathing blessed human who feels!" He snapped angrily, growling lowly at his mother. Rin jumped a bit, eyes widening on the young male before her, before looking at him levelly. This bond they had developed… She had been joking about the sexual tension comment before but it was possible her son, her Suzaku, had fallen in love with his Partner, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. This was much worse than she had thought.

"Either way, we have nothing to fear from the Slayers or their demonic little pets. All we have to worry about is getting Lord Komatsu to agree to help us," She pressed on, walking toward the mountains to the east. It would take about an hour to get up there, considering Suzaku did not know the path as well she, but her boy was quick. He'd follow her lead and know where to go through the thick, dense woods that sheltered the cave the last dragon lived in. She only hoped that the old dragon, worn ragged and wrathful through injustices done to him by Slayers, would help save the blessed human who willingly left with them.

Schneizel sighed lightly, glaring at the unconscious figure beside him. To think that this pathetic boy, born to a woman such as Marianne Lamperogue, shared a fraction of blood with him. The only plus side to this was that the boy was under their control, a small feather that would be carried by their righteous breeze until they let him go to be sacrificed to the ground of death and their final objective. But still the concept of Marianne's blood running in those veins, the blood of that traitorous witch, was making his head spin. There was something, some little hidden key, about that witch's blood that would be the answer. Lelouch was clever, sharp as a whip in fact, and there was something about this surrender, this act of treachery to the werewolves, that didn't sit right with Schneizel. A low groan came from the raven haired male, pale lids fluttering open. He tried to move but was stopped by the ropes binding his wrists tight behind him. He found a matching situation had been set around his ankles. "Father said to make sure you didn't decide you wanted to go back. Though I doubt you would, considering the sin you committed back there," He stated slowly, a small smirk crawling in to place. He froze, suddenly, when he saw a small smile twist up on the younger boy's lips.

"I guess I was right. You are all just a bunch of sheep, gladly led around by the leash he keeps you all on. You never question his motives, never challenge his authority. You just let him use you," He chuckled darkly while slowly looking up through his bangs, "and once he's done with you, you'll all gladly line up for his slaughter." In one quick swoop Schneizel whapped Lelouch across the face roughly with the muzzle of his gun. The other fell over, being unable to move his arms or legs well due to the constricting bindings. He looked up, ignoring the slow stream of blood making its way down from his busted lip to drip off his chin. "You've realized it as well, haven't you? That's why you want me to shut up. You can't handle hearing the truth!" With this, all the self control the blonde Slayer had been taught to use was lost and he began to viciously beat the other boy.

The door to the small metal room was thrown open and the clicking of heeled boots was masked by the soft curses uttered by the older male, who had taken up kicking the blessed human in the gut repeatedly. "Schneizel, if you cannot handle the task of babysitter I'll take over. Father strictly said not to hurt Lelouch," A stern yet calm female voice ordered. The older male stopped and turned, eyes narrowed to pale purple slits. The woman before him kept her own eyes, a light blue-purple hue, glazed with a coating of arrogance and pride. "You look like you could use a nice rest. I'll relieve you of your duties so you may go get the rest you seem to need desperately." With this clear dismissal, Schneizel regained his composure and walked out with the same princely air he usually carried himself with. "You'll have to forgive him. He's just a little unhinged about everything." She stated, turning to face the panting boy on the ground. He glared up at her.

"To think you, Cornelia, would be the sensible one is hard to digest. Usually you're the one so gung-ho about beating defenseless creatures to their deaths," He stated evenly, a quick flash blurring before his eyes. He had once witnessed, through a window as he walked past with his mother one fine morning, the older female's cruelty. She had been there with a sword in hand, practicing on a still breathing unicorn fowl that had been unluckily captured and tied to the training stump. He could still vividly remember how it cried out in pain, screeched for mercy, as the other woman stabbed and slashed it coolly. It was one of the many cruel things that led to his escape years ago.

She shrugged and took up the seat previously occupied by the eldest child. "I anticipated it all for once," She stated gently. A small chuckle arose from Lelouch's throat at this and he glared up.

"Hello, Schneizel. I see Father's had some new tool invented to aid in your conquest," Cornelia blinked before giving a small smile and chuckling. She reached up and lightly tapped a small pendant tied to her neck. A bright light erupted and when it cleared there sat Schneizel Britannia, a small smile playing on his lips. "A shape shifter? Who invented that?"

"A very bright little girl did this for us. She's truly a genius when it comes to electronics, such as these. Making this was as easy for her as drawing a breath. The best part is that it not only changes appearance but also voice and scent. It's perfect for big projects like the one we aim to take on," He stated before clicking the button again. When the light cleared this time Lelouch was staring at his own likeness smirking down at him.

He froze, eyes widening. "You… You don't plan to…" He trailed fearfully. A laugh so much like his own came from the copycat.

"Did you honestly think we fell for your trap? We know you're a genius with over a hundred spells and potions up your sleeve. We knew, simply by the angel still being there, that you hadn't really done it. The minute your first arrow flew," He stated slowly, "she would have been ordered to execute you with no mercy. She would have been killed for any argument." The two perked up when a note was slipped under the door. Turning back to his own face Schneizel approached, picked it up, then smirked. "It appears that I'll be getting to try this out sooner than anticipated. Your Partner is coming after you." He hummed before walking out, leaving Lelouch to freeze like the blood in his veins.

