SA: Well, I needed to update, so I hope this is good ^_^
Starscream: Autobots attack the-
Starscream: O_o


Autobot's Attack

*Sentinel Prime's POV*

Ever since Eclipse had gone missing after she had sparked her son, everyone was going out of their way to find her. When Jazz went on a mission, he stayed longer than needed to so that he could find Eclipse. Longarm Prime had found out that she was on the Decepticon ship that not only carried Eclipse and her Sparkling, but it carried Megatron and his highest officers: Starscream, Lugnut, Blitzwing, and an unknown Femme-

"Sentinel Prime! I have found Eclipse." Longarm Prime announced.

"Good work Longarm! Where is she?" I asked

"The Nemesis, sir."



We had mobilized a full assault in about four Stellar-cycles to attack the Nemesis, and retrieve Eclipse.

"Does everyone understand the battle plan?" I asked

"Yes sir!" A chorus of Autobot's yelled.

"Good. Let's move out!"

Everyone was piling into their appointed ships for the rescue mission. After we left everything went according to plan.
Every squad infiltrated perfectly, but only mine found Eclipse. I grabbed my sword and offlined anything that didn't have a Autobot insignia. I soon saw the most disturbing thing my optics had ever seen. Starscream was protecting Eclipse as if she was his Sparkmate.

"Starscream, any last words?" I asked.

He only glared at me as if he knew something wouldn't happen.

"You wouldn't offline you comrade's Sparkmate." He said smoothly.

*Starscream's POV*

As I lay at Sentinel Prime's mercy, I knew that a broken bond would all but offline Eclipse, who of which had been very silent since the attack started. He only looked at me. He knew that Eclipse would never forgive him if I was offlined at his servos.
I got up ever so slightly, so not to get stabbed, looking at Sentinel. I was taller than him. I grabbed his neck, and then threw him down the hall. I was about to offline the pathetic piece of scrap, but suddenly, a small voice yelled out.

"NO DADDY!" Bumblebee yelled out.

"Daddy?" just about every Autobot asked in unison. The little one ran from his room to my stabilizing servos. I looked down at him.

The little black and yellow Bot/Con was designed much like an Decepticon in appearance, but was hyper like an Autobot. Though he had a Autobot color scheme, he had red eyes like any Decepticon did.

"Don't hurt him! He didn't do anything wrong!" Bumblebee yelled in defense of Sentinel Prime.

"And why shouldn't he be harmed? He hurt your mother, Eclipse." I told him.

Bumblebee looked devastated, shocked, and well... hurt himself. He looked the Navy Blue Autobot in the optics "Why did you hurt Mommy?"


SA: Okay that's good
Tricity: Yep, I'd say so :3. I had a very easy time with editing the chappie, *sniffles* Thank you TwT!
Starscream: ... You suck
SA: *glares*