They were still connected. He realized that much. She too was aware of it, but both only on a subconscious level. This was the inevitable reason they were drawn to one another, even if nothing could come to frutation, she was still in love with another after all. And he wasn't all that interested anyway. The tie was there however, and always would be.
Of course this meant he was connected to many, many others, but she was unique in the fact that she was a she and made the difference. Apparently the Shadows recognize boy-girl mechanisms.
That, or they just liked to screw with you.
It felt rather flat now that it was all done. No more monsters to fight, to more evils to lay to rest. It was finished. She found it quite hard to believe that not twelve hours ago they were in a tomb, saying goodbye to a dear friend and now they were back in the hotel room. Jounouchi and Honda were busy arguing over what to watch on TV, despite not understanding the language it was in. Yugi was sitting there watching them. She watched him. It was hard to believe he could be so calm. So collected. She wondered how he was keeping it together. She barely was as it is. A sigh escaped her. She looked out the window, deciding she needed air.
She was crying. Not that she meant to, but it was hard. She had loved him, she thought. Yes it was him. Wasn't it? She shook her head, as if to clear her thoughts. But she had spent far too many nights dreaming of him, waiting to hear his voice.
"Anzu," a hesitant voice called from behind her breaking her thoughts. She turned around to face Marik who was sheepishly standing in the doorway. Anzu thought this was odd, considering they hadn't exchanged many words during this trip (or the other time they had met) that he should be the one to find her.
"How are you?" he asked, clearly nervous and sympathetic. Surreptitiously she wiped her eyes before answering.
"All right, all considering," she answered as lightly as she could. Marik just glanced at her uncomfortably, as if he were unsure as to how he could press further. After a moment's pause it became evident he gave p on that.
"So, do you like Egypt so far?" he asked politely without a thought of how her opinion could be clouded and that maybe that wasn't the best question to ask.
"Hot," she answered dryly. He blinked. From inside the room came the triumphant cry of 'I understand this!' from Jounouchi as Honda sounded like he was doing some kind of victory dance. Outside there was another awkward pause.
"Anzu?" Yugi's voice came from the doorway. She turned to face him and without another word joined then inside. Marik was left outside alone.
He wasn't sure what had made him come out, what had made him notice her. Deep inside, so deep that he barely noticed it, he had felt a tug, a connection. Like he wanted her. But it was too deep to take any notice of it.
With a sigh he too turned around and went back inside.
It was inevitable they would meet again. They had a tie after all. Who knew what the future could bring, what the Shadows had in store for them. Because despite what they believed they were connected, all of them, to the Shadows and the Shadows don't give up what is there's so easily. Marik had sealed his fate when he controlled Anzu that day, when he had used her as his vessel. For although he was tied to others the extent wasn't as deep as he went with her. They would meet again. They would be together. The Shadows would make it so.