Lord Komatsu was not what Suzaku had been expecting at all. The older dragon was not a large, ferocious winged beast with large teeth and a whip-like tail. He was something akin to a traditional Chinese dragon, thin and long and small with a long trail of black fur instead of points flowing down his back. Most of his fangs had been ripped out or broken, from the look of it. He only had a handful left in his mouth as a whole, split perfectly in half on his upper and lower jaws. His eyes were not dark pools of wrath but old grey stones of defeat and infinite sorrow. His wings bore many scars, large unhealed wounds that most likely festered when he moved them, and dragged beside his body like a sick bird. This creature was once a great guardian to the werewolves and Suzaku was beginning to question the strength of his own race if they once had to rely on… this. "What brings you here now, Rin?" He asked with a whistle and lisp in his voice.

"Lord Komatsu, I see you're well," She stated lightly. The old dragon merely blew a small plume of smoke in the air and laid back down, resting his head to the ground so that his eyes were level with the werewolf standing before him. "We've come for your help. We need to be taken somewhere." She cut right to the point, much to Suzaku's shock.

"And you think I have the energy to cart you about with your little whelp? I have heard what Genbu has done and I will not be aiding any kin of his," He stated simply, regarding Suzaku coldly. He looked back at her. "You already knew this. Why come here and waste both our times, Rin?"

"Because you and I were once good friends, Komatsu," She stated as she walked around him. Both males watched and she looked down a nearby tunnel of the cave. She then looked back and grinned. "Besides, I know you cannot carry us but there is another here you hide from the world who could."

Komatsu stood abruptly and grabbed her in his large claw, shoving her in to the wall roughly and seeming to be the dragon wolf legends told of often. "You dare walk here and ask this of me?! Rin, you've lost yourself!" He declared, tone laced with rage. She regarded him calmly, as if checking him off as no threat to her health or wellbeing.

"I believe it is you who has lost his way, Komatsu," She stated casually. He snorted again, blowing the grey smoke right in her face, yet still she did not flinch or even cough. She met his gaze bravely. "We made a deal many years ago. In exchange for giving you a fraction of our land for you and your family to grow you'd protect us from any severe threats that we alone could not handle. And yet now you want to deny helping us retrieve what we've lost. You are many things, Komatsu, and one of them is a loyal man."

"And what is this precious thing you must retrieve post-haste?" He quizzed skeptically. She leaned forward a bit and whispered something. In response the dragon dropped her straight to the ground, ignoring the 'ump' of pain she released, and backed away as if suddenly terribly frightened. "How?! How could you let Slayers get their hands on something so valuable?!" He bellowed fearfully.

"It was not something we had been planning on. The Slayers used manipulation to convince it to go with. It did what it thought was safest for all of us," She explained as she stood and walked toward the now trembling dragon. A rush of air whipped around them and all three turned to face a handsome young dragon that had just rushed in. It was similar to Komatsu only it's wings were undamaged, it's eyes alive with rage and wonder, it's fur shiny and it's body seeming much stronger.

Komatsu quickly shook his head and growled lowly. "This is terrible, Rin. I do not… I cannot..."

"What can't you do, Father?" The younger wolf asked worriedly, its voice low and sturdy. Suzaku blinked, stunned. Komatsu was supposed to be the last dragon! Had he truly kept his own child hidden from his own allies?

"Oh, my dear Taki, please do not help them. If you are lost as well, son, I cannot handle it," The old dragon pleaded softly. The younger blinked a few times, clearly baffled, and looked at the two werewolves. He and Suzaku stared at each other for a long time, gazes locked on the other, and Suzaku felt as if this dragon was getting the story from his side. It took a long time for the young dragon to look away and turn his attention to his father. Again panic and fear came over the old parent. "No, no! Taki, don't you dare!"

"We all must do our part, Father. We have an obligation to these wolves and if you cannot take them than I shall," He stated in a strong, sure voice. He turned back to Rin and Suzaku, flashing a toothy grin. Long, sharp white fangs were visible. "My name is Taki, Komatsu's only remaining child. I shall help you retrieve the blessed human you're seeking." He stated with a small smile. Suzaku's eyes lit up with joy. Someone who finally understood what he was saying!

Rin glanced back at Komatsu once more before leading the two young males out. With a loud, echoing snapping sound, Taki's wings stretched out, preparing to take air. As Suzaku slipped on th=o the small dragons back Rin glanced down the edge of the cave's cliffs. There, at the bottom, leaning on some large pointed rocks, was the hooded figure that Lelouch had spotted earlier. "I promise you, Marianne, I'll make sure he is not killed for Charles and the Slayers. You just go and await our arrival at his coordinates," She whispered softly, a small sad smile turning up her lips and softening her eyes. With a slight nod and a gust of wind the figure disappeared.

"Mom! Let's go!" Suzaku called over. She jumped a bit and looked at him. He was grinning in that oh so adorable way of his, the way that reminded her of when he was a puppy. His emerald orbs lit up with the same child-like wonder as when she used to take him for walks around the edges of their land, places he was normally forbidden from going near. For a moment, she only saw her untainted puppy, her young baby who had not yet been soiled by the darker parts of the world. Oh, how she wished he could have always been so small, so innocent, so defenseless, that she would always be needed to guard him. But he was a full grown man now, ready to fulfill his destiny. With a heavy heart over what her son would soon have to do, she walked over and they head out. At least for a little while she would let him think this mission was for him and him alone. At least for a little while longer she would fondle over her son like a mother tends to do. At least for a little while she would pretend she did not know his heart would have to be broken for the good of the pack.


That's all for Scatter, peeps! Thank you for all your lovely reviews and I do honestly hope you'll come back in two weeks for the release of the sequel! Along with it I shall be giving you the treat of Maid Service. Again, thank you so much for reading this story and enjoying it as much as I did. See ya soon!