Thirteen Weeks Pregnant, lost in a day. Blamed by a loved one, left in the dust. Cheated on, broken apart. Taken from her, she lost everything. Can anyone help this artist put herself together again? B/E written by colorguard-girl and xtwilight18x


I thought I had it all, my wonderful boyfriend Jacob has always been there supporting me. I had always wanted to be an artist but the only problem with that is that you never know when you're going to get your next pay check, but Jacob had said to me that I should always follow my dreams, and to help me he even picked up extra shifts at the shop. Jacob is one of the best mechanics that I know. Then my big break-through came when Aro Voultri, high class art dealer, bought one of my paintings.

I was so happy I was living my dreams; I had a great boyfriend and a wonderful home. The greatest thing to have ever happen to me was the fact that I found out I was at least 13 weeks pregnant. I was going to get a family soon and I thought nothing wrong could happen now. I didn't know how wrong I was. Just yesterday I had a miscarriage and lost every hope and dream I had ever had. Jacob blamed it on me and no matter how much the doctor tried to convince me otherwise I knew it was my fault.

My best friend Alice was coming to pick me up soon. I couldn't look at Jacob in the face anymore. I was going to start a new life with Alice and until I got back up onto my feet I was living with her and her boyfriend Jasper. The door clicked open and I looked up with tears in my eyes.

"Oh Bella," My best friend said as she pulled me into a strong hug as I cried into her shoulder. The door clicked open and I saw the whole gang there. Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie. All with tears in their eyes as well. They knew just how much I wanted that baby. It was hard to look at Rosalie most of all. She and Emmett were expecting a baby of there own in a few short months. Then a large tan man walked through them, parting them in his wake. I would have known his long hair anywhere.

"Uh Bells can-can we talk?" Jacob asked while rubbing the back of his head. I nodded as everyone walked out. Alice turned around and held up 10 fingers saying she was only giving us 10 minutes to talk alone before she barged in. When I looked back to Jacob, it hurt that he couldn't even look at me anymore.

"Bella I don't think that we can see each other any longer." Jacob said finally looking at me.

"Please Jacob, we lost a baby together, I-I need you right now Jake. I need you to tell me that things will be alright." I cried and reached for his hand, he pulled back when our flesh met, like I had burned him.

"That's just the thing Bella, I don't think I can. I want someone who can give me children. Besides that Bella I've already moved on." He said with a few tears himself but I knew his tears weren't over me but for the child that we, I mean I, had lost. I licked my lips in confusion.

"What do you mean you already moved on? I just lost our baby and you're going to say that you moved on like-like I'm worthless? And who said I can't have children? I can have them, I would just have to take extra precautions, just please, you can't leave!" I yelled

"Bella it's a girl from the shop. I've liked her for a while but I stayed faithful, but I just don't see us staying together. Nessie is my everything now." Jacob said and just like that he walked out of my life...forever. I sobbed into my hands when I felt four sets of hand on me. I looked up and everyone looked at me with sympathy, but Alice was the only one who spoke.

"We're here for you Bella." I blinked my eyes trying to get myself together. "Come on Bella you need to be strong, you need to move on. Baby steps." All I could do now was try and salvage what was left of my life. To try and find some type of control. I wasn't sure if I could, but I was going to try.