
She's dreaming...of me?

Inuyasha watches the girl intently, straining to hear any further words she might mutter in her sleep. With the utterance of his name, she grabbed his full attention!

"Touch me..."

Did...did she just fucking say when I think she just said?? It can't be...at least...she can't mean it that way...

It's past midnight and Kagome is sound asleep in her room...but she's moaning as if in pain, squirming on her bed, lying on her side—facing Inuyasha's staring form.

He reaches out to her. Hoping to settle her, he gently strokes her cheek. Kagome captures his hand, rubbing her face against it, moaning softly.

Inuyasha panics. Did she wake up?? But no, her eyes are still darting rapidly beneath her lids, indicating that she's still lost in a dream.

"Touch me," she says again. "Please..." She shifts onto her back, her button-up nightshirt falling open where the top two buttons fail to meet, revealing a good deal of cleavage.

Inuyasha groans. The sight of her, the smell of her dream-induced arousal, the sound of her voice practically begging him to touch her—it's too much. He's hard as a rock already, and isn't sure he can deny her request and remain a gentleman for long if he doesn't get out of here, now! But he wants to cover her back up first—it's a chilly night, despite the flush on Kagome's cheeks. Her warm, soft...

Damn it! Why am I still here? I need to get the fuck out of here!

"Inuyasha..." Her sultry voice reaches his ears just as he reaches for the blanket at her waist. He groans again. She isn't making this easy for me, is she?

He grabs the covers with one hand, and tugs up. In doing so, his hand (completely accidentally) brushes across her breast. Kagome moans, flattening herself against her mattress, opening her arms in a gesture of complete surrender.

His hand still gripping the blanket, Inuyasha can't resist anymore.

He flattens his palm against her breast, closing his eyes, reveling in the electricity it shoots through his body. Kagome moans. Then, before he can make his escape, she begins to move beneath him, effectively rubbing herself on his hand.

He can't seem to tear himself away. She's dreaming of him...asking him to touch her...responding enthusiastically to his touch when he relents...what's a poor hanyou to do?

Though it goes against his better judgement and puts in him serious of danger of being sat into next week if she wakes up, he allows temptation to get the better of him. Just this once...

He allows his hand to rub up and down across the rise in her night shirt, stroking the hardening bud at the top with his thumb. She moans and wriggles at his attention.

"Oh, Kami," he breathes. He's more turned on than he's ever been before in his life. It's beginning to hurt. He has got to get out of here!

"Touch me," she pleads again, sounding almost desperate. What he had done had not been enough to quell her unconscious need. Alright, just a little more...because you asked me to...but only for that reason!

He carefully undoes one more button on her nightshirt—quite a feat for someone with claws—and gently pushes the material aside, revealing her creamy flesh. He gasps at the lovely sight before him...and gives in to her last request. He takes her bare breast into his hand, kneading it gently, stroking her nipple.

Kagome's breathing increases in speed as her face flushes two shades redder, her heartbeat racing. She looks so damn beautiful, so sexy...

"More..." he hears her mumble. He groans. What 'more' can he give her without making a rapist out of himself?

"More..." she says again, melting away his resolve. He just can't tell Kagome no, even in her sleep! He removes his hand from her breast, and very carefully, plants his mouth over its peak. They both moan as he suckles at it, flicks it with his tongue, licks at it like the half-dog-demon he is. Her body bucks beneath him, and the next thing he knows, his left hand has found its way beneath her top, massing her other breast. He can smell her desire spike under his ministrations.

But he has to stop this. This is wrong. I am such a bastard! Kagome doesn't know what the fuck she wants when she's alseep! I gotta get out of here, now, before I completely condemn myself to hell!

With that, he removes his hand and face from her body, and tries to make his escape.

"Please..." She's murmuring something at him he can't understand, but that word is clear. It freezes him in place.

Then she begins to thrash on the bed, her legs moving furiously, knocking her covering off her body. She moans as if she's hurting. One look at her scrunched-up face tells him she is...she's in the same kind of pain he is at the moment...and she's begging him to relieve it! This does nothing to subdue his own mounting desire.

I'm definitely going to hell...he slides his hands slowly up her legs, calming their wild thrusting about. He massages her inner thighs with his thumbs, drunk on the strong scent of need wafting to his nose.

Her clothing has ridden up in the thrashing, exposing her thin undergarment. He can see the visible dampness between her legs.

"Kami" he prays again. His aching member begins to throb even more painfully.

"Touch me..." she implores again. Checking her face again, he sees her eyes are still rolling about in a dream world. Hesitantly, but with great anticipation, he moves his hand toward her center.

He stokes her wet core over her panties. She moans in pleasure, her legs falling open seductively.

Inuyasha groans. He just can't take this anymore!

He reasons that he's already in over his head and doomed to hell—thus justfying submission. He will give Kagome what she wants for now.

He figures if he can bring her some relief, maybe he can finally force himself to leave her bed...and go take care of his blue balls himself.

He carefully peels her panties down, sliding them past her slender legs and off her dainty feet. The strong scent of desire assails his noise, making him feel a little dizzy. He slides a carefully-placed finger between her folds, 'testifying' at the wetness there. He strokes upward, taking note of how she bucks when he hits the nub at the top. After a few gentle strokes, Kagome begins to pant, urging him on. He rolls circles over her nub with his thumb, earning him groans of pleasure.

She's so wet, her scent is so strong, her movements and noises...it all indicates that Kagome wants more—spiking his own desire. He slides a finger carefully inside her, pumping slowly. She moans, and pushes down on his hand. How she can stay asleep through this, he doesn't know, but every time he checks, he can see that she's still dreaming.

He picks up the pace, and her panting increases. He adds another digit, moaning unconsciously. After a few minutes of drinking in her ever-rising scent, he removes his fingers from her body and lowers his head to take to her womanhood into his mouth. Kagome's breath catches audibly, and he freezes—for a moment he thinks he's been caught.

"Don't stop..." The sleepy—and very sexy—request tells him it isn't over yet. He strokes between her folds with his tongue in long, lingering sweeps, flicking her nub at each pass. He can feel her legs begin to shake. She's getting close. This thought excites him to no end! Suddenly, he's forgotten all about his own need...all there is is Kagome, her want, her need...and him to give her the gift of gratification. He licks, suckles, and nips at her, making her squirm...but she hasn't reached her peak. He enters her again with two fingers and begins to plunge in and out of her as he tends to her swollen nub with his tongue. She begins to buck against him again, and he knows it won't be long now...

Within minutes, she moans one final time as her inner walls grip his fingers in release.

He removes his digits and laps up the remaining moisture. With a smirk of prideful satisfaction that he was able to bring her to climax--give her what she wanted and so desperately needed--he carefully puts her panties back on her, and rebuttons her top. Then he climbs into bed next to her, on the far side facing the wall, just to rest. He knows he won't be getting any sleep tonight. His stiff manhood is screaming at him, but he refuses to do anything about it.

He figures that this pain is proper punishment for molesting the woman he loves in her sleep